
After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick

author:Fresh citrus DL

After the winter solstice, the temperature plummets, and the body's immune system faces a greater test. In order to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick has become the health goal of many people. In this cold season, a scientific and reasonable diet has become an important part of maintaining good health. Ingredients with rich nutrients, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects have become the first choice for winter diets. Among them, garlic sprouts, camellia, spinach, beef, and other four ingredients, with their unique nutritional value and immune-enhancing function, have become an ideal choice for insisting on eating after the winter solstice.

1. Garlic sprouts:

Garlic sprouts are young seedlings of garlic that have the unique flavor of garlic and are rich in nutrients such as sulfide, vitamin C, and zinc. The sulfide in it has a natural antibacterial and antiviral effect, which helps to improve immunity. Garlic sprouts are also rich in natural antioxidants, which help scavenge free radicals and maintain good health.

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick

Recommended method: Stir-fry bacon with garlic sprouts

Ingredients: Garlic sprouts: appropriate amount, bacon: appropriate amount, ginger: appropriate amount, edible oil: appropriate amount, light soy sauce: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, chicken essence: appropriate amount

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick


1. Prepare the ingredients:

Cut the garlic sprouts into sections, cut the bacon into thin slices, and mince the ginger for later use.

2. Stir-fried bacon:

Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the wok, heat it to 70% hot, put in the bacon slices, and stir-fry it over medium-low heat until the bacon is oily, and the fragrance is overflowing.

3. Add the garlic sprouts:

Add the chopped garlic sprouts and continue to stir-fry to evenly coat the garlic sprouts with the aroma of bacon.

4. Seasoning:

Add an appropriate amount of minced ginger, drizzle with light soy sauce, and continue to stir-fry well, taking care not to add too much salt, as bacon itself is salty.

5. Cook until flavorful:

Continue to stir-fry over low heat to make the garlic sprouts soft and the bacon to absorb the flavor.

6. Seasoning and Sauce:

Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste, stir well, stir well, and stir well to remove from the pot.

7. Plating:

Put the fried garlic bacon on a plate and enjoy.

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick

II. 荠菜:

Capsule's cabbage is rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamin C and minerals, especially calcium and iron. This makes shepherd's cabbage ideal for supplementing nutrients and boosting immunity in winter. Its rich chlorophyll has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which are beneficial for maintaining the normal function of the respiratory and immune systems.

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick

Recommended method: Mix with dried shepherd's cabbage

Ingredients: Capsule: appropriate amount, dried fragrant: appropriate amount, ginger: appropriate amount, edible oil: appropriate amount, light soy sauce: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, sugar: appropriate amount, sesame oil: appropriate amount

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick


1. Prepare the ingredients:

Remove the roots and wash the pursed cabbage, cut the fragrant dried into shreds, and mince the ginger for later use.

2. Prepare the shepherd's cabbage:

Blanch the shepherd's cabbage, after the water boils, add a little salt, the blanching time should not be too long, master the time, make the shepherd's cabbage green and take it out, put it in cold water to cool for later use.

3. Deep-fried fragrant:

Fry the shredded fragrant fragrant in a pan until golden brown and crispy, remove and drain the excess oil.

4. Seasoning:

Heat the pan with cold oil, add minced ginger and fry until fragrant, then add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, salt and sugar, and stir well.

5. Mix with shepherd's cabbage:

Put the cooled shepherd's cabbage into the fried dried herbs, drizzle with the ginger sauce, and stir gently.

6. Add sesame oil:

Finally, add an appropriate amount of sesame oil and stir well again to make the sauce fully coated with the shepherd's cabbage and dried herbs.

7. Plating:

Put the mixed dried shepherd's cabbage on a plate, and sprinkle with some chopped peanuts or sesame seeds to enhance the taste.

8. Enjoy:

It can be eaten with fragrant and dried cabbage, with a fragrant and crisp taste, and is a simple and delicious cold side dish.

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick

3. Spinach:

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that is rich in many nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, iron, calcium, and more. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps improve the body's ability to fight disease. Spinach is rich in iron, which is of great significance for preventing anemia and maintaining the normal function of the immune system.

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick

Recommended method: Scrambled eggs with spinach

Ingredients: 3 eggs, appropriate amount of spinach, appropriate amount of green onion, appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of cooking oil

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick


1. Wash the spinach in advance and beat the eggs into a bowl and set aside.

2. Heat the oil in a pan, add the green onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Add the beaten eggs, use a spatula to quickly cut the egg mixture, and stir-fry evenly.

4. Add the spinach and continue stir-frying until the spinach is tender.

5. Add salt and light soy sauce and stir-fry until cooked.


1) Pay attention to the heat: Pay attention to the heat when stir-frying, so as to avoid over-heating and causing spinach to be too soft or eggs to be scrambled.

2) Don't put salt too early: Eggs tend to become tender due to the effect of salt, so it's best to put salt at the last stage to avoid affecting the taste.

3) Keep vegetables fresh: Spinach should not be washed too early before stir-frying, so as not to lose moisture and affect the taste. You can wash it again when you are about to stir-fry.

4) Add seasonings: The addition of light soy sauce can enhance the freshness, but don't put too much to avoid oversalting. It can be adjusted according to personal taste.

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick

4. Beef:

Beef is a high-quality source of protein and is rich in important nutrients such as zinc, iron, and vitamin B12. Zinc is an element necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system and helps fight infections. At the same time, iron in beef is also very important for maintaining hemoglobin levels and improving the body's ability to resist diseases.

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick

Recommended method: Stir-fried beef cubes with oyster mushrooms

Ingredients: 200g beef (tenderloin or fatty and lean parts), 200g king oyster mushrooms, 1 green onion, garlic, ginger, 2 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsp cooking wine, salt, pepper, cooking oil

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick


1. Cut the beef into small pieces and marinate with light soy sauce, cooking wine, salt and pepper for 10-15 minutes.

2. Slice the oyster mushrooms, chop the green onion, mince the garlic and ginger and set aside.

3. Heat the oil in a pan, pour the marinated beef into the stir-fry until it changes color, remove and set aside.

4. Add oil to the pot, add minced ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

5. Add the oyster mushrooms and stir-fry until the water comes out, add the stir-fried beef and stir-fry again.

6. Add light soy sauce and continue to stir-fry well, adjusting the amount of salt and pepper.

7. Finally, add the green onion and stir-fry quickly.

After the winter solstice, insist on eating these 4 kinds of vegetables to improve immunity, strengthen the body, and not get sick


1) Beef Processing: Choose tender beef, pay attention to the cutting direction when cutting into pieces, preferably cross-cutting, so that the taste is more tender.

2) Master the heat: The beef should not be fried for too long, so as not to be too old and hard. Pleurotus eryngii mushrooms should also be stir-fried evenly, not over-fried.

3) Seasoning: The use of light soy sauce can be adjusted according to personal taste, if you prefer a heavier flavor, you can add an appropriate amount of oil or dark soy sauce.

4) Add green onions: It is best to add the green onion segments at the last stage to maintain the crisp texture of the green onions.

5) Quick stir-fry: When stir-frying beef and oyster mushrooms, the heat should be high, and the quick stir-fry will keep the original flavor of the ingredients.

Sticking to the four ingredients of garlic sprouts, camellia, spinach, and beef is not only a good care for your body, but also a positive investment in your immunity during the cold season. A scientific and reasonable diet can not only provide enough energy for the body, but also stimulate the vitality of the immune system. With these delicious ingredients, we can welcome a healthy day in the cold season, strengthen our body, and not easily succumb to the invasion of the virus. In this winter, let the food on the table become the power of health, and let health become the shelter of our winter.

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