
Domineering response to Liu Guoliang! Reveal the relationship between Chen Xingtong and the coach playing with his mobile phone

author:Top sea breeze Tsj

Recently, Liu Guoliang, the coach of the Chinese table tennis team, publicly criticized team member Chen Xingtong's frequent use of mobile phones in an interview. In this regard, Chen Xingtong responded that playing with mobile phones is actually related to coaches. Today, let's uncover this hotly discussed topic, take a look at three obvious facts, and analyze the connection between Chen Xingtong playing mobile phones and coaching.

Domineering response to Liu Guoliang! Reveal the relationship between Chen Xingtong and the coach playing with his mobile phone

Fact 1: The need for relaxation behind fatigue stress

As a top athlete, Chen Xingtong is under tremendous pressure from training and competition every day. Long hours of concentration and intense training can cause him to feel physically and mentally exhausted. In this case, playing with his mobile phone has become one of the ways for him to relax himself and relieve stress. Just like ordinary people use their mobile phones to relax and entertain after a day at work, Chen Xingtong also has his own relaxation needs.

Domineering response to Liu Guoliang! Reveal the relationship between Chen Xingtong and the coach playing with his mobile phone

Fact 2: A new way to learn Xi in the improvement of skills and tactics

Playing with mobile phones is not exactly to kill time, and for Chen Xingtong, it is also a new way to find table tennis skills and tactics. Nowadays, there are many mobile apps and games related to table tennis, through which he can Xi learn various hitting techniques, tactical layouts, and even play against other players to identify his weaknesses and improve them. This is a relatively flexible way to learn Xi, which helps him continue to improve his skills after a short break.

Domineering response to Liu Guoliang! Reveal the relationship between Chen Xingtong and the coach playing with his mobile phone

Fact 3: The guiding influence of the coaching role behind the scenes

Many people think that Chen Xingtong's frequent use of mobile phones is his disrespect for coach Liu Guoliang, but in fact, the coach plays an important guiding role behind the scenes. When Chen Xingtong is playing on his mobile phone, he will also receive guidance and advice from the coach. Liu Guoliang uses modern technology to maintain communication with the team members and provide them with more accurate and timely training suggestions. For Chen Xingtong, playing mobile phones is also a channel to keep in close contact with coaches and receive professional guidance.

Domineering response to Liu Guoliang! Reveal the relationship between Chen Xingtong and the coach playing with his mobile phone

Summary: Through the above three facts, we can see that Chen Xingtong's behavior of playing with mobile phones is also related to the coach. Playing with his mobile phone is not only a way for him to relax and relieve stress, but also a new way to learn Xi and improve his table tennis skills. At the same time, the coach plays an important guiding role behind the scenes, keeping in touch with the players through mobile phones and giving them more advice and guidance. Therefore, we cannot simply blame the behavior of playing mobile as disrespecting the coach, but should understand the intrinsic connection.

Domineering response to Liu Guoliang! Reveal the relationship between Chen Xingtong and the coach playing with his mobile phone

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