
Suddenly! A 70-year-old man killed a 22-year-old female teacher, and it is urgent to rectify the "old man's music"!

author:Flesh and Flesh Military News

In the dead of night, the streets of the city seem to enter the quiet movement of a symphony. However, on this quiet night, a tragedy struck on the streets of Nanyang, Henan Province, pulling the life of a 22-year-old young female teacher out of this world. This is not an ordinary traffic accident, but it has triggered deep thinking about "old man music" (illegal electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles), and a potential crisis is quietly brewing in the city.

Suddenly! A 70-year-old man killed a 22-year-old female teacher, and it is urgent to rectify the "old man's music"!

Tragedy in the night

As social media reports spread, a traffic accident in Nanyang, Henan Province gradually came into people's attention. Xiaochan, a 22-year-old female teacher, was ruthlessly knocked down by an "old man" when she went out to buy vegetables during a simple trip. What is even more terrifying is that the perpetrator did not stop, but dragged her for several meters, which ultimately led to an irreparable loss of life. The perpetrator turned out to be an old man in his seventies, Li. This night, the tragedy that took the life of a young man not only makes people feel heartbroken, but also makes people think about the role of "old man music" in urban traffic.

Suddenly! A 70-year-old man killed a 22-year-old female teacher, and it is urgent to rectify the "old man's music"!

Behind the indifference and disregard

What is shocking is not only the tragedy of the night, but also the attitude of the perpetrator Li and his family. The accident identification letter clearly shows that Li violated the three regulations in the accident and is fully responsible. However, since the accident, Li and his family have neither apologized nor negotiated any compensation with the family of the deceased. This attitude of indifference and disregard makes people question the bottom line of morality, and also triggers deep thinking about legal responsibility.

Legal torture and future planning

Under the torture of the law, the article reviews the provisions of the mainland criminal law on the crime of causing traffic accidents. The perpetrator shall bear legal responsibility for the accident caused by violating traffic management regulations. And in the process, a discussion of the illegal means of transportation of the "old man's music" was introduced. Whether the law should regulate such vehicles is a question that needs to be answered urgently. However, more importantly, how to reasonably meet the travel needs of the elderly while ensuring traffic safety is a topic that requires in-depth social thinking.

Suddenly! A 70-year-old man killed a 22-year-old female teacher, and it is urgent to rectify the "old man's music"!

Beijing's decision and policy implementation

This article focuses on Beijing, the capital of China, and discusses its decision and policy implementation of "Old Man Music". As early as 2021, Beijing proposed a complete ban on the production, sale and use of illegal electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles, and stipulated a two-year transition period. On the upcoming January 1, 2024, Beijing will officially and completely ban the "old man's music" on the road. The decision sparked concern across the country and sparked calls for similar policies.

Safety hazards and social responsibility

In addition to traffic accidents, the article deeply analyzes the potential safety hazards of "Old Man Music". Such vehicles are even modified at will in some places, and there are problems such as excessive voltage, excessive power, and no short-circuit protection, which can easily cause charging fire or spontaneous combustion of the vehicle. At the same time, because it is difficult for the relevant authorities to effectively manage such vehicles, it has become very difficult to hold the owner accountable after the fact. This makes "old man's music" a potential hidden danger in the city, threatening the life safety of the general public.

Suddenly! A 70-year-old man killed a 22-year-old female teacher, and it is urgent to rectify the "old man's music"!

The hardships of governance and social consensus

This paper sorts out the measures to control the "old man's music" in various places, and emphasizes the principle of adapting measures to local conditions. In the practice of governance, all localities can give a certain buffer to the owners of the "old man", but we must look at it in the long run, so that the dangerous illegal three- and four-wheeled electric vehicles out of the city road is the goal of social governance. The society needs to form a consensus on this, not only to maintain traffic order, but also to protect the safety of the lives and property of the general public.

Elderly travel needs and social responsibility

While delving into the problems behind the "old man's music", we should also understand the travel needs of the elderly. The mobility of the elderly in the city is becoming more and more prominent, for them, this is not only a simple movement, but also a way to socialize and move. So, while solving the problem of traffic safety, how can we balance the travel needs of the elderly and provide them with more convenient and safer modes of transportation?

Suddenly! A 70-year-old man killed a 22-year-old female teacher, and it is urgent to rectify the "old man's music"!

Civilized travel and traffic safety

Civilized travel is a quality that every citizen should maintain at all times. Traffic safety is not only the responsibility of the government, but also the social responsibility of everyone. In our daily travel, we should always pay attention to traffic rules, not only for our own safety, but also for the lives of others. Through civilized travel behavior, we can jointly create a more harmonious and safe urban traffic environment.

Formation and promotion of social consensus

The article goes on to explore the importance of social consensus. The formation of a social consensus is crucial in the governance of the "old man's music". Only through extensive publicity and education, so that more citizens can realize the danger brought by the "old man's music" and actively respond to the governance measures, can the whole society truly maintain the urban traffic order. This requires the efforts of the media, the community, and schools to jointly promote the formation of this social consensus.

Suddenly! A 70-year-old man killed a 22-year-old female teacher, and it is urgent to rectify the "old man's music"!

Norms and practices of road management

Road management is the cornerstone of traffic safety, and the same is true for the regulation of "old man music". In this chapter, the article analyzes in detail the shortcomings of road management and how to standardize the traffic order on urban roads by strengthening supervision and improving management efficiency. This not only requires the efforts of the relevant departments, but also requires the participation of the general public to form an all-round road management system.

Technological innovation and intelligent transportation

In the face of traffic problems, technological innovation is undoubtedly a solution. The paper proposes that through the construction of intelligent transportation systems, traffic conditions can be better monitored and managed. This includes both the regulation of traditional vehicles and the regulation of new types of electric vehicles. Through technology, we can manage urban traffic more accurately and efficiently, reduce the probability of traffic accidents, and provide citizens with a safer travel environment.

Suddenly! A 70-year-old man killed a 22-year-old female teacher, and it is urgent to rectify the "old man's music"!

Individual case warning and public opinion guidance

Towards the end of the chapter, the article again reviews the importance of individual cases. Through real cases, the tragedy brought about by "Old Man Music" is shown to readers, and the urgency of rectification is emphasized. At the same time, the role of public opinion guidance should not be ignored, through the media propaganda and reporting, to guide the public's attention to the "old man's music" problem, to form pressure, prompting the relevant departments to take more active measures to deal with the problem.

Ethical Responsibility and Social Care

The article delves into the perspectives of moral responsibility and social care. In urban transportation, everyone has a moral responsibility, not only to obey traffic rules, but also to respect the lives of others. Social care is not only reflected in government policies, but also in the behaviour of individual citizens. By caring for and helping each other, we can contribute to traffic safety and make our cities warmer and more livable.

Suddenly! A 70-year-old man killed a 22-year-old female teacher, and it is urgent to rectify the "old man's music"!

Conclusion: To build a safe city, you and I share social responsibility

Finally, the article calls for everyone to build a safe city together. While rectifying the problem of "old man's music", we not only need the efforts of the government, but also the participation of every citizen. By forming a social consensus, standardizing traffic order, and using technological innovation, we can work together for the city's traffic safety and jointly provide a safer and more convenient travel environment for every citizen. In this process, everyone has a responsibility and an opportunity to be a part of building a safe city. Hopefully, we can work together to make cities safer and more livable, so that everyone can travel with peace of mind.