
Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

author:Writer Yang Wenshan

In a peaceful and solemn heavenly realm, Sun Wukong, now a noble Buddha, sits on a lotus throne, radiant and surrounded by auspicious clouds. His eyes were deep, and he seemed to be able to see all the troubles of the world. However, in this solemn atmosphere, a question quietly arises: why is Sha Monk, a companion who has also experienced countless tribulations, only named "Arhat" instead of a higher rank?

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

In the splendid Heavenly Palace, the figure of the sand monk is extraordinarily calm. There was no trace of wave in his eyes, as if he didn't care about the level of his name. But is that really the case? Is there some kind of untold story hidden under his calm exterior?

This question is like a seed that quietly takes root in every corner of the heavenly realm. It is not only about the personal glory and status of the sand monk, but also touches on the evaluation and respect of the entire heavenly realm for cultivators. Is there a secret behind this?

And what kind of scenery is the scenery of Sha Seng, this seemingly ordinary Arhat, and what does he think of all this?

1. Tang Seng: The transformation from mortal to Buddha

Tang Seng's words deeply moved Sun Wukong, and he realized Tang Seng's humility and profundity. In their journey, through countless hardships and obstacles, Tang Seng has always maintained his devotion to Buddhism and compassion for all sentient beings. At this moment, his image is not only a high monk, but also a compassionate and wise man.

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng also came around, their eyes full of admiration. A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Zhu Bajie's mouth, and he said, "Master, your achievements are also our pride. ”

Sha Seng nodded in agreement: "Master's compassion and wisdom are a model for us to learn from Xi. ”

At this time, a burst of auspicious clouds slowly descended, and a melodious Buddha sound came from the sky. Everyone looked up and saw the light of the Buddha shining, and in the golden glow, the image of a Buddha loomed. Tang Seng felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart, and he knew that this was the Buddha's affirmation of his success in learning scriptures.

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

Tang Seng prayed together, his eyes full of piety and gratitude. He whispered, "Thanks to the Buddha's guidance, I will continue to promote the Dharma for the benefit of all sentient beings." ”

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng also followed Tang Seng to worship with their palms. At this moment, they not only had admiration for the Master in their hearts, but also a deep understanding of the Dharma. The difficulties and tribulations of the journey gave them a deeper understanding of the true meaning of Buddhism.

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

The shadow of the Buddha in the sky gradually dissipated, and the auspicious clouds slowly dispersed. Tang Seng turned around and looked at his three apprentices, with a gentle smile on his face. He knew that although he had become a Buddha, their journey to the West was not over. They have more challenges and difficulties ahead of them.

Tang Seng opened his mouth and said: "Wukong, Bajie, Sha Seng, our journey is not over yet, and there are more trials waiting for us ahead." Let's move on and spread the light of the Dharma to every corner. ”

The three apprentices agreed in unison, their eyes full of determination and conviction. They know that with the guidance of the Master and the guidance of the Dharma, no matter how many difficulties and challenges lie ahead, they will move forward with courage and unremitting pursuit.

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

With Tang Seng's order, they re-embarked on the road to the west to learn scriptures. Along the way, they will continue to face various trials, but their hearts are full of faith and hope. Because they know that every step forward is bringing light and wisdom to all beings, and spreading the light of the Dharma to every corner of the world.

2. Monkey King: Fight to defeat the rise of the Buddha

Sun Wukong's joy was palpable, and his figure flipped lightly in the air, as if the whole world was applauding his achievement. His face was full of confidence and pride, and his eyes sparkled with an unbeatable light. Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng were also infected by his joy and congratulated him one after another.

Zhu Bajie patted Sun Wukong's shoulder with a smile and said, "Wukong, you can be regarded as a veritable hero now." ”

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

Sha Seng was even more calm, and he nodded and praised: "Brother Wukong, your strength and courage are indeed worthy of such a title. ”

Tang Seng looked at Sun Wukong, his eyes were full of love and relief. He knew that Sun Wukong had gone through countless battles, not only in physical battles, but also in spiritual training. He said gently: "Wukong, your title is not only a recognition of your ability, but also a responsibility. I hope you will continue to protect the Dharma and bring peace to all beings. ”

Sun Wukong listened to his master's words, and the smile on his face gradually became solemn, he knew the burden behind this glory. He nodded and said seriously, "Master, I understand. I will use my power to protect the Dharma and protect sentient beings. ”

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

At this moment, Sun Wukong is not only proud of his title, but also has a deeper understanding of the responsibilities he shoulders in the future. There was firmness and determination in his eyes, and he knew that his mission was much more than that. He will use his strength to fight evil, protect the purity of Buddhism, and bring peace to the world.

Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng also felt Sun Wukong's determination, and they knew that as Tang Seng's disciples, they also had the responsibility to protect Buddhism and protect Master. They looked at each other, and their eyes shone with determination.

Subsequently, Tang Seng led his disciples to continue their journey to the west to learn scriptures. They encountered various difficulties and challenges along the way, but they all overcame them one by one. With his extraordinary abilities and ingenuity, Sun Wukong has resolved crises many times and protected his companions. Every time he makes a move, he seems more calm and confident, and every move he makes is full of bravery and wisdom.

3. Zhu Bajie: The contradiction and acceptance of the messenger of the pure altar

There was a hint of self-deprecation and calmness in Zhu Bajie's words. Sun Wukong looked at Zhu Bajie and responded with a smile: "Bajie, no matter what position, as long as you have Buddhism in your heart, it is the highest glory." ”

Sha Seng listened to the conversation between the two, and also nodded in agreement: "Senior Brother Bajie, the Pure Altar Envoy is also an important duty, and your role is also indispensable. ”

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

When Zhu Bajie heard this, the dissatisfaction in his heart gradually dissipated, and was replaced by a recognition of his role. He began to realize that the Pure Altar Messenger, as ordinary as it sounded, was actually a perfect role that could balance his personal preferences with his Dharma contributions. He can not only maintain the purity of the altar, but also find pleasure in his daily life, which is exactly in line with his nature of pursuing a happy life.

Tang Seng looked at Zhu Bajie and said gently: "Bajie, everyone has their own mission and role, and you, as the messenger of the Pure Altar, can also show your value." ”

Zhu Bajie listened to the master's words, and a warm current surged in his heart. He knew that Master's words were not only comforting, but also affirming and encouraging him. He began to accept and cherish his role from the bottom of his heart, and he knew that he would be able to bring his strengths to the table and at the same time be able to contribute to the Dharma.

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

From then on, Zhu Bajie began to conscientiously perform the duties of the messenger of the altar, and he carefully cleaned the altar to ensure that every place was as clean as new. He also pays more attention to his words and deeds in his daily behavior, and no longer acts as recklessly as in the past. At the same time, he did not give up on the pursuit of small blessings in life, and he still retained his love for food and the good life while ensuring that his duties were fulfilled.

Sun Wukong and Sha Seng were happy for him when they saw the changes in Zhu Bajie. They knew that Zhu Bajie had finally found his place and was able to enjoy life while completing his mission.

Over time, Zhu Bajie found a balance in his duties, and he not only made a significant contribution to maintaining the purity of the Buddhist altar, but also found his own pleasure in his daily life. His attitudes and actions also infected and influenced those around him, and many began to realize that even the most mundane duties can make a huge difference if they are done with the heart.


Under the promenade, the setting sun sprinkled a golden patch and shone on the bodies of Sun Wukong and Monk Sha. Sun Wukong has always been naughty, laughing and scolding, but at this moment, his tone revealed a trace of seriousness and respect.

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

"Senior brother, although your name is simple, it is actually rich in connotation. Sun Wukong stroked his golden hoop stick and couldn't help but sigh.

Monk Sha's eyes were deep, he smiled slightly, and responded calmly and low-key: "Senior brother, the name is not important, what matters is our heart." ”

These words seemed to resonate with Sun Wukong, he was silent for a moment, and then nodded: "Senior brother, you always see through the world like this, I only knew how to fight and kill at that time, but I didn't understand such a truth." ”

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

Monk Sha gently patted Sun Wukong's shoulder and said, "Senior brother, everyone has their own path of cultivation. Your courage and courage are an indispensable force on our westward journey. ”

At this moment, Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie came from a distance. Tang Seng smiled and said to the two, "What are you two talking about here?"

Zhu Bajie grinned and said jokingly: "It seems that he is discussing the new title of the junior brother, right?" 'Nan Wu Eight Treasures Golden Body Arhat Bodhisattva', it sounds very weighty!"

Sun Wukong laughed and quipped: "Bajie, don't join in the fun, there is the word 'Eight Treasures' in the name of the junior brother, you won't be greedy, right?"

When Bajie heard this, he immediately laughed: "Ouch, I'm really praising my junior brother." ”

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

Monk Sha smiled silently, looking at this scene, his heart was full of warmth. Although each person's personality is very different, the friendship between them is sincere and deep. On this westward journey, they have experienced countless hardships together, and their understanding and support for each other is more important than any title.

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

Sun Wukong suddenly turned to Monk Sha and said, "Senior brother, your name as a golden-bodied Arhat is not only a recognition of your strength, but also an affirmation of your character. On this westward journey, you have always been loyal and selfless. ”

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

Monk Sha nodded slightly, his eyes flashed with determination: "Senior brother, the journey west is long, no matter what difficulties I encounter, I will persevere." ”

Wukong became a Buddha, but Sha Seng only sealed Arhat, why didn't he get angry?

The four of them stood in the sunset, and they didn't say much to each other, but the deep friendship between master and apprentice was louder than words. In this golden light, their hearts are more closely connected, facing the unknown future together.


1. "Journey to the West"

2. History and Culture of Buddhism

3. Chinese Myths and Legends