
Is it reasonable to be sentenced to 11 years for the head of the household, who was stabbed and stabbed to death?

author:Small Ding drifting bottle

In the middle of the night, the dream of an ordinary family is shattered by a thief's visit, however, the night evolves into an extraordinary life-and-death battle that pushes the homeowner to the forefront of the law. This is an unbelievable story, a seemingly ordinary night turned out to be a confusing legal drama. In this conflict, there is an inscrutable game between law and justice.

The night is shrouded, and the family that should be quiet has become the stage of life and death struggle. The tranquility of the dream vanished in a burst of dog barking. The sound, like a wake-up call, wakes family members out of their dreams. By this time, the thief had quietly broken in, and the tranquility of the night instantly turned into irreparable chaos.

Imagine you're enjoying your sleep when you're suddenly interrupted by a burst of barking. It's a dog, which is usually not a big deal, but tonight has become a dangerous wake-up call. It was an uninvited guest, a thief, who quietly broke into the quiet of the night. At this moment, the peace of the family is broken, and a seemingly ordinary night becomes extremely extraordinary.

It's late at night, the lights are on, and the scene seems to come from a movie. The owner of the house, an ordinary person, is now pushed by fate to a duel between good and evil. When the thief saw all this, he couldn't help but start to regret it, thinking that he could easily leave, but he didn't expect that his cleverness made this duel even more intense. Can you feel the tension in the air?

Thus, a life-and-death chase began. was originally just an ordinary person who was woken up, but now he has become extremely brave. The thief thought he could escape quietly, but he exposed himself in the light, and it was destined to be a fateful battle from which he could not escape.

The homeowner's emotions were gradually ignited, and from the initial anger to the later madness, he fought the intruder with all his might. In this unexpected fierce battle, every punch and kick felt like a response to the restlessness of the night. This is no longer an ordinary night, but a showdown between good and evil, can you feel the helplessness and despair between them?

The story shifts to the kitchen, where the fierce battle turns from a physical confrontation into a life-and-death contest. A sharp knife became the key to this fateful battle. The owner showed no mercy, and the fate of the thief was frozen at this moment.

Is it reasonable to be sentenced to 11 years for the head of the household, who was stabbed and stabbed to death?

However, the pitch of battle did not bring the desired results to the homeowners. He called the police, but instead of waiting for the cries of victory, he was criminally detained. The thief's family took him to court, and what an unbelievable end.

The first-instance verdict found that he was guilty of intentional injury and needed to serve 11 years in prison. The unwilling homeowner chose to appeal, and the result of the second instance came out, and the court ruled that he was overly defensive, and the sentence was reduced by a large margin, but he still had to compensate the thief's family 200,000 yuan. It's a bizarre story, and there's an incredible side to the legal world as well.

The real core questions behind this story are: 1. Should the homeowner be held criminally liable? 2. Why does the homeowner's actions not constitute legitimate defense?

First, let's look at the thief's perspective. It is an indisputable fact that he committed burglary. And it makes sense for homeowners to want to protect their property. The problem, however, is that the thief just wants to pick up some bargains, but the enraged homeowner chooses to use a knife to solve the problem.

The homeowner is not an enforcer and he does not have the right to enforce the law. Justifiable defence is permitted by law, but the use of appropriate means is a prerequisite. The homeowner's actions clearly go beyond the realm of justifiable defence and into the realm of excessive defence.

Justifiable defense is not a right to do as you please, but to use appropriate means to protect one's legitimate rights and interests at the necessary time. In this fierce battle, the homeowner has clearly lost his mind and has chosen the deadly way, which the law cannot tolerate.

Therefore, the court's decision is not on the side of the thief, but in protecting the authority of the law. Homeowners need to be responsible for their own actions, which is the maintenance of the rule of law and the protection of everyone's rights and interests.

The lesson of this story is that legitimate defense is legitimate, but it must be done with caution. While protecting your own rights and interests, you must not lose your mind because of anger. The law is a double-edged sword, protecting both the victim and the criminals.

Is it reasonable to be sentenced to 11 years for the head of the household, who was stabbed and stabbed to death?

In this society governed by the rule of law, we must understand our rights and bear the corresponding responsibilities. Everyone has the right to protect their rights and interests, but they cannot be achieved by drastic means. Dealing with problems calmly and rationally is a quality that each of us should have.

This legal battle makes us think deeply and makes us more aware that only within the boundaries of the law can we truly have a sense of security. This is a story full of lessons, perhaps far from our lives, but also gives us a deeper understanding of the law.

The ending of the story may not be happy, but it is the ultimate verdict of the law. We should not deny the existence of the law because of personal feelings, but should follow the law in a society governed by the rule of law and use reason to solve problems.

Whether it's day or night, whether it's ordinary life or unexpected events, we must know how to act within the boundaries of the law. The law is the cornerstone of society, it protects everyone's rights and interests, and it also regulates our behavior.

This story may only unfold at night, but its significance is profound and wide-ranging. Let us learn to protect our rights and interests in this society full of legal disputes, and also learn to look at complex issues with a rational eye.

Let this story end here. Let us live in peace under the sunshine of the rule of law. This may be just a story of the night, but it is also a profound reflection on the rule of law.

Is it reasonable to be sentenced to 11 years for the head of the household, who was stabbed and stabbed to death?