
Man kicks snowman and kicks fire hydrant and breaks bone Man kicks snowman and accidentally touches fire hydrant, resulting in fracture and hospitalization


Recently, a bizarre accident has attracted widespread attention on social media. A man saw a big snowman on the side of the road, and on a whim, he stepped forward and kicked it. However, he didn't expect that there was a fire hydrant inside the snowman, which resulted in a broken toe and required hospitalization.

Man kicks snowman and kicks fire hydrant and breaks bone Man kicks snowman and accidentally touches fire hydrant, resulting in fracture and hospitalization

According to reports, the man found a large snowman under the building during two snowy days. Perhaps out of childlike innocence, he stepped forward and kicked it on a whim. However, this kick cost him dearly.

Man kicks snowman and kicks fire hydrant and breaks bone Man kicks snowman and accidentally touches fire hydrant, resulting in fracture and hospitalization

As an important public safety facility, fire hydrants are usually installed in hidden places to prevent accidents. However, the fire hydrant in this incident was hidden in a large snowman, which posed a great safety hazard to pedestrians.

The incident raised concerns about public safety. Some netizens said that the protection and management of public facilities should be strengthened, especially in winter, and the snow should be cleared in time to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

The man who kicked the snowman and kicked the fire hydrant and broke the bone is not an isolated accident, here are some similar cases:

  1. A man in a city was playing after the snow when he kicked a snowball onto a fire hydrant on the side of the road, causing the hydrant to be damaged and water to flow to the ground. The man was fined $200.
  2. In a residential area, a boy accidentally knocked down a fire hydrant while playing, causing the fire hydrant to burst and the water kept flowing out. Fortunately, there were no casualties.
  3. In a large shopping mall, a child hit a fire hydrant while chasing, causing the hydrant's water valve to come loose and water to the ground. The water valve was immediately shut down, but fortunately there were no further incidents.

These cases remind us that in winter, especially after snow, we should pay extra attention to public facilities such as fire hydrants around us to avoid unnecessary losses and injuries caused by negligence or curiosity. At the same time, it is also hoped that the relevant departments can strengthen management and maintenance to ensure the safety and reliability of public facilities.

Man kicks snowman and kicks fire hydrant and breaks bone Man kicks snowman and accidentally touches fire hydrant, resulting in fracture and hospitalization

For this man, he needs to face physical pain and mental trauma. His experience reminds us that in our daily lives, we should pay more attention to our surroundings and public facilities to avoid unnecessary harm caused by impulses.

In short, although this incident is somewhat bizarre, it is also a wake-up call for us. We should strengthen the attention and management of public facilities, improve our own safety awareness, and jointly create a safe and harmonious social environment.

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