
"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

author:Wander into life

Saving is a traditional Chinese virtue, but saving on things that should not be saved will only bring a bad impact to yourself. The ancients were still more particular about their dress.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

In the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, people had very strict rules about dressing, and the main material for people's clothing during the Tang Dynasty was silk, according to the provisions of the "Tang Law and Discussion", women's dresses could not be mopped, and the sleeves could not be too long, otherwise they would be regarded as disrespecting their elders and disrespecting the emperor.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

The meaning of the phrase "people wear five clothes, but everything is not suitable" means that people wearing inappropriate clothes will have a bad impact and may even invite misfortune.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

The phrase "people wear five clothes, everything is not suitable" first appeared in the ancient Chinese "Book of Rites: Qu Lishang", the original text is "clothes and robes, and the fox and the dog are not ashamed, the reason is also the same?". It means to stand with the rich and noble in shabby clothes without being ashamed.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

Therefore, the saying "people wear five clothes, everything is not suitable" warns us to wear as few of these five kinds of clothes as possible, which five kinds of clothes?

1. Don't wear moldy clothes

Some older generations don't know how to clean their clothes, and the humid weather causes moldy clothes. Sometimes they put it on without paying attention to it.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

Mold has fatal damage to the human respiratory tract, and it is easy to cause allergic reactions in the respiratory tract, such as asthma, bronchitis, etc., and wearing moldy clothes is not only easy to cause skin allergies and other problems, but also emits unpleasant odors.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

2. Don't wear dirty clothes

Many of the older generation have limited mobility due to old age, so some hygiene problems cannot be cleaned properly. If you don't have children to help you clean up, you will often wear some unclean clothes, which are easy to breed bacteria and viruses, and wearing dirty clothes is not only unhygienic, but also easy to cause various diseases.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

3. Don't wear other people's clothes

There is an old saying that "I would rather try someone else's coffin than someone else's shoes", which means that I would rather try someone else's "coffin" than wear someone else's clothes, shoes and socks at will.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

And wearing other people's clothes is easy to spread diseases and skin diseases, because other people's clothes may have their sweat, dandruff and bacteria left on them. When others give you this kind of clothing, they are pitying you and harming you.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

4. Do not wear the clothes of the elderly

Generally, after the old man passes away, he usually burns his relics together, and clothes are no exception, but some people will leave these clothes behind, thinking that they can see things and think about people, or even give them to others, which is not good.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

And if the old man dies of illness, the bacteria and 'viruses' on your clothes may be transmitted to you, so don't be greedy for such cheapness.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

5. Don't wear shabby clothes

Worn-out clothes often represent poverty and despair, and wearing shabby clothes can also make a bad impression.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

The so-called "worn-out and unwearable, good luck will come", we should get rid of some shabby things, these things do not bring us "good luck", but shabby things will also block our "good luck". ”

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said

At the same time, worn-out clothes also have safety hazards and hygiene problems. Therefore, we should change the torn clothes in time or repair and improve them to maintain a neat and decent image.

"People wear 5 clothes, everything is not suitable", which 5 kinds of clothes, I have to obey what the ancients said