
This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

author:Gourmand Cola 7H9b

When you stand in front of this 130-square-meter space, you may think: how can you make this already spacious enough home more atmospheric, how can you inject the breath of life and the warmth of home into every corner? This time, we are going to tell the story of how a young couple and their new home have been transformed from a blank sheet of paper into a space full of charm. This new house in Jiangxi, with its three-bedroom, two-living room and two-bathroom layout, seems to have been carefully planned, but if you take a closer look, you will find that every space here is calling for change. Imagine that you have just walked into your home and the aisle in front of you is your first impression. In the original structure, there is nothing attractive here, let alone a welcoming area. The narrow layout of the kitchen and bathroom is even more incompatible with the grandeur of a large apartment.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

It was these imperfections in the details that led us to embark on a carefully planned remodel: a change in one wall, a change in layout, and let me take you inside the new home of this young couple and see how this 130-square-meter space has been given a new lease of life. First of all, we had to break the mold, and the first step in the renovation was to restructure the kitchen area. The design of the two as an integrated structure is not only to complement each other in space, but also to achieve barrier-free transparency between the living room and the dining and kitchen area. Such a design makes the whole space look boundless at a glance, as if you can breathe freely and fly freely here. Next, let's focus on that inconspicuous study. Originally, it just lay there quietly, waiting for a chance to be discovered.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

Now, we've shifted it to the south and adopted a semi-open design that subtly changes the flow of the house. The balcony, which had been useless, is now part of the study, adding space and allowing sunlight to shine in unobstructed. We have more daring attempts. The original structure of the two bathrooms was somewhat oppressive and compact. Now, we've combined them and compressed them spatially. This not only optimizes the space experience, but also indirectly gains more usable space for the master and second bedrooms. Don't think that's all there is to it, the area of the original hallway is now a mini bathroom next to the kitchen, which cleverly retains the function of two bathrooms. The most important thing is that we have extended a wall at the entrance to the entrance.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

Imagine that when you open the door of your home, the first thing you see is no longer a monotonous aisle, but a wall of end-view that is both beautiful and functional. This is not only a sense of ritual to welcome guests, but also a pursuit and sublimation of the quality of life. Now, let's go back to the kitchen area. The space of the original kitchen is really unsatisfactory. But now, all-in-one design changes everything. The extension of the cabinet not only meets the storage and operation needs of the kitchen, but also gives the restaurant the function of a western kitchen area, where simple meals and cooking can be done. And those small appliances in life, such as refrigerators, ovens, and microwave ovens, are cleverly embedded in the L-shaped cabinet, and the space instantly becomes neat and orderly. In this hustle and bustle of the city, people's definition of home has long gone beyond simple shelter from the wind and rain.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

Home has always been the habitat of our emotions, the embodiment of personal taste, and the symbol of our spiritual pursuit of life. A home makeover is not just about changing a wall or moving a piece of furniture, but about giving life a new opportunity to rejuvenate our living space and better meet the needs of our family members. Imagine that when you push open the door tiredly, you are no longer greeted by a narrow aisle, but a spacious and atmospheric entrance area, will you immediately feel a warm power? This is the first surprise of the renovated home we are about to explore. On the left-hand side, a cleverly designed corner shoe cabinet extends into the living room, which not only solves the practical problem of storage, but also provides plenty of storage space. You might be wondering, why do you want to do all this here?

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

Before the renovation, the space was severely inefficient, but now, the designer has carefully renovated the corner. Have you begun to feel the deep meaning behind the design? When you enter the living room, you will be greeted by a calm and warm environment. It is not difficult to find that the designer cleverly uses raw wood and artistic lacquer materials here to create a high-end texture. The most surprising thing is that the south balcony is cleverly incorporated into the interior, and the boundaries of space seem to disappear. The white hanging cabinet is not only beautiful and increases the visual sense of extension, but also brings a touch of natural atmosphere to life with the introduction of natural lighting. The wood veneer design of the sofa background extends to the balcony, blurring the boundary between the living room and the balcony, making the vision more fluid.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

The ingenuity lies in the small and delicate sofa, which sets off the sense of space while also showing the wisdom and philosophy of the designer. We continued to wander into the study, where the changes were equally striking. The entire space uses transparent glass partitions and raised floors to make the space appear transparent and spacious, enhancing the interactivity of the space and optimizing the circulation experience in the home. The master bedroom presents a different scene. The combination of dirty pink and light grey tones creates a touch of romance, while the dark green and white bedding bring a sense of sophistication. The renovation of the bay window sill abandons the cold marble and chooses the warm texture of the floor in favor of making the space more harmonious. The children's room is like a fairy tale world full of fun.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

There are lively color matching, interesting children's furniture, each of which reveals the deep thinking of cost and practicality, fully demonstrating the wisdom and intention in the design. Eventually, we made it to the bathroom. The change here is equally striking, with the traditional two small bathrooms being opened up and merged into one spacious space. The extravagant bathtub and practical shower room meet the needs of different members, while also adding to the comfort of life. In addition, the ingenious design also adds a mini bathroom in the hallway, which retains the necessary functions and solves the practical problems of the family. Through this renovation of the home, it is not difficult for us to find that every change in the home condenses the designer's thoughtful consideration of life and the persistent pursuit of beauty.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

When everything in front of you becomes brand new, will you also be deeply attracted by such a change, and arouse the urge to renovate your living space? This is not only a simple transformation, but also a deep reflection on how to make life better. Let's embark on this transformation journey together and find our own aesthetics of life. In the world of design, countless ideas are born every day, but there are some special ideas that are not just the sparkle of creativity, they are a deep perspective on the understanding of space and life. Today, we are going to talk about a refreshing case study – the transformation of a study room, which subtly improves the layout of the space and gives the whole living environment a new lease of life.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

In the beginning, what we saw was an ordinary residential space, where each area had distinct functions but seemed to be working on its own, and did not form a harmonious and unified whole. The owner, a literary young man who loves to read, is dissatisfied with the existing space flow because it does not satisfy his desire for a warm study. In his imagination, the study is not only a place for reading, but also a temple for thinking and creating. The designers took on this tricky challenge, and after analyzing the needs of the homeowner and the existing conditions of the house, they came up with a bold idea: re-planning the spatial flow and making the study the core of the design.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

However, it is not as simple as placing a few bookshelves, designers need to dig deep into the potential of each space to create a study room that combines movement and static, form and function. And this process is full of challenges. First of all, the designer has completely deconstructed the original spatial pattern. They found that by adjusting the location of the corridor leading to the bedroom, they could expand the area of the study and make it a separate and central area. In this way, the study is no longer a passive space, but actively connects the living room, dining room and bedroom, becoming the core of family life. Next is the processing of the details. The walls of the study are designed as open bookshelves, which not only increases the storage space, but also creates a cultural atmosphere.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

The designer cleverly uses the wall to combine the bookshelves with the wall, which not only saves space, but also makes the whole study look more spacious and bright. The shelves are filled with books from the owner's collection, from art history to modern technology, from literary classics to philosophical reflections, the diversity of books makes this space full of wisdom. But not all the books are in front of you, and some rare or infrequently used books are cleverly hidden, waiting to be read by the owner in his free time. Every nook and cranny of the study is put to good use, and even a few of the owner's favorite books are placed on the windowsill, next to which is a soft lamp, which becomes a reading nook. Not only the study itself, but the layout of the entire space has changed dramatically. The living room has become more open, the dining room has been relocated, and the flow of the whole home has become smoother.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

Through a series of carefully planned renovations, the designers have made the most of each area, rather than stacking functions alone. The creation of the study not only improves the experience of using the space, it is more like the soul of a family. It's not just a quiet space to read, it's a place of inspiration, a place where members of the family can share their thoughts and feelings with each other. When night falls, the owner of the house is here to flip through the pages of a book, or to record the bits and pieces of life in his pen, and the whole home is surrounded by this tranquility and warmth. This case shows the infinite possibilities of space transformation, and also reveals an important design meaning: the value of space lies not only in its physical form, but also in the lifestyle and spiritual pursuit it carries. A study room, a simple change, but can improve the quality of life of the whole family.

This is the sense of space that a 130-square-meter apartment should have, and the layout idea is very ingenious and very atmospheric

This is not only a design ingenuity, but also a reflection of the owner's pursuit of quality of life. Nowadays, the design of living spaces pays more and more attention to the combination of personalization and function, and a good design is no longer a one-time layout, but needs to evolve with the life Xi and emotional needs of the occupants. In this case, the study becomes a vivid illustration of the fact that it is not just a wall that changes direction or a neat row of bookshelves, it is a microcosm of the ideal life in the owner's mind, a gathering place of ideas and inspiration. Combined with the life Xi of the owner, the designers did not solve a simple space problem, they created a story, a story about home, about life, about dreams. Everyone who walks into this space can feel the temperature behind the design, and they can find their own tranquility and inspiration in this study.

This kind of design is worth exploring and learning from everyone who loves life. As this case illustrates, a good design can be life-changing. It makes the whole family's lifestyle better as a result. This is the charm of design, and it is also the best interpretation of everyone's desire for a better life.