
The education reform and scientific research projects successfully passed the industry acceptance

author:Xi'an Electric Power College

On October 16th, after a year's efforts of all the faculty and staff, the final acceptance meeting of the "Professional Curriculum Construction" teaching reform project of the Department of Electric Power Engineering and the scientific research project of "Application of VR Technology in the Teaching of Transmission Majors" was held at the Faculty Home of the Department of Electric Power. This acceptance meeting is a comprehensive review of the annual work of various majors and course construction and scientific research work of the Department of Electric Power. The acceptance meeting was attended by industry experts, education experts, and relevant leaders of the Quality Control Department, the Academic Affairs Department, and the Department.

With the development requirements of the State Grid Corporation and the adjustment of the school's enrollment scale and enrollment direction, the importance of the power transmission major to the sustainable development of the school has become more and more apparent, and in the current teaching process, there are teaching methods, means and results that cannot keep up with the actual requirements of enterprises for incoming college students. In recent years, the Department of Electric Power Engineering has carried out planned construction and development of the core courses and scientific research projects of the professional construction and various majors year by year in view of the characteristics of the development of the industry, and through years of efforts, the continuous construction and improvement of the majors and courses of the Department of Electric Power has provided rich means and support for innovative teaching activities. The application of VR technology in the teaching of power transmission majors provides a good solution for the on-site and practical nature of power transmission majors, which helps to stimulate students' enthusiasm and creativity in learning, which can be said to be the development direction of future teaching.

Acceptance will be highly valued by schools and departments. Presided over by the Deputy Director of the Department of Electric Power. First of all, the number, construction purpose and significance of the participating acceptance projects were explained to the participating experts, and then the construction of the four majors and seven courses of the Electric Power Department was displayed, and finally the VR participating construction units showed the scientific research progress and final results. The expert group agreed to achieve the expected objectives and successfully complete the acceptance. Among them, Professor Ma Yingfeng of Shaanxi Normal University and Director Wang Jiao of Xi'an Power Supply Bureau, while affirming the project results, put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on curriculum construction and development from the aspects of teaching concept, teaching methods and practical needs of enterprise training. This acceptance meeting is an affirmation of the construction work of the Department of Electric Power Engineering throughout the year, which is of great significance, and also lays a solid foundation for the development of the subsequent department. (Hou Liang, Department of Electric Power)