
38-year-old Russian fan Zhao Rui died in battle, and the reason for joining the Russian army is awe-inspiring

author:Wonderful tour of the world

Not long ago, Phoenix Satellite TV reported a news that Zhao Rui, a 38-year-old Sichuan boy, was killed in the military operation of the Russian army and stayed in Donbass forever.


The last video released by Zhao Rui before his death

38-year-old Russian fan Zhao Rui died in battle, and the reason for joining the Russian army is awe-inspiring

Zhao Rui

At the age of 38, he died in a foreign country, which makes people feel very sorry, so who is Zhao Rui and why did he join the Russian army?

It is understood that Zhao Rui, 38 years old unmarried, born in Chongqing, is said to be 1.82 meters tall, his parents are retired, and he belongs to the "state of one person who is full and the whole family is not hungry", which is also a very important reason why Zhao Rui can participate in the Russian army, after all, there is nothing to worry about.

38-year-old Russian fan Zhao Rui died in battle, and the reason for joining the Russian army is awe-inspiring

Zhao Rui took a group photo in the army

Zhao Rui's grandfather once participated in the "War of Resistance Against Japan" told Zhao Rui some stories that happened in the War of Resistance against Japan since he was a child, Zhao Rui hated the Japanese army since he was a child, and he also liked to watch movies such as anti-Japanese Xi, because his grades in school were not very good, so he dropped out of school early. Around 2012, because I found a similar "anti-Japanese" team in northern Myanmar on the Internet, I tried every means to go to northern Myanmar to join the Allied Army. That is, the main force in the fight against telecom fraud in northern Myanmar this year.

Zhao Rui likes to watch movies, play games, and posting videos in his spare time is also one of his hobbies, and he often posts some videos of training in the army on his Douyin account, it seems that he is very firm in his choice.

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Zhao Rui came up with the idea of joining the Russian army, and later heard that there are mercenaries from all over the world in Ukraine, and of course there may be Japanese. According to Zhao Rui's downline Xiaoqiang, Zhao Rui went because he could fight the Japanese on the battlefield of Russia and Ukraine.

38-year-old Russian fan Zhao Rui died in battle, and the reason for joining the Russian army is awe-inspiring

Zhao Rui on the battlefield of Russia and Ukraine

That's it, Zhao Rui and Xiaoqiang. Despite the opposition of his family, he entered the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, and after just 20 days of training, he was officially incorporated into the Russian 58th Army. This is a composite group army in the Russian army, with an establishment of more than 70,000 personnel, and it is the largest composite group army in the Russian army.

The 58th Army is considered an elite unit of the Russian army, which once captured Georgia in only 5 days. On September 26, 2023, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 715, the 58th Army was awarded the title of Guards.

38-year-old Russian fan Zhao Rui died in battle, and the reason for joining the Russian army is awe-inspiring

Russian 58th Army

On November 29, Zhao Rui and Xiaoqiang were sent to the front line together, because the foreign soldiers did not have a unified commander, and they fought separately, without backup ammunition, no battle plan, and no communication tools, they were like headless flies. In addition, the members of the military are from different countries, and it is very difficult to communicate.

Later, the Russian army was bombed by Ukrainian drones and howled wolf, and when Xiaoqiang climbed out of the trench, Zhao Rui's body was found. The 38-year-old remained on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield forever. The video at the beginning of the article is also the last video released by Zhao Rui on November 27.

38-year-old Russian fan Zhao Rui died in battle, and the reason for joining the Russian army is awe-inspiring

Russia-Ukraine battlefield

Soon after, Russian officials announced the list of the first batch of Chinese killed and injured in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Zhao Rui's ID card, passport relics, etc. have been returned to the family.

38-year-old Russian fan Zhao Rui died in battle, and the reason for joining the Russian army is awe-inspiring

Zhao Rui's passport

A young life ends like this, whether it is hot-headed or youthful without regrets, it doesn't matter now. As an adult, you should be responsible for your own behavior, whether you live a mediocre life or leave vigorously, you must always be impulsive for your dreams once in your life, isn't it? It's just that Zhao Rui's family doesn't know how long it will take to get out of the pain of losing their loved ones.

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