
Hippopotamus: A manure machine that destroys fish

author:Friendly evening breeze gRe

Every year, thousands of fish mysteriously disappear from the water, and it's no mystery – because there's an animal known as the "manure machine" that is jaw-dropping in efficiency. This animal is the hippopotamus!

Hippopotamus: A manure machine that destroys fish

### Hippopotamus: The King of Big Stomachs

The hippopotamus is huge, has a wide mouth, and has a large stomach that makes people marvel. They can consume more than 60 kilograms of plants per day, so it's no wonder they're nicknamed the "King of Big Eats". But what you may not know is that part of this energy comes from their "septic machine" function.

### The working mechanism of the manure machine

Whenever the hippos finish eating, their stomachs start functioning. You might wonder why we call hippos "manure machines"? Hippos produce more than 50 kilograms of manure per day, which is rich in nutrients and is an excellent choice for agricultural fertilizers.

Hippopotamus: A manure machine that destroys fish

### Effects of Hippopotamus Manure Machine

1. Ecosystem Balance: The work of the hippopotamus manure generator not only provides abundant organic fertilizer to the land, but also injects lakes and rivers with important nutrients. This periodic nutrient input promotes the flourishing of aquatic life and maintains the balance of the ecosystem.

2. Fish Collapse: "A Thousand Fish Tragedy": However, the hippopotamus' manure machine creates a vicious circle. When hippos excrete in water, the nutrients in their feces are quickly broken down by bacteria. This process leads to a shortage of oxygen in the water, leaving schools of fish in the water unable to get enough oxygen and dying in large numbers.

3. Ecological chain succession: When the number of fish decreases, predators are also affected, resulting in the succession of the entire ecological chain. This chain reaction could have far-reaching effects on ecosystems.

### Solutions & Conservation Actions

Since the hippopotamus manure machine creates a shortage of oxygen in the water, how do we solve it?

1. Protect wetlands: Wetlands are the habitat of many plants and animals, and they are also important places for hippos to breed. Protecting wetlands not only helps to protect hippopotamus populations, but also helps balance the ecosystems of lakes and rivers.

2. Ecological research and management: Through in-depth research on ecosystems, we can better understand the impact of hippos and their dung-making mechanisms on ecosystems. On this basis, scientific management strategies should be formulated to help maintain ecological balance.

3. Education and Publicity: Raise public awareness of environmental protection and educate people about the ecological importance of hippos and their impact on ecological balance. Only when everyone is actively involved can we collectively protect the natural environment.

Hippopotamus: A manure machine that destroys fish

### Conclusion

As a "manure machine", the hippopotamus not only benefits the fertility of the land, lakes and rivers, but also poses a challenge to the fish and the ecosystem as a whole. We should take active measures to protect the habitat of hippos, study their ecological mechanisms, and strengthen public awareness of the environment, so as to jointly maintain ecological balance.

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