
The two masters disguised themselves as ordinary people, assassinated a traitor in the bazaar, and escaped with a shout of wit

author:Characters are curious

In China in 1943, the evil deeds of the traitor leader Liu Cisheng were outrageous, he did all kinds of evil, and killed people like hemp. For the sake of the dignity of the country and the nation, the guerrilla leader decided to take action, he summoned two masters, and solemnly issued an order: "You are limited to get rid of Liu Cisheng within ten days!"

One of the masters sneered and replied confidently: "It's just a hoe, why ten days, five days is enough!"

The two masters disguised themselves as ordinary people, assassinated a traitor in the bazaar, and escaped with a shout of wit

In Mingguang County, Anhui Province, there was a big traitor named Liu Cisheng. Unlike other traitors, Liu Cisheng is not only skilled and marksmanlike, but also scheming and cunning. He was a popular man in the eyes of the Japanese army, because he always provided valuable intelligence and strategic advice to the Japanese army.

The Japanese army appreciated his talent and often entrusted him with important tasks. Liu Cisheng also became even more arrogant because of this, and wantonly brutalized the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians. He once laughed arrogantly: "The New Fourth Army? They are just a rabble! As long as I move my fingers, they will die in the world!"

His cruelty is outrageous. He would torture the arrested anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians to force them to tell information, and the methods were unbelievably cruel. One of the things he often says is: "People always have something to fear." As long as that weakness is found, they will succumb. ”

The New Fourth Army sent capable personnel to assassinate Liu Cisheng many times, but they were unsuccessful. Liu Cisheng's cunning and prudence enabled him to always escape the pursuit of the New Fourth Army. On one occasion, an Assassin from the New Fourth Army infiltrated his residence, only to discover that his residence had three layers of defense, each of which was so cleverly designed that the Assassin would not return.

Liu Cisheng is well aware of his crimes, so he is extremely vigilant against any possible threat. He was very confident in his safety measures, and once proudly said to the Japanese army: "In this county, no one can hurt me in the slightest!"

However, good will triumph over evil. After many failures of the New Fourth Army, they began to adjust their tactics and prepare to plan another assassination operation.

The two masters disguised themselves as ordinary people, assassinated a traitor in the bazaar, and escaped with a shout of wit

Early one morning in August, the sun shone through the gaps in the leaves on the camp of the 1st Squadron of the Plainclothes Brigade. Instructor Zhipinshan found Zhang Shigen and Xu Zhengfa, he frowned, his eyes revealed seriousness and determination.

Zhang Shigen and Xu Zhengfa are not only superb in martial arts, but also thoughtful, and they are by no means ordinary martial artists. They have teamed up to attack the strongholds and outposts of the Japanese puppet army many times at night, and successfully killed more than ten leaders of the Japanese puppet army, so their names are regarded as a symbol of "Hades" in the Japanese puppet army in Mingguang County.

"Zhang Shigen, Xu Zhengfa, you come with me. Phytoyama said briefly, then turned and walked deeper into the camp.

Zhang Shigen and Xu Zhengfa glanced at each other and immediately followed the pace of the instructor. They all knew in their hearts that such a gathering was no small matter.

The two masters disguised themselves as ordinary people, assassinated a traitor in the bazaar, and escaped with a shout of wit

Coming to a quiet corner, Zhishiyama stopped, slammed his hat on the table, his brows furrowed, and his eyes showed deep worry.

He opened his mouth with a heavy tone: "There is a new Japanese translator in Mingguang Town, named Liu Cisheng. This person is ruthless and has completely fallen to the Japanese. As soon as he came, he destroyed many of our secret contact points, and many of our comrades died at his hands. ”

Then, he turned to face the two young warriors, took a deep breath, and said in a firm tone: "I need you to complete a task to eradicate the traitor Liu Cisheng. ”

A sharp light flashed in Zhang Shigen's eyes, he clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice: "This Liu Cisheng is so rampant, we must get rid of him as soon as possible!"

Xu Zhengfa nodded in agreement: "That's right, if this person is not removed, he will become a trouble." And he knows martial arts, and his marksmanship is good, so he is not a simple character. ”

The two masters disguised themselves as ordinary people, assassinated a traitor in the bazaar, and escaped with a shout of wit

Ueshinayama nodded in satisfaction, he knew what these two warriors were capable of. They are about the same age, and they all have excellent kung fu and amazing marksmanship. Zhang Shigen's fists and feet are very good, and he can defeat three or five big men with his bare hands, while Xu Zhengfa's marksmanship is even more superb, and he can shoot the bow left and right while running, almost without missing a shot.

Zhipinshan took a deep breath and looked at the two of them with a firm gaze: "You are my most trusted warriors, I hope you can complete the task within ten days and completely eradicate Liu Cisheng." I believe you have the ability. ”

Zhang Shigen and Xu Zhengfa did not hesitate, they replied in unison: "Guarantee to complete the task!"

"I know what you're capable of," Zhipinshan admired, "but this mission is not trivial, Liu Cisheng is cunning, you must be careful." ”

Zhang Shigen and Xu Zhengfa looked at each other and smiled, and responded in unison: "Please rest assured, we will definitely complete the task!"

That night, under the starlight, the two quietly left the camp and went straight to Xiaocaozhuang, which was three miles away from Mingguang.

The two masters disguised themselves as ordinary people, assassinated a traitor in the bazaar, and escaped with a shout of wit

In Cao Xiaozhuang, there is a well-respected gentleman named Cao Donglin. When Zhang Shigen and Xu Zhengfa found him, he was sitting at the table drinking tea.

"Mr. Cao Donglin, we want to know about Liu Cisheng's situation. Zhang Shigen said bluntly.

Cao Donglin put down the teacup and frowned: "Liu Cisheng, that's a demon." His tone was full of anger and helplessness, "His cruel methods have made the people around him miserable, and everyone is eager to cut him with a thousand knives." But helplessly, we are no match for him at all. ”

Xu Zhengfa asked, "Mr. Cao Donglin, can you tell us more about him?"

Cao Donglin took a deep breath: "His marksmanship is surprisingly accurate, and his reaction speed is extremely fast. Just last week, a guerrilla spotted him, and when he was about to shoot, he was faster than the team member, and he was killed on the spot after a single shot. ”

Zhang Shigen clenched his fists: "We must get rid of this demon!"

Cao Donglin looked at them: "I know you have courage, but Liu Cisheng is not so easy to deal with." His marksmanship and reaction speed are far beyond ordinary people. ”

Zhang Shigen added: "As long as we shoot before him, there is a chance. ”

"Mr. Cao Dong, please tell us about his whereabouts. Xu Zhengfa said in a firm tone, "We must eliminate harm for the people and make this demon pay the price!"

Cao Donglin sighed: "Alas, Liu Cisheng is very cunning and his whereabouts are erratic. But I have observed him going to a shop every evening at dusk. If you want to get rid of him, you have to take advantage of this opportunity. ”

After a few days of observation and investigation, Zhang Shigen and Xu Zhengfa finally figured out Liu Cisheng's whereabouts. They disguised themselves as ordinary people and waited quietly in front of a shop.

The two masters disguised themselves as ordinary people, assassinated a traitor in the bazaar, and escaped with a shout of wit

Soon, Zhang Shigen and Xu Zhengfa noticed that a thin but capable person walked out of the door of the teahouse. He was dressed in a Japanese military uniform, carrying an Oriental sword at his waist, and his right hand was always pressed against the box holster at his waist. The translator was clearly highly alert, and as soon as he sensed any potential danger, he would quickly draw his gun and shoot.

Zhang Shigen and Xu Zhengfa glanced at each other, knowing that this was an opportunity. Zhang Shigen whispered to Xu Zhengfa: "See the right time, we have to deal with him in the crowd." ”

They walked out of the shop and quietly followed Liu Yiyi all the way to the market. As we approached the bazaar, the crowds became more and more crowded. Liu Yi seemed to like this lively atmosphere, the corners of his mouth were raised, and his eyes behind his sunglasses flashed with pride.

Zhang Shigen and Xu Zhengfa tried to hide in the crowd as much as possible, but they were still vigilant at all times. Xu Zhengfa suddenly pulled Zhang Shigen's sleeve and pointed ahead: "Look, he's going into that alley." ”

Zhang Shigen nodded: "Okay, it's now!" They quickened their pace and kept up with Liu Yi.

The alley is dimly lit, and it's a good time to get started.

The two masters disguised themselves as ordinary people, assassinated a traitor in the bazaar, and escaped with a shout of wit

The two of them quickly but silently unbuttoned their coats and removed the hidden pistol from under their armpits. At this time, Xu Zhengfa's eyes were like torches, he touched Zhang Shigen with his elbow, and assigned the task in a firm tone: "You are responsible for the top, and I am responsible for the bottom." ”

They looked at each other and understood each other. Without the slightest hesitation, they raised their pistols almost simultaneously. Zhang Shigen's muzzle was tightly locked on the back of Liu Cisheng's head, while Xu Zhengfa's muzzle was aimed at the traitor's heart.

"Bang, bang!" two gunshots pierced the silent alley. Liu Yi fell down in response, his eyes widened, and he seemed to be full of unwillingness.

The two masters disguised themselves as ordinary people, assassinated a traitor in the bazaar, and escaped with a shout of wit

Xu Zhengfa and Zhang Shigen quickly turned around and blended into the chaotic crowd, and at the same time shouted loudly: "The New Fourth Army is coming! Run!" Their shouts caused even greater panic and confusion.

Zhang Shigen and Xu Zhengfa quickly left the scene and disappeared into the crowd of the market. Their mission was accomplished, and the traitor finally got the punishment he deserved.

The news of Liu Cisheng's death spread like a spring breeze in the Mingguang area, bringing vitality and vitality to this land. The common people put down their work one after another and clapped their hands excitedly. In the streets and alleys, people are talking, and the topics all revolve around the end of this big traitor.

The two masters disguised themselves as ordinary people, assassinated a traitor in the bazaar, and escaped with a shout of wit

Soon after, Liu Cisheng's younger brother tearfully transported his body back to his home and buried it in a quiet place on the mountain. However, strange things happened one after another. Liu Cisheng's grave has been dug up repeatedly, but the real culprit behind it has never been found. This mysterious incident has aroused widespread attention and speculation in the local area, and people have discussed it a lot, but it has never been conclusive.

In the face of this bizarre phenomenon, the local fathers and villagers couldn't help but feel emotional. When they talked about it, they summed up a golden sentence: "Be a low-key person, and so should you be a pig, especially when you do bad things." This sentence is like a wake-up call, echoing in people's hearts, always reminding those with bad intentions.

From then on, those traitors who worked for the Japanese army began to panic, and they no longer dared to be as arrogant as before. They were afraid that they would end up with the same fate as Liu Cisheng and become the target of public criticism.

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