
The future can be expected! The champion of the 7-year-old women's group of the National Youth Trials wants to become the same person as Sun Yingsha

author:Iron bone cold incense

国乒‬后继‬有人‬!12月‬22日‬,备受‬瞩目的‬乒超联赛‬第二‬阶段‬的‬总决赛‬震撼‬开场‬‬,山东‬鲁能‬和‬深圳大学‬分别‬战胜‬对手‬晋级‬。 而‬与之‬同期‬进行‬的‬国少‬选拔赛‬的‬‬决赛‬‬却‬十分‬低调‬,不过‬这‬几‬场‬比赛‬可‬不容‬小‬觑,也许‬若干年‬后‬这些‬小将‬会‬‬成为‬未来‬的‬世界‬冠军‬。

The future can be expected! The champion of the 7-year-old women's group of the National Youth Trials wants to become the same person as Sun Yingsha


The future can be expected! The champion of the 7-year-old women's group of the National Youth Trials wants to become the same person as Sun Yingsha

I initially paid attention to the national youth selection because Wang Nan's daughter Xiaoxiao participated in the national youth Chengdu selection tournament and lost to Jiangxi girl Chen Siyang in the 16-8 competition, which attracted my attention.

The future can be expected! The champion of the 7-year-old women's group of the National Youth Trials wants to become the same person as Sun Yingsha


The future can be expected! The champion of the 7-year-old women's group of the National Youth Trials wants to become the same person as Sun Yingsha

Congratulations to Xu Qiantang, this heroic 7-year-old girl. In the post-game interview, Xiao Qiantang bluntly said that she loved table tennis very much when she was very young, she would practice for seven or eight hours a day, and she liked the sound of "table tennis" very much, and felt that practicing was very interesting and not boring at all.

The future can be expected! The champion of the 7-year-old women's group of the National Youth Trials wants to become the same person as Sun Yingsha

Xiao Qiantang, who won the championship, is very happy, and like Xiaoxiao, Xiao Qiantang's idol is also Sister Sasha. She said: "I think Sun Yingsha is very handsome in playing, and I want to be like her in the future." ”

The future can be expected! The champion of the 7-year-old women's group of the National Youth Trials wants to become the same person as Sun Yingsha

Haha, congratulations to Sasha for mentioning the children's idol. This sentence seems very familiar, Sasha also said a few years ago that her idol is Zhang Yining, and she wants to be the same person as Sister Ning. Sasha has already done it, ranking first in the world, with a points lead of more than 4,000 points over the second place, and is a veritable world No. 1. Maybe in the near future, Xiao Qiantang and Huang Youxia, Guo Yijia (laughing) and others can also become other people's idols.

The future can be expected! The champion of the 7-year-old women's group of the National Youth Trials wants to become the same person as Sun Yingsha

七岁组女子组‬的‬亚军‬获得‬者‬,来自‬河南‬濮阳‬的‬黄幼侠‬。 4岁起‬开始练习乒乓球,在她‬眼中,打乒乓球‬很快乐,小姑娘‬很‬刻苦‬,也很‬努力‬,这是‬第一次‬参加‬全国‬的‬比赛‬,就‬取得‬了‬亚军‬的好‬‬成绩‬,同样‬值得‬祝贺‬。

The future can be expected! The champion of the 7-year-old women's group of the National Youth Trials wants to become the same person as Sun Yingsha

Congratulations to Xu Qiantang and Huang Youxia, the future is promising. Xiaoxiao's goal is to beat Miwa Zhang like Sun Yingsha beat Misei Ito, and your goal is to become a person like Sister Sasha, represent the country and win glory for the country.

"If the youth is strong, the country will be strong"! Come on, the table tennis boy of the country!

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