
Yellow phlegm is hot, white phlegm is phlegm, dry cough is dry, teach you three flavors to dissolve phlegm and stop cough

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Dr. Zhao Pengjuan, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Coughing, a seemingly ordinary everyday phenomenon that hides the secrets of the body. Whenever winter comes, cough seems to become an uninvited guest, frequently visiting our lives. But did you know that the color and nature of the phlegm behind the cough actually reveals a lot of clues about the state of health. From yellow, sticky phlegm to dry cough without phlegm, each cough has its own unique language and needs.

Deciphering Cough: The Health Signals Behind Symptoms

Coughing is not only a common physical reaction, but also an important way for the body to communicate health status. Understanding the different types of cough and their potential implications is essential to taking the right treatment measures.

The first is a cough with yellow phlegm. When a cough is accompanied by yellow or green sputum, it usually means that an infection has occurred. Yellow sputum can be a sign of a bacterial infection, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. This type of infection usually causes an immune system response that causes an increase in the amount of white blood cells in the sputum, which changes the color of the sputum.

This is followed by a cough with white phlegm. White or clear sputum usually indicates a noninfectious cause, such as allergies, chronic bronchitis, or asthma. This sputum is usually thin and is associated with an inflammatory response in the airways. For example, during pollen season, people with allergic cough may experience this symptom.

Yellow phlegm is hot, white phlegm is phlegm, dry cough is dry, teach you three flavors to dissolve phlegm and stop cough

Finally, there is a dry cough. A dry cough is a cough without sputum and is common in the early stages of a viral infection, such as the common cold or flu. In addition, a dry cough can also be a side effect of certain medications, such as ACE inhibitors, which are commonly used in the treatment of high blood pressure. A dry cough is also sometimes associated with environmental factors, such as dry air or air pollution.

Each cough type may reveal different health conditions, and understanding the reasons behind these coughs is crucial to choosing the right treatment. When you encounter persistent or severe cough, especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or difficulty breathing, you should consult a doctor for professional diagnosis and treatment.


Cough is not just a symptom, its different manifestations – yellow, white and dry – point to different therapeutic directions. Knowing how to choose the right medication for the type of cough you have is key to effectively relieving your symptoms.

Facing yellow phlegm usually means that there are signs of infection, such as a bacterial infection. At this point, your doctor may recommend medications that contain antibiotics, such as amoxicillin or azithromycin. These medications can help fight infections and reduce yellow phlegm symptoms. Expectorants, such as ambroxol or rhamnoate glucose, may also be needed to help dilute the sputum and make it easier to drain.

In the case of white phlegm, which is usually associated with a cold or allergy, the drug of choice is mainly directed at the cause. For example, an antihistamine such as cetirizine may help reduce symptoms if it is caused by allergies, or a common cold medicine such as acetaminophen or pseudoephedrine if it is caused by a cold. In addition, expectorant medications are also an effective option for white phlegm and can help clear the airways.

Yellow phlegm is hot, white phlegm is phlegm, dry cough is dry, teach you three flavors to dissolve phlegm and stop cough

A dry cough is usually a cough without phlegm, and it can be caused by dry or irritated air. In this case, cough suppressants such as dextromethorphan or diphenhydramine may be used, which are able to reduce throat irritation and relieve coughing. At the same time, keeping the indoor air moist and using a humidifier can also effectively reduce dry cough.

Before using any medication, the most important thing is to consult a doctor to ensure that the choice and dosage of the medication is appropriate for the individual's health condition. Self-diagnosis and treatment can miss potentially serious health problems, and improper use of medications can lead to side effects or other health risks.

Yellow phlegm is hot, white phlegm is phlegm, dry cough is dry, teach you three flavors to dissolve phlegm and stop cough

Total Care: A Cough Treatment That Goes Beyond Medicine

Treating cough is not just about medications, but also about comprehensive lifestyle modifications. Here are some tips to help relieve cough symptoms and promote a faster recovery.

Maintaining a good water intake is essential for relieving cough. Adequate hydration can help thin the phlegm and make it easier to pass. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, especially in dry weather. Warm water or mild herbal teas such as chrysanthemum tea and peppermint tea are good options, as they both hydrate and provide a soothing effect.

Yellow phlegm is hot, white phlegm is phlegm, dry cough is dry, teach you three flavors to dissolve phlegm and stop cough

Maintaining proper indoor humidity can also be beneficial for reducing coughing. Dry air can exacerbate coughing and irritate the respiratory tract. Using a humidifier or placing a basin of water in your room can help increase air humidity and relieve a dry throat.

Proper vapor inhalation can help relieve respiratory symptoms. Deep breathing of steam relieves pain in the airways, softens phlegm, and facilitates its expulsion. A small amount of peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil can be added to hot water to reduce cough symptoms by taking a deep breath of these vapors.

Good rest is just as important to speed up recovery. Getting enough sleep boosts the immune system and helps the body fight infections. Making sure you get enough sleep each night and get proper rest during the day can help speed up the healing process.

Finally, avoiding smoking and staying away from secondhand smoke are key to reducing coughing. Both smoking and secondhand smoke can irritate the airways and worsen cough symptoms. Quitting smoking can not only help relieve your current cough, but also improve your respiratory health in the long run.

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