
Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization
Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization

Crowding is a kind of out-of-control phenomenon that causes emotional excitement, excessive action, and a large number of crowds in places where people are concentrated in a very short period of time due to some sudden reasons. Crowding is an emergency, people will inevitably encounter it, when we encounter a crowded situation, we should remain calm, calm to deal with, beware of sudden crowding resulting in personal injury. It is very dangerous to have a crowded stampede in a public place, and it is important to raise awareness of safety precautions when you are in such an environment. In a crowd of people, if someone in front of you falls, and the person behind who is unaware continues to move forward, then the crowd is very likely to have a crowded stampede like a "domino" chain to the ground. There are many reasons why a stampede can occur in crowded places, and in general, danger tends to occur when people lose their minds due to panic, anger, and excitement. At this point, if you happen to be in such an environment, you are very likely to be harmed. Therefore, it is very important to identify dangers, how to leave dangerous environments, and how to protect oneself in dangerous situations. When crowds are crowded and stampede, there are six safe escape methods that can be taken.

1. Observe the terrain and evacuation routes first, and pay attention to the landmark arrows on the ground, which indicate the correct direction of escape.

2. If you find a large number of people crowding towards you, try to avoid or hide to the side, or squat under the corner next to you, and wait for the crowd to leave before leaving. When you are caught in a crowd of people, be sure to stand firm, do not bend down to pick up things, tie your shoes, and if possible, grab a solid and reliable object and walk slowly or stop as soon as possible.

Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization

3. When walking in the crowd, keep calm, stabilize the center of gravity, prevent falling, and try to move to the side to move out of the crowd. When encountering steps or stairs, try to hold on to the handrails to prevent falling.

Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization

4. Once you enter the crowd, don't suddenly stop in the flow of people or go against the flow of people, otherwise it is easy to be pushed down by the flow of people, and once you fall, there is no chance to stand up. Be sure to follow the flow of people.

Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization

5. When the crowd is very crowded, make a fist with your left hand, hold your left wrist with your right hand, spread your elbows, keep your elbows parallel to your shoulders, bend down, and form a triangular protection area with your elbows in front of your chest, so as to prevent suffocation by squeezing back and forth. When you see someone falling, stop moving forward and tell the person behind you not to approach and not to crowd forward.

Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization

6. Once you are pushed down in the crowd, try to get close to the wall, curl up into a sphere, and clasp your hands behind your neck to protect the most vulnerable parts of your body. The specific method is to interlock the fingers, elbow forward, knees forward, and lie on the ground on your side.

2. Causes of campus crowding and stampede accidents

1. The time is mostly after school, assembly, and meal, and students are relatively concentrated and in an urgent mood.

2. The accident occurred at the bend of the stairs between the first and second floors of the teaching building. Students on the upper floors descend to this place in a relatively concentrated manner, creating a crowd.

3. It is not easy for students to control their emotions, they are flustered, and they are often crowded and shouting, which makes the scene out of control.

4. Students are not good at self-protection, and are squeezed down when crowded or bend down to pick up objects, or slip and trip, resulting in crushing accidents.

5. Students usually lack the Xi and training of accident prevention knowledge, and there are no emergency measures.

6. Some students engage in pranks, and when there is chaos, they tend to shout and scream, push and crowd, and maliciously make fun, resulting in tragedy.

7. Sudden power failure or dim lighting in the corridor at night, resulting in congestion accidents.

Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization

3. The cause of the crowded stampede accident

1. When the crowd is more concentrated, someone in front of him falls, and the person behind does not pay attention and does not stop.

2. The crowd is frightened and panicked, such as hearing explosions and gunshots, panicking out of control, crowding and trampling each other in an unorganized and purposeless escape.

3. The crowd is too excited (excited, angry, etc.) and riots, and it is easy to stampede.

4. Driven by curiosity, they specially find crowded places to explore, resulting in unnecessary concentration of people and stampede.

Fourth, how to prevent crowding and stampede on campus

1. Be courteous to each other when going up and down the stairs, walk on the right, obey the order, and pay attention to safety.

2. In the upstairs and downstairs activities such as upper and lower exercises, gatherings, etc., do not seek speed, but require stability.

3. It is forbidden to play in the stairwell, make pranks, etc.

4. Educate students on civilized etiquette, educate students to go up and down the stairs to the right, not crowded, and stop students from deliberately making trouble up and down the stairs to prevent the occurrence of unsafe accidents.

5. When there is a safety accident such as stampede on the stairs, the teacher should organize and report it in time to prevent the situation from further expanding.

6. Attention should be paid to safety issues when going up and down stairs, and teachers should often talk about it to arouse students' high attention.

Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization

5. Anti-stampede safety knowledge

Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization

Safety song for going up and down stairs

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, pay attention to going up and down the stairs;

Don't play or play, it's a rule to walk on the right;

When encountering danger, you push me to squeeze the most crisis;

If someone falls and gets up quickly, everyone must keep it in mind;

Don't be crowded, and go down the stairs safely.

Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization
Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization

Anti-crowding stampede song

Out of the classroom, check the shoelaces, person to person, not compact.

When going downstairs, walk slowly, with your hands out and your feet down.

Don't talk, don't look back, don't push, don't tease.

When running, the team is neat, when the row is at the head, hold the step.

Tie your shoes, go to the circle, listen to the command, and act together.

Abide by the law and discipline, stress safety, love life, and emphasize prevention.

Don't make trouble, don't crowd, don't push, don't look around.

Don't stay, people are unblocked, in distress, don't panic.

Listen to the command, don't shout, in order, and line up.

Three-character songs, to keep in mind, create peace, promote harmony.

Crowding and stampede accident prevention science popularization

Once a stampede accident occurs, it is necessary to immediately take effective countermeasures to minimize the harm caused by the accident to the masses. After a stampede accident, the "Emergency Plan for Crowded Stampede Accidents" should be activated immediately. Quickly call 120 or 110 for help and rescue the injured. In the process of treatment, it is necessary to follow the principle of first rescuing the seriously injured, and the basis for judging the severity of the injuries is as follows: those who are delirious and unable to call are more seriously injured; those who have a rapid pulse and are weak are more seriously injured; those whose blood pressure drops and their pupils are dilated; and those who have obvious external injuries and bleeding are more serious. It is necessary to use all effective means to quickly evacuate the people at the scene so that the masses can evacuate to a safe place as soon as possible, prohibit unrelated personnel from staying at the scene, prevent people from deliberately creating an atmosphere of panic, and avoid the recurrence of accidents. When the masses are injured, correct and effective rescue measures should be actively taken at the scene of the accident to gain time for the treatment of the injured. Before the arrival of professional medical personnel, it is necessary to seize the time to use scientific methods to help themselves and each other. When the masses are injured, correct and effective rescue measures should be actively taken at the scene of the accident to gain time for the treatment of the injured.

1. Treatment of heavy bleeding

When the injured person is injured to a large arterial and venous blood vessels, and the bleeding does not stop, hemostatic measures must be taken immediately The commonly used methods of hemostasis are pressure bandaging hemostasis and acupressure. The pressure bandaging method of hemostasis is to cover the wound with a clean, sterilized thick gauze, apply pressure directly on the dressing with your hands, and then wrap the gauze with a bandage or triangular scarf to continuously stop bleeding. Acupressure hemostasis is to use the fingers to press on the top of the bleeding wound (proximal end) to block the blood flow and achieve the purpose of hemostasis.

2. Disposal of fractures

After a fracture occurs, efforts should be made to immobilize the fracture site to prevent displacement. When fixing, different methods should be adopted for the fracture site, and the fracture site can be fixed by means of wooden boards, wooden sticks and binding. If the injured person has a fracture and does not bleed profusely, and the accident site is close to the hospital, the injured person can be left to stay still and wait for the doctor's help.

3. Treatment of respiratory and cardiac arrest

For the injured who have stopped breathing and cardiac, artificial respiration and chest compressions should be used for rescue. Manual CPR requires specialized training to be used when helping others in the field. When the injured person's breathing and heartbeat stop, the right and timely on-site care can save their lives.

(The Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Changzheng Hospital), Dong Lan, Wang Fang, Zhu Fangxiang)