
A Japanese reporter asked Jackson: Why don't you come to China to perform? His answer has made Japan hold a grudge to this day


Michael Jackson, the name of that musical legend, is always evocative. However, in the midst of his illustrious musical career, there was an episode of a conversation between him and a Japanese journalist that not only attracted widespread attention, but also became a thought-provoking memory many years later.

As the news of Jackson's death spread, the U.S. Congress observed a minute of silence for him, flags were lowered at half-mast in cities around the country, and almost every celebrity in American society gathered at Michael Jackson's memorial service. However, we go back to one of his early visits to Japan and find an interesting and thought-provoking fragment.

The 80s were the most prosperous era for Japan, and Japan's economy rose rapidly after World War II, and even boasted that it could buy the entire United States. During this period, Japanese culture also went global, and movies, music, and entertainment continued to penetrate, which made the self-confidence of the Japanese people continue to increase. However, in this moment of confidence, there is a regret that Jackson has never held a concert in Japan.

This regret triggered Japan to invite Jackson to perform many times, and even the Japanese royal family personally called to invite them. Eventually, Jackson set foot on Japanese soil after receiving an invitation from the Japanese imperial family. However, in the land he visited, he was confronted with a high-profile question from a Japanese journalist.

The reporter's question was not about music or Japanese culture, but about why he never held a concert in China. The question is clearly a social one, but it is fraught with prejudice against developing countries, as if to ask, "Why didn't you choose to learn about China?" and one wonders what such a question meant in the context of international relations and geopolitics at the time.

A Japanese reporter asked Jackson: Why don't you come to China to perform? His answer has made Japan hold a grudge to this day

Jackson's answer was unexpected, saying that he had already given concerts in China and even performed in Taipei, China, before he held concerts in Japan. The answer was clever and profound, both recognizing his concern for China and defusing embarrassment without directly exposing geopolitical issues. This conversation is not just a question and answer about music, but also a delicate balance between international relations and cultural respect.

However, this conversation also makes us reflect on the motivation of journalists to ask questions. At that time, China was in an economically and militarily disadvantageous position relative to Japan, and the reporter's question was whether there was a specific stance that tried to indirectly highlight China's weakness by guiding Jackson to express his identification with Chinese culture. In today's world, we also often see journalists introduce personal positions and intentions into their reporting, which makes us pay more attention to the power and positions behind the media.

Jackson's answer is undoubtedly a strong support for cultural exchange and music without borders. He connected people from different countries and cultures through music, and became a true global superstar. This also reminds news bloggers to pay attention to the in-depth excavation of the event, understand the cultural context behind it, and present the news from a more comprehensive perspective.

This dialogue has become a small part of Jackson's influence in the world, and it is also a question that international media often need to think about when reporting. At the intersection of cultural differences and geopolitics, journalists need to interpret in an unbiased and objective manner, rather than being swayed by their personal positions. Michael Jackson's brilliant achievements on the world stage are precisely his musical power that transcends borders and becomes a legend in the hearts of people around the world. This dialogue may be a small episode in his musical career, but it is also a reflection and inspiration for the international community.

This conversation between a Japanese journalist and Michael Jackson is not just a simple Q&A, but a reflection of the delicate relationship between culture, geopolitics and music. This episode is not only evocative, but also provokes a series of reflections on cultural identity and international exchange.

Jackson's answer shows his genuine love for music, and he has poured his heart and soul into promoting music wherever he goes. This understanding that music knows no borders has also led to deep reflections on cultural exchange. In today's era of globalization, the spread and exchange of culture has transcended national borders, and art forms such as music and film have become bridges for people to communicate. When reporting on culture-related news, news bloggers can pay more attention to the stories behind the culture and the impact of cultural communication on international relations.

A Japanese reporter asked Jackson: Why don't you come to China to perform? His answer has made Japan hold a grudge to this day

At the same time, this dialogue also makes one think about the complexity of international relations at the time. Behind the reporter's question, there may be a specific view of China and an understanding of Japan's geopolitical position at the time. This suggests that when reporting international news, news bloggers should pay attention to in-depth understanding of the historical and cultural background of events, and avoid one-sided or subjective views. The subtle changes in international relations can often be reflected through cultural forms such as art and music, which is also an entry point for news bloggers to focus on the cultural dimension.

At the same time, Jackson's concern for China revealed in his answer also aroused curiosity about China's development at that time. Does Jackson's concert in China represent the social atmosphere and importance attached to art in China at that time? It also makes us realize that artists and cultural activities can reflect the social landscape of a country to a certain extent. When reporting on cultural events, news bloggers can combine the social background and explore the social significance behind cultural phenomena.

The depth and uniqueness of this dialogue also reflect Jackson's combined influence as an artist. He is not only a music superstar, but also a cultural ambassador who has stepped into many fields. This reminds news bloggers that when reporting on artists and cultural figures, they should fully understand their multifaceted nature, dig deeper into their social and cultural impacts, and present the news from a richer perspective.

Finally, this conversation also makes us think about the responsibility of international artists in the dissemination of culture. Through his concerts, Jackson conveys respect for different countries and cultures, emphasizing the universality of music. This provides a good solution to the cultural conflicts and misunderstandings that pervade today's society. Bloggers can focus on this positive cultural exchange in their reports, calling on more artists to convey tolerance and understanding of multiculturalism in their works.

Overall, this conversation between a Japanese journalist and Michael Jackson is an enlightening episode that evokes both the wonderful power of music and a deep reflection on culture and international relations. Through such cases, news bloggers can present news from a more in-depth and wide-ranging perspective, and stimulate readers' interest and thinking about society and culture.

A Japanese reporter asked Jackson: Why don't you come to China to perform? His answer has made Japan hold a grudge to this day