
Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

author:Clever clear spring pe

Decoration is very complicated, each style has its own love, each function has its own needs, even if it is a family, sometimes it is difficult to reach a consensus.

The decoration is also very simple, some "main contradictions", without the mobilization of the whole family, are also the focus of the decoration list marked in yellow and bold, such as environmental protection.

In order to solve the environmental protection problem at home, in the whole decoration process, we will more or less make various compromises, and even pay more costs -

In order to improve the life of his family, Mr. Lin from Jiangsu Province specially bought a 120-square-meter house, and after the renovation, considering that there were more than two years old children at home, he deliberately waited for the house to be vacant for two years and ventilated before moving in.

Moving into a new house was supposed to be the beginning of a happy life, but the child fell ill frequently and was finally diagnosed with leukemia, and the cause turned out to be formaldehyde left over from the renovation of the home.

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

Formaldehyde is a common indoor pollutant, harmful to human health, and has become a "big problem" for many decoration families. After passing the formaldehyde test, will the formaldehyde at home not exceed the standard again?

How long do I need to seal a house before a formaldehyde test?

According to the "Indoor Air Quality Standard" GB/T18883-2022, the house should be closed for 12 hours before formaldehyde testing, and doors and windows should also be kept closed during testing. In addition, it is not recommended to open all cabinet door drawers during testing, which is not in line with people's living Xi, do not fall into the trap of detecting "formaldehyde limit value" and create anxiety for yourself.

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

The volatilization cycle of formaldehyde is as long as 3-15 years. Therefore, even if indoor formaldehyde is reduced to the standard through physical formaldehyde removal methods such as ventilation, there is no guarantee that there will be no subsequent exceedance.

Many people think that formaldehyde is far away from us, in fact, it is not, as an expert environmental experts pointed out: a few inconspicuous things in the home are the "source" of formaldehyde, which should be avoided, but unfortunately too many uninformed people are still buying at home, and it is recommended to throw away or replace them.

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

1. Paints and coatings smell like their names

Although the existing standards have strict requirements for the formaldehyde content of paints, putties and coatings, it is difficult to ensure that some black-hearted businesses will not do anything in the paint, and even if it is a natural and environmentally friendly coating, it is not without formaldehyde, but the formaldehyde content is within the range specified by the state, but you must know that formaldehyde has a superposition effect, even if a single furniture or paint does not exceed the standard, but the superposition is likely to exceed the standard.

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

2. Wallpaper for beautification

If you want to paste wallpaper, you must first do the base treatment of the wall, and the tool used is the base camp of formaldehyde pollution of furniture - adhesive!

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

3. Flooring, planks and boards

In the process of decoration, it is inevitable to use the plates prepared by synthetic materials, such as walls, floors, radiator decorative shields, TV walls, etc., after cutting, drilling and other processes, the formaldehyde in them will volatilize, resulting in a large increase in indoor formaldehyde concentration.

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

4. Fabric furniture, such as curtains that block light and wind

In principle, it is not recommended to hang the curtains directly when you buy a new home, you know, all fabric furniture must be treated by dyeing process, in the process of dyeing, colorants will be used, and the basic ingredients of colorants are the adhesives of all evils, and this contains a large amount of formaldehyde.

Therefore, it is recommended that you soak the newly bought fabric products before cleaning, and wait for the smell to be used before use.

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

Many people only know that formaldehyde is harmful to the body, but they don't know how harmful it is. You must know that formaldehyde is not the same harm to all groups of people.

It is a guy who bullies the soft and is afraid of the hard, the main harm object is pregnant women and babies and other people with low body immunity, let's take a look at the harm that formaldehyde will cause to children.

1. The child rubs his nose often

If the nose is itchy, it will naturally rub the nose, but generally speaking, the indoor air is still relatively good, and it will not frequently make the child's nose itch.

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

If it is a new move or a new piece of furniture, then it is very likely that there is formaldehyde in the air, and this kind of nose rubbing is not a cold, but is affected by dust and formaldehyde in the air.

At this time, parents can check some indoor air in a professional way, and then take the child to the hospital for a simple examination.

2. Frequent coughing

Children's body resistance is weaker than that of adults, so they are more likely to be attacked by formaldehyde, and there will be many uncomfortable symptoms. If your child always has coughing symptoms, you should pay attention to it.

It may be caused by excessive indoor formaldehyde and poisoning. Prompt and targeted treatment is needed so that uncomfortable symptoms can be improved.

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

3. Repeated colds

After formaldehyde poisoning in children, the body's resistance will continue to decline, so it is easy to have repeated cold symptoms. At this time, it is necessary to pay attention to it, go to a regular hospital in time to do a good job of relevant examinations, and clearly judge the cause, and then carry out targeted treatment.

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

In the above situations, whether it is formaldehyde poisoning or not, you should take your child to the hospital for a check-up in time, nothing but peace of mind, if there is anything you can also treat in time, don't take it seriously!

For the health of our families, we must remove formaldehyde in a timely manner, but before that, we must understand that formaldehyde removal is not a project that can be completed in a short time, and the formaldehyde emission time is generally 3-6 months, so we need to continue to remove formaldehyde.

1: Alvis formaldehyde scavenger is a highly efficient indoor air purifier, specially designed for formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and other harmful substances. Its excellent scavenging efficiency can quickly penetrate and capture formaldehyde hidden inside structures such as plates, and then quickly decompose it into harmless carbon dioxide and water, and this decomposition process itself does not produce new harmful compounds, so it can effectively prevent the volatile release of formaldehyde from the source.

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

The ingredients of Alvis formaldehyde scavenger are safe and reliable, free of oxidants, alcohol and fragrances, and are very safe for families. Tested by professional testing institutions, the efficiency of this product to remove formaldehyde is as high as 91%, which is a favorable player for removing formaldehyde.

2: Activated carbon:

Formaldehyde "big households" have been exposed, and "these four things" don't buy them! Formaldehyde is released at home every day

Activated carbon itself has a certain effect on the adsorption of harmful substances and volatile harmful gases, so it can be used to effectively adsorb formaldehyde, especially in the newly renovated indoor environment or in the case of excessive formaldehyde, it is an effective choice.

Three: Yiya formaldehyde deep scavenger: The composition of this formaldehyde scavenger is mild, which effectively improves the free state and the formaldehyde inside the plate, and the decomposition products are pollution-free.