
Do you still wear down jackets every day? When you encounter these 3 kinds, take them off quickly, many people don't understand, no wonder you don't keep warm

author:Hassle-free tips
Do you still wear down jackets every day? When you encounter these 3 kinds, take them off quickly, many people don't understand, no wonder you don't keep warm

Winter is coming, and many people are starting to wear down jackets, hoping to protect against the cold. But not all down jackets will keep you warm, and some will even make you colder.

Today, I'm going to tell you which down jackets you must not buy, even if they are cheaper, stay away, otherwise you will regret it.

Do you still wear down jackets every day? When you encounter these 3 kinds, take them off quickly, many people don't understand, no wonder you don't keep warm

First, the principle of down jacket warmth

First of all, we need to understand why down jackets can keep warm. The main material of a down jacket is down, which is the down on the chest and belly of a duck or goose.

Down is characterized by being light, soft and fluffy, which can form a lot of air layers to block the cold from the outside world, while maintaining body temperature to achieve the effect of keeping warm.

The warmth of a down jacket mainly depends on two indicators, one is the down content and the other is the fluffiness.

Do you still wear down jackets every day? When you encounter these 3 kinds, take them off quickly, many people don't understand, no wonder you don't keep warm

The down content refers to the proportion of the weight of the down in the down jacket to the total weight, generally speaking, the higher the down content, the better the warmth.

The higher the fluffiness, the more air the down can fix, and the better the warmth.

Generally speaking, the down content of a down jacket should be more than 80%, and the fluffiness should be more than 600 grams per cubic centimeter to be considered a high-quality down jacket.

Of course, this also depends on the different climate and personal physique to choose, some people are afraid of cold, some people are afraid of heat, so you should choose the right down jacket according to your actual situation.

Do you still wear down jackets every day? When you encounter these 3 kinds, take them off quickly, many people don't understand, no wonder you don't keep warm

Second, don't buy these 3 kinds of down jackets

Well, now that we know the warmth principle and advantages of down jackets, then, how do we choose down jackets?

In fact, it is not difficult to buy a down jacket, as long as you pay attention to the following three points, you can avoid buying an inferior down jacket and make your winter warmer.

Do you still wear down jackets every day? When you encounter these 3 kinds, take them off quickly, many people don't understand, no wonder you don't keep warm

1. Down jackets with duck odor

Some down jackets, as soon as they are unpacked, emit an unpleasant duck odor, which is because the down has not been fully washed and disinfected, and there is still duck grease and dirt remaining.

Such a down jacket will not only affect your smell, but also breed bacteria and insect eggs, which can be harmful to your health.

So, if you find that a down jacket smells like duck, don't buy it, even if it's a famous brand.

Do you still wear down jackets every day? When you encounter these 3 kinds, take them off quickly, many people don't understand, no wonder you don't keep warm

2. Damaged down jackets

Some down jackets look new, but if you look closely, you will find that there are some damages, such as zippers, pockets, stitches, etc.

These damages may be due to poor quality of the down jacket, or damage during transportation or storage.

Whatever the reason, such a down jacket will affect your wearing effect, and even lead to down loss and reduce thermal performance.

Therefore, if you find that the down jacket you bought home is damaged, you should return it in time to avoid unnecessary losses.

Do you still wear down jackets every day? When you encounter these 3 kinds, take them off quickly, many people don't understand, no wonder you don't keep warm

3. Non-fluffy down jacket

Some down jackets look thick, but when you touch them, you will find that they are very soft and inelastic, this is because the fluffiness of the down is not enough, it does not form enough air layer, and the thermal performance is very poor.

Such a down jacket may be because the quality of the down is not good, or it may be because the design of the down jacket is unreasonable and does not give enough space for the down to expand.

So when we are buying a down jacket, we find that the down jacket is particularly fluffy, so don't choose, after all, the down jacket is not cheap, and it is a waste of money to buy something that is not warm.

Do you still wear down jackets every day? When you encounter these 3 kinds, take them off quickly, many people don't understand, no wonder you don't keep warm

The above is what I want to tell you, about the warmth principle and purchase skills of down jackets, I hope you can remember, don't be confused by appearance, and check with your eyes and hands to buy a really good down jacket.

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