
What should China do? It has been regarded as the biggest threat by the United States, and how can it protect itself to the greatest extent?

author:Funny and serious passion fruit

Title: China's Autonomous Military Rise: Reshaping Balance and Cooperation in the Global Security Landscape

What should China do? It has been regarded as the biggest threat by the United States, and how can it protect itself to the greatest extent?

Introduction: In today's world, with the evolution of the international order and the intensification of great power competition, military strength has undoubtedly become an important measure of a country's comprehensive national strength and influence. China, as a rising power, has attracted special attention from the world in the process of military modernization. This article will delve into the independent rise of China's military and its role in the changing international competitive landscape.

What should China do? It has been regarded as the biggest threat by the United States, and how can it protect itself to the greatest extent?

Text: 1. China's military rise from a global strategic perspective As we all know, with the advent of the era of globalization, the security of any country is no longer isolated. While China has improved its own defense capabilities, it has always maintained an open and cooperative posture. However, in the current global strategic landscape, especially after the United States has positioned China as its biggest strategic competitor, this balance and cooperation has become more delicate and complex.

What should China do? It has been regarded as the biggest threat by the United States, and how can it protect itself to the greatest extent?

II. Modernization of the Navy and Air Force: Catching up and Challenging China's Navy and Air Force have made remarkable progress in recent years. From the commissioning of the first aircraft carrier Liaoning, to the launch of the second and third self-built aircraft carriers, from the J-20 stealth fighter to the frequent launch of the Long March series of carrier rockets, it shows that the sky is no longer a dream. However, when comparing with Western powers such as the United States, it is not difficult to see that there are still gaps in terms of technology and quantitative scale.

What should China do? It has been regarded as the biggest threat by the United States, and how can it protect itself to the greatest extent?

3. The Law of History and the New Equilibrium History tells us that the "Thucydides Trap" always lurks between a rising power and an established hegemon. But today, in the 21st century, we should seek to break this cycle of history. By building a new type of major-country relationship and seeking a new equilibrium within the framework of a multipolar world, friction and misunderstanding will be reduced.

What should China do? It has been regarded as the biggest threat by the United States, and how can it protect itself to the greatest extent?

Fourth, scientific and technological innovation and the integration of military and civilian development, science and technology have effectively changed the form of modern warfare. China has made it clear that it will accelerate the implementation of the strategy of in-depth military-civilian integration and make breakthroughs in frontier fields such as artificial intelligence and quantum communications. At the same time, it is also keeping up with world trends in the field of cybersecurity and space exploration, and has even begun to lead the trend in some aspects.

What should China do? It has been regarded as the biggest threat by the United States, and how can it protect itself to the greatest extent?

5. Independent Innovation: Building Core CompetitivenessWhether it is the perfect coverage of the Beidou navigation system or the successful testing of the new missile weapon system, it reflects that China has taken a solid step forward in independent innovation. This is inseparable from the continuous growth of scientific research investment and the optimization of the high-end talent training mechanism.

What should China do? It has been regarded as the biggest threat by the United States, and how can it protect itself to the greatest extent?

6. Adhering to the path of peaceful developmentAlthough its weapons and equipment are becoming increasingly advanced, China has never changed its path of peaceful development. Actively promote regional and global common security through multilateral diplomacy and regional cooperation frameworks such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and ASEAN+3 (ASEAN+3).

What should China do? It has been regarded as the biggest threat by the United States, and how can it protect itself to the greatest extent?

Conclusion: Overall, in a complex and volatile international environment, it is crucial for China to promote defense through independent innovation and open cooperation. This not only means that the mainland's defense construction has entered a new era, but also means that the global security pattern is having a far-reaching impact. The future is undoubtedly full of challenges and opportunities, and while pursuing self-strength, we also need to pay attention to building a win-win situation of cooperation under the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind.