
3 beauties stood on the roof and danced, and the old man sat on the bench to watch, can he really get married?


In Chinese society, it has become a traditional concept that men should enter the palace of marriage at the right age, and women should also choose to enter married life after reaching the marriageable age. With the passage of time, men and women who have entered the marriageable age stage have gradually begun to make elaborate preparations for their marriage. At the end of the year, the blind date event is in full swing and has become an important part of the year-end social dinner.

At this moment, many young people in the city will temporarily leave their busy daily work behind and return to their hometown early so that they can participate in various forms of blind date activities. As a long-standing and direct and effective social model, blind date has successfully solved the marriage problems faced by many people to a large extent. Even in the context of modern and fast-paced society, there are still a considerable number of people who choose to participate in blind date activities even if they already have a romantic relationship. After all, meeting someone new doesn't cost anything substantial, and it can even lead to a better future.

3 beauties stood on the roof and danced, and the old man sat on the bench to watch, can he really get married?

Among women, they tend to prefer single men who live in nearby areas as ideal marriage partners, which not only ensures a shorter geographical distance from their parents, but also facilitates a faster integration into local life in the new environment. Although blind dates are not always successful, this form is a reality that many people have to face. Some people choose blind dates simply to satisfy their parents' concerns about their children's marital status, because they are worried that their children will not be emotionally independent, while others sincerely hope to find a suitable partner to spend the rest of their lives together.

Deep in a rural village in Henan Province, three youthful women have attracted widespread attention as they return to their hometowns to participate in family activities. The three women, Xiaofang, Xiaohong and Xiaoli, are all unmarried women in the village, and they return to their hometown with the hope of finding their perfect person and spending a long life with them. However, it is regrettable that although they have been in their hometown for several days, none of them have come to introduce them to a blind date. This makes them wonder if the information has not yet spread throughout the village. Therefore, they decided to wander around the village in an attempt to attract more people's attention.

3 beauties stood on the roof and danced, and the old man sat on the bench to watch, can he really get married?

Dressed in dresses like a spring breeze, they wandered through the village lanes, but with little success. This prompted them to think deeply about how they could attract the attention of the whole village in a more effective way. It was at this moment that a new and bold idea was born in their hearts. They decided to stand on the roof of the village gatehouse and dance to attract the attention of the whole village. At first, a few elderly people came up to them and admonished them whether they should go downstairs, believing that such behavior was unseemly. However, the three brave women were determined, and they ignored the advice of the elders, played music diligently, and danced a joyous team dance together.

As the tempo of the music gradually increased, the crowd around them soon gathered, and these gray-haired old men sat on the ground with small ponies in their hands, their eyes fixed on the dancers, and they exchanged words in low voices. Witnessing the scene of the three women dancing on the rooftop, these old men exchanged heads and talked about each other, some of which accused their actions of being nonsense, and some even criticized their actions as gimmicks and grandstanding.

3 beauties stood on the roof and danced, and the old man sat on the bench to watch, can he really get married?

The three women had a clear goal of letting the whole village know that they had returned home, and that more young men would take the initiative to find opportunities to show their love to them. However, for these old men, they have quite a grain of salt. They firmly believe that such an act will only damage their reputation, and it will be more difficult to find a good husband, and some people have even asserted that if they continue to do so, they may really find it difficult to marry. When the scene of this dance performance was filmed and uploaded to the Internet, the majority of netizens started a discussion with different opinions. Some people appreciate the innovative thinking of these three women and the results they have achieved, while others think that their behavior is indeed a little extreme, and not everyone can easily accept it.

When we explore the topic of these three women who aspire to enter the palace of marriage, we can see that there are multiple social aspects and various forms of public feedback behind it. It is true that their eagerness is really valuable, but their behavior has attracted a lot of attention and controversy, and even caused a lot of questions and criticism. Looking at this issue from the perspective of timeless traditional concepts, marriage is undoubtedly one of the most important issues in life, and it is worth pondering. If they are too hasty and impatient, they are likely to lose their ability to make immature or hasty decisions. This may not only have a negative impact on their personal future, but also affect their families and society as a whole. Therefore, even if these three ladies are extremely anxious at the moment, they should calm down and carefully examine their real needs and expectations.

3 beauties stood on the roof and danced, and the old man sat on the bench to watch, can he really get married?

From another perspective, the actions of these three ladies reflect the changes in the values and lifestyles of many modern young people. They have the courage to express their opinions and experiences, and they are not always bound by the constraints of traditional ideas and norms. Although their behavior is occasionally suspected of deviance, they are realistically speaking, and they also bring joy and reflection to the people around them. The actions of these three ladies have also triggered a lot of in-depth thinking about public opinion and biased beliefs. In modern society, people often exaggerate or comment on certain actions. Perhaps that's why these three women were swayed by such biased ideas and stereotypes to make such decisions. Therefore, we should be more open-minded and broad-minded in our approach to the choices and actions of others, and try to avoid making judgments or labels as easily.

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