
CBA ridiculous penalty! Fans angrily scolded the back crotch kick for violating the body, and the front kick crotch was fine, serious double standard

author:The naughty boy said ball

Where is the fair competition advocated by Yao Ming? He also touted that the accuracy rate of CBA referees was quite high, and such arguments became very pale and unconvincing in last night's game.

CBA ridiculous penalty! Fans angrily scolded the back crotch kick for violating the body, and the front kick crotch was fine, serious double standard

In last night's match between the Navy team and the Guangdong team, there was a crotch kicking action, to be specific, that is, when the Guangdong team's foreign aid Waters was shooting, his foot kicked backwards and kicked Shanghai player Luo Hanchen. The latter fell to the ground holding his "younger brother", at this time the referee stopped the game and went to watch the replay, and the No. 39 referee Yang Hongfeng immediately sentenced Waters to a physical foul, and the Shanghai team won two free throws and one throw.

CBA ridiculous penalty! Fans angrily scolded the back crotch kick for violating the body, and the front kick crotch was fine, serious double standard

Waters then kicked Luo Hanchen

CBA ridiculous penalty! Fans angrily scolded the back crotch kick for violating the body, and the front kick crotch was fine, serious double standard

After the game, Waters talked about being whistled for a physical foul for kicking the egg behind his back, he said: I really didn't mean it, he was standing behind me, I couldn't have intentionally hurt him, but I was whistled for a physical foul, and I was helpless. Even though I'm a Cantonese fan, I don't think there's a problem with the referee giving Waters a physical violation, whether you kick the opponent in the right part intentionally or not. At that time, there was no referee for the horse leg for a while, so that the crotch kicking action of the horse leg was popular for two or three years, and then the public anger was too great, and the Chinese Basketball Association had to think that this was a violation of the body, and it disappeared.

CBA ridiculous penalty! Fans angrily scolded the back crotch kick for violating the body, and the front kick crotch was fine, serious double standard

However, in the first two rounds of the game, the horse leg reappeared in the rivers and lakes, and the situation was the same as the horse leg of the year, and the referee chose to ignore it at the beginning. Liaoning team foreign aid Fogg in the match with the Shanghai team and the Shanxi team, jumped up and passed the ball and kicked Liu Zhengqing and Lin Chang's crotch, both victims fell to the ground and rolled on the ground, very painful. Looking at these two people in slow motion, the pain of these two people is much greater than that of Luo Hanchen last night. But the strange thing is that this Ferg who kicked the crotch twice in a row was ignored by the referee, and even after watching the replay, he didn't even give a normal foul, which allowed Fogg to be popular and complacent. The explanation of the Liaoning fans was even cheaper and obedient, and they whitewashed, first, the defenders violated Fogg's cylinder, and second, Fogg was not intentional, but unintentional. Now it seems that such a statement is clearly pale in comparison.

CBA ridiculous penalty! Fans angrily scolded the back crotch kick for violating the body, and the front kick crotch was fine, serious double standard

Fogg kicked Liu Zhengqing

CBA ridiculous penalty! Fans angrily scolded the back crotch kick for violating the body, and the front kick crotch was fine, serious double standard

It can also be said that last night's CBA referee obviously implemented a double standard, kicking the crotch backwards and blowing, but the more conscious kick forward is fine, the referee really opens one eye and closes one eye. Some fans joked that it was good to have a king, and it was okay for the Liaoning players to commit any heavenly rules, while the other teams were against the body.

CBA ridiculous penalty! Fans angrily scolded the back crotch kick for violating the body, and the front kick crotch was fine, serious double standard

Ferg kicks Chang Lin

Not to mention that the Guangdong team is angry, even the Shanghai fans can't stand it, they continue to post on the Tiger Fight Forum to ridicule the referee, and even have some sympathy for the Guangdong team, they say that Liaoning should be a violation, Guangdong is the back of the head? This violation is actually a bit far-fetched, and the positive should be more violated. Guangdong fans said that Shanghai is not to blame for this, we are just complaining about the double standard.

CBA ridiculous penalty! Fans angrily scolded the back crotch kick for violating the body, and the front kick crotch was fine, serious double standard

Waters' goal is a violation, there is no problem with blowing the violation, whether it is intentional or unintentional, this action should not be allowed, but we should appeal to the referee to enforce the law equally in the future, and cannot be excluded because some teams have the support of the director. What is your comment on the referee's double standard enforcement, please let us know.