
Behind the scenes of "Garland Under the Mountain": Li Cunbao interviewed for 7 months, why the female printing worker refused to typeset

author:Xiao Du talks about the world

Li Cunbao's creative path of in-depth life and materials

In the spring of 1979, 36-year-old Li Cunbao came to the Yunnan front line in the border and began a seven-month journey of life and materials.

When he first arrived at the front line, he was still keen to record heroic feats and battle plans, but after a long time, Li Cunbao gradually discovered that what moved him the most here was not the grand battle picture, but the softest side of ordinary people's hearts.

Once, Li Cunbao saw Dai girls washing the bodies of martyrs in the stream.

Behind the scenes of "Garland Under the Mountain": Li Cunbao interviewed for 7 months, why the female printing worker refused to typeset

They were cautious, for fear that one of them would hurt the martyrs. An old Dai man walked by, and said in a trembling voice: "The water is too cold."

The girls immediately understood, and hurried to boil hot water. Li Cunbao couldn't help but tremble in his heart when he saw the love in the eyes of the old man and the young girl. This sincerity and love from ordinary people became the source of his creations in the future.

Li Cunbao also witnessed a scene in which a group of Dai girls bought eggs at the market to give to the wounded on the front line. An old lady was still haggling at first, but when she heard about their intentions, she immediately picked up the basket of eggs and said that she would go to the hospital with them.

Seeing this, the other egg sellers in the market also tacitly joined their ranks. Li Cunbao was deeply moved by this unreserved kindness.

Behind the scenes of "Garland Under the Mountain": Li Cunbao interviewed for 7 months, why the female printing worker refused to typeset

He realizes that seemingly small personal emotions in the context are often the most touching. This has become a valuable experience for his creation—going deep into life and discovering the warmth in every bit of it is perhaps the most moving source of literary creation.

"Garland Under the Mountain" caused a sensation in the literary world and touched countless readers

In 1982, when Li Cunbao was 36 years old, he published the novella "Garland Under the Mountain" in October magazine. As soon as the novel was published, it was like a bomb in the literary world, causing a sensation across the country.

The novel, which is just a few tens of thousands of words, was immediately reprinted by nearly 100 newspapers and periodicals across the country. Folk theater troupes have adapted it into dramas and staged them in various places. Publishing houses followed, competing to publish single books of novels.

There was a long queue of readers in the bookstore, and the printing house was working overtime to keep up with the enthusiastic demand of readers. The print run and sales of the novel soon exceeded 10 million copies, and it became a bestseller with national attention.

Behind the scenes of "Garland Under the Mountain": Li Cunbao interviewed for 7 months, why the female printing worker refused to typeset

After receiving a large amount of feedback from readers, Li Cunbao was keenly aware that the reason why the novel caused such a huge response was precisely because he incorporated a large number of real life details, which touched the hearts of ordinary readers.

For example, the details of the soldier Liang Sanxi in the novel asking his wife to leave a military coat for his daughter are derived from the actual martyr's suicide note; The details of the old Dai people saying that "the water is too cold" also come from Li Cunbao's personal experience.

At that time, many readers wrote letters asking why Jin Kailai failed to make meritorious contributions. One veteran writer even criticized the novel as "propaganda material" at a seminar. But Li Cunbao didn't care about that, because he realized that it showed how readers care about the characters in the novel, and how the work truly reflects the lives of ordinary people.

It is this authenticity that has touched countless readers and brought about a sensational effect in the novel.

Behind the scenes of "Garland Under the Mountain": Li Cunbao interviewed for 7 months, why the female printing worker refused to typeset

Female workers in the printing house maintain the characters of the novel and reflect the authenticity of the work

After "Garland Under the Mountain" became a sensation across the country, Li Cunbao received thousands of feedback letters from readers. To his surprise, more than 300 of them were questioned by readers about the novel's character, Jin Kailai, believing that he should make greater contributions.

This reflects how the reader at large is so engaged in the plot of the novel that he personally administers justice for the characters.

One day, several female workers in the printing factory suddenly found Li Cunbao and surrounded him and wept bitterly. They choked up and begged Li Cunbao to revise the plot of the novel, and if he did not give Jin Kailai meritorious service, they refused to typeset the novel.

Li Cunbao obviously won't change his creation, but this scene still shocked him very much. It turns out that the vivid details of the novel have moved these ordinary printers to regard the characters of the novel as confidants.

Behind the scenes of "Garland Under the Mountain": Li Cunbao interviewed for 7 months, why the female printing worker refused to typeset

This incident further proves Li Cunbao's creative proposition that art comes from life, and only the details that come from life can be infectious. The reason why the novel resonates so strongly is precisely because those real moments of life touch the reader's heart.

This also convinced Li Cunbao that as a writer, only by grasping the truth of life can his works have touching power.

This printing house incident has become an unforgettable lesson in Li Cunbao's creative career. It reminds him to always keep a clear and sincere heart, and to feel the truth in life that is worth describing with a normal heart.

Perhaps, the care and warmth of ordinary people is the most touching part of literary creation.

Behind the scenes of "Garland Under the Mountain": Li Cunbao interviewed for 7 months, why the female printing worker refused to typeset

The collision of two different literary styles

In 1984, Mo Yan and Li Cunbao entered the People's Liberation Army Academy of Literature at the same time to study Xi. At that time, Mo Yan was still unknown, and Li Cunbao was already a well-known best-selling author.

At a novel seminar, Mo Yan sharply criticized Li Cunbao's novel for not being literary, but just like a "propaganda material". Everyone else present was shocked by Mo Yan's words.

But Li Cunbao didn't mind at all, and accepted Mo Yan's opinion with the self-cultivation attitude of a big brother.

In fact, the two men have very different literary styles. Li Cunbao's novels emphasize "realism" and obtain life materials through a large number of field interviews; Mo Yan pays more attention to creating magical scenes through imagination.

Behind the scenes of "Garland Under the Mountain": Li Cunbao interviewed for 7 months, why the female printing worker refused to typeset

However, the paths of literary creation are inherently diverse, and Li Cunbao does not think that his "realistic" method is superior to others.

Perhaps it is the spark of the collision of two completely different writing propositions that has promoted the development and innovation of contemporary literature. Li Cunbao represents the literary line of witnessing the times with truth, while Mo Yan has created a new field of magical realism.

Throughout the history of Chinese and foreign literature, the sparks of many writers of different genres have promoted the transformation and breakthrough of literature.

The contention of a hundred schools of thought in literature has brought a colorful and colorful picture of thought. Li Cunbao didn't mind Mo Yan's criticism, and also drew nourishment from it. In the collision of these two completely different literary styles, Li Cunbao is even more convinced that his choice of "realistic" path is correct, because it stems from his love and observation of life.

Behind the scenes of "Garland Under the Mountain": Li Cunbao interviewed for 7 months, why the female printing worker refused to typeset

Touching is the core of good literature

Li Cunbao represents the genre of "realism" in contemporary Chinese literature, while Mo Yan has created a new field of "magical realism", and the two can be described as explorers of different literary paths.

However, the core criterion for measuring a writer's success is whether he can touch the hearts of readers.

The reason why Li Cunbao became a household name and best-selling author in the 80s is because his works show the most beautiful human nature and convey the most sincere emotions, which infects the majority of ordinary readers and touches their hearts.

Similarly, Mo Yan's use of rich imagination to create a magical world has fascinated countless readers.

Behind the scenes of "Garland Under the Mountain": Li Cunbao interviewed for 7 months, why the female printing worker refused to typeset

It can be said that touching people's hearts is the only magic weapon to measure good literature. Li Cunbao's choice of the path of "realism" stems from his enthusiasm for the lives of ordinary people; Mo Yan's choice of "imagination" also stems from his thinking about the nature of life.

The different paths they choose, and the common goal they ultimately achieve is to reach every hungry reader.

Throughout the history of Chinese and foreign literature, far-reaching writers have one thing in common—their works come from the heart and touch the soul. Li Cunbao was at the peak of literature in the 80s, which proves this.

No matter what kind of creative technique, as long as it can move readers and resonate, it is good literature, and it is a successful work worthy of praise.