

author:Letters talk about the past and the present

The Zhiwen family who lived a hard life

Looking back on those days in 1970, the life of Li Zhiwen's family of four can be said to be difficult. The family was not wealthy, and his father died early, leaving only his mother and two young sisters.


To make matters worse, due to the composition of the family, they receive very little food rations, which is not enough to fill their stomachs.

Looking at the emaciated figures of his mother and sisters, 10-year-old Zhiwen felt extremely sad. When autumn came, the family had run out of food, and my mother's heart pain had flared up again, and she could not go out to work to earn money.


It's a big problem. The starvation of a family is a surging undercurrent that threatens to swallow them at any moment.

"Is there any other solution to the urgent need?" Young Zhiwen frantically searched his mind for possible solutions. That's when a bold and terrifying idea arose – theft.

Although he knew that this was obviously wrong, in order to survive, in order to keep his beloved family from starving to death, he seemed to have no choice but to make a desperate bet.


Late that night, Zhiwen mustered up all his courage and decided to go to the sweet potato field in the village to steal some sweet potatoes to satisfy his hunger. He knew it would bring him into disrepute, but he couldn't do that much now.

A turning point in fate

Zhiwen, who fell to the ground, looked up at Zhou Yujiang with an expressionless face, and his heart was full of despair. He had a premonition that he would not be able to escape the heavy punishment and could only watch his mother and sister starve to death.


At this moment, the Grim Reaper's scythe seemed to have been raised above his head.

Surprisingly, Zhou Yujiang did not reprimand him harshly, nor did he catch him to complain. He just quietly picked up the sweet potatoes on the ground one by one and put them in his pocket.

Then he walked to the door of Zhiwen's house without squinting and gently put his pocket under the courtyard wall.


This series of actions made Zhiwen, who fell in place, dumbfounded. He never expected that this righteous gentleman who should have severely punished himself ended up giving forgiveness.

Zhou Yujiang's kindness made him suddenly brighten up in an instant, and he saw hope from the desperate situation.


Maybe Zhou Yujiang was also feeling guilty - if he had found out about the plight of the Zhiwen family earlier and offered to help, this theft would not have happened tonight. But in the end, this empathetic villager chose to tolerate and encourage, so that the young Zhiwen understood the truth that human nature is good.

This half bag of sweet potatoes saved the lives of Zhiwen's family and successfully saved the lives of Zhiwen's family. What's even better is that this turning point also became an opportunity in his life - many years later, Li Zhiwen finally became a town through unremitting efforts.


As the county magistrate, he always remembered the kindness of the kind farmer in his heart.

The county magistrate who repaid the favor

Time flies, years change. The penniless poor boy has now become the head of the party and a well-known person who impresses the people.

With his brilliant mind and perseverance, Li Zhiwen has climbed from a small role at the grassroots level to today's high position - the county magistrate of Laiyang County.


Now he has no worries about food and clothing, and is sought after and admired by countless people.

But even in a high position, Li Zhiwen's heart has never really swelled. Because he has never forgotten that when he was able to reverse the situation and reach the peak of his life, one of the most critical opportunities was Zhou Yujiang's tolerance and redemption.

Therefore, whenever the annual Spring Festival comes, Li Zhiwen will inevitably drive to this ancient mountain village in person and visit Zhou Yujiang's family with a generous gift.


In this way, he hopes to express his eternal gratitude to the benefactor who saved him in the first place.

However, it is curious that although the two families maintain regular contact, their communication seems to stop at greetings and festivals. They talked about that fateful turn of the night, but they never talked deeply.


Maybe it was Zhou Yujiang who felt guilty about his decision to help steal back then, or maybe Li Zhiwen was afraid that this past incident would affect his reputation, and there seemed to be a tacit understanding between them - they chose to bury that past deeply in a tacit understanding.

The brilliance of humanity

It wasn't until many years later, when Zhou Yujiang died, that his widow finally couldn't help it and revealed the secret between the two. It turned out that Zhou Yujiang and his wife had always misunderstood that Li Zhiwen was here to pursue her, so they were full of vigilance everywhere.


And Li Zhiwen is also reluctant to tell an outsider about his gray experience because of his self-esteem.

However, when we look at this cross-class friendship with a historical lens, we are struck by the most moving part of human nature. In the face of weakness, Zhou Yujiang chose to be tolerant; In the face of kindness, Li Zhiwen did not forget.

Their sincere feelings of mutual understanding, forgiveness and respect have made for a touching story.


In fact, putting aside prejudices and prejudices, there is no insurmountable gap between people. We are all born from the same root, so why attack each other? Zhou Yujiang's benevolent act is like a beacon, guiding the lost in the dark; Li Zhiwen's thoughts and retributions also make people's hearts warm.

It is the good qualities they show that are the source of the appeal of this story.


Maybe the world isn't as bright as we would like. However, as long as there are people like Zhou Yujiang and Li Zhiwen, as long as there is their sincere kindness that transcends life and death and status, the world will never be so dark that it makes us despair.

This is also the revelation of the precious life they left us.

Revelation of life

When I listened to this heartwarming story told by my grandmother, I was moved to tears. It turns out that in this earthly world, although the act of benevolence and fraternity is extraordinary, it does not exist.


It is precisely because of such generous and benevolent people as Zhou Yujiang and Li Zhiwen that the world will be full of human light and hope.

This also warns us of many important life lessons: in the face of the edge of life and death, we must learn to be tolerant and tolerant; In the face of the kindness of others, we must not be ungrateful.


The mistakes of the past cannot be a stumbling block in the way, and only by letting go of prejudices can people be full of understanding and communication.

We also need to learn from Xi positive spirit of our two predecessors. Fate is unpredictable, only with a positive and optimistic heart, love everything in this world, we can get through the stormy waves, get inner satisfaction and joy.


At the same time, we must also remember that as long as there is a smile on the corner of the mouth, as long as there is love in the world, there will never be a shortage of hope in this world. Let us become wiser and more empathetic after experiencing this touching story.

Embrace every soul that intersects with us with a broad mind.


I believe that if the fire of compassion and kindness is ignited in everyone's heart, the misunderstanding between people will disappear. Under the sun, we will move forward hand in hand and write a beautiful chapter of human development together.

That's what inspired me the most from this true story.