
Wang Tongguang | digital single county

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Wang Tongguang | digital single county

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Shan County is a thousand-year-old county, with a long history and talents, many commemorative people, events, and place names have been passed down through the world, and the following items have been collected from the perspective of numbers alone, and listed in a concentrated manner for readers to understand the glorious history of Shan County from one angle.

1. Half-moon platform: that is, the piano platform, Tang Dynasty single father Wei Tao Chu rebuilt the piano platform, the front and back round, shaped like a half moon. In the three years of Tang Tianbao, Li Bai, Du Fu, and Gao Shi traveled with your single father, and together they boarded the piano stage, chanted and sang harmony, leaving behind brilliant poems. Li Bai's poem has the sentence "Building a platform like a half moon", so the qintai is also called "half a platform". The address is at the present Huxi District Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Tower.

2. Three stations in one mile: Three stations in one mile are called Qintai, Xiantai and Tiantai, all of which are historical sites. On the current south moat, inside the Huxi Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery. It is said that the tendai was the place where the ancestors sacrificed to the heavens, and there was a tendai temple built on it. In 1979, the Huxi Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall was built on it, and the current rooftop scenery was rebuilt in 2010. The qintai is the place where the single father Xianzai Mizi played the piano in the Spring and Autumn Period, also known as the half-moon platform. Shaixiantai is one of the Eight Immortals of the Tang Dynasty, where Lü Dongbin basked in the sun after getting drunk during a single tour. Legend has it that he was twice recognized by Chen Xun, a Ming Dynasty attendant at his infancy.

3. One or two stones and one or two gold: Zhang's archway is built to surpass the Zhu family arch. At the beginning, the stonemason carved the stone foam and paid copper money for each pound. After that, it rises to a hanging. Through the carving of the two dragons play beads, to the subtle, even paid one or two silver. After finishing his work, he asked, "Is it okay?" The answer: "Yes, but the money must be reprocessed." "Xu Zhi, one or two stones to pay one or two gold." The stonemason was overjoyed, and he carved all night, and it was a masterpiece in the end.

4. Erxian :Erxian refers to the two great disciples of Confucius appointed by the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period, Shan Father Zai Mi Zi And Wu Ma Shi. Mi Zi zhi shan is good at using people, playing the piano and ruling, and has outstanding merits; Wu Ma Shi Phi Xing Wears the Moon, works hard day and night, must be done personally, and governs the single father very well, and is called "the second sage". During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, the county lieutenant Tao Chuan built the Erxian Ancestral Hall on the site of Qintai. It was rebuilt in 2008 between Seisendai and Tendai.

5. 251 Stone: The collective name of the three calligraphers and painters in contemporary Shan County, referring to The Professor and Calligrapher Bao Beiwu of Qufu Normal University, Cui Xingwu, a famous painter in Shandong Province, and Zhao Feishi, a famous master of Chinese painting.

6. The three major Qing officials: refers to Qin Shao and Chen Xun of the Ming Dynasty, and Liu E of the Qing Dynasty.

Qin Xuan, Ming Dynasty Single County Huangdui Ji people. He served as the Inspector of Nanjing, the Hubu Shangshu and the Right Deputy Capital, and was a famous honest official in The history of our country with the ability to govern the world, and a famous Qing official of the Ming Dynasty. Taiwan edited "China's Top Ten Qing Officials", and Qin Xuan ranked first. Chen Xun (陈勖), a native of Dongguan Street in Shancheng, was an official to the Ming Dynasty household attendant. During his official duties, he was loyal to his duties and did not fear power and adultery. Liu E, the old family of Liu in the south of Shan County. The official was directly subordinate to the Viceroy of the Qing Dynasty and the Bingbu Shangshu. All his life as an official, he is upright, diligent and honest, and capable of doing things. After Liu E's death, the Qianlong Emperor made a tribute to the imperial text and gave him the title of "Ke Jian". Rebbe Shangshu Jiyun wrote an epitaph. Enter the Ancestral Hall of the Directly Subordinate Name.

7. Sanyuan Square: Sanyuan Square is a small cultural square built in 2011 on the site of the Shan County Party Committee to show the history and folklore of Shan County. It mainly includes three parts: the Huxi Revolution History Memorial Hall in Pingyuan Province, the Shan County Folk Culture Museum and the Cultural Wall of Historical Celebrities.

8. Three major flat hairs: refers to the three high-ranking officials of Shan County in history, Zhu Ji, Liu E, and Wang Daya, who are called chickens, geese and ducks by harmonic sound. Zhu Ji (朱嵇), a native of Shan Cheng, was an official who was a member of the Imperial Household of Huanggang Town, Shan County, who served as a soldier of the Qing Dynasty, Andong, a native of Shan Cheng, an official who was an inspector of official residences.

9. Three absolutes: refers to the Zhang family's archway, the Li family's plaque, and the Wang family's large flagpole.

Zhangjia Arch, also known as Baishifang, was built for Wenlin Lang Zhang Pu's wife Zhu Shi. There are hundreds of stone carved lions of different sizes and shapes, and the carving patterns are exquisite and transparent, which can be called the rare stone carving art of the Qing Dynasty in the country.

Li Family Plaque: In the Ming Dynasty, the Two Brothers of the Li Family in Dongguan, Shancheng, were on the same list of jinshi, and the famous calligrapher Lei Li was invited to make a plaque for his book, and the word "jinshi" was strong and majestic, dashing and unrestrained, and had the reputation of "a thousand gold in one word".

Wangjia Flagpole: The Wangjia flagpole stands in front of the North Wangjia Gate on Shancheng East Gate Outer Road (now the side of Damingcheng Road, Shengli Road), one on each side. The Wang family had officials who were in charge of official residences, and they were the most famous among the officials of the single county at that time, so they set up flagpoles in front of the gate to show off their power. The flagpole is several feet high, with a knife on it, and stands majestically. On festive occasions, embroidered flags are raised, which are bright and dazzling, attracting the attention of passers-by.

Wang Tongguang | digital single county

10. Three Loyalty Shrines: On the rooftop and piano platform in Shan County, there were three ancestral halls built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, namely the Shuangzhong Ancestral Hall, the Monk Zhongzi Ancestral Hall, and the Zhonglie Ancestral Hall, collectively known as the "Three Loyalty Shrines".

11. Sanguan Temple: Located in 6.5 miles west of Shancheng, the original hall has three rooms, three east and west rooms, and three mountain gates, I don't know when it was built, and the stele was rebuilt during the Ming Wanli and Chongzhen years. Legend has it that Chen Liuxing, who lived in the northwest of Shan Cheng, lived three brothers who made a living selling salt, and when they built the temple statue of the god in the Three Officials Temple, they became three gods, and the magical story spread all over the world. The Sanguan Temple in Shan County is famous, and once a year a grand temple fair has been passed down to this day.

12. Sanyihe and Sanyichun: Two famous soup restaurants for Shan County's mutton soup. In 1809, Xu Guili, Cao Xisheng and Zhu Keqin opened the "Sanyi and Tang Restaurant". In 1935, Zhou Yongqi, Lü Yunfa and Dou Baode opened the "SanyiChun Mutton Soup Restaurant" in Liu Yushou, Shan County.

13. Three wonders of a single father: the ancient wolfberry in the house, the sweat of Luohan, and the three wonders of Shan County.

In front of the old gate of Shancheng, in the west neighbor, in the two houses facing the street, there is a wolfberry tree, this wolfberry, the tree is in the house, the canopy protrudes from the roof, like a giant umbrella. Every spring and summer, it is lush, full of flowers, and crystal clear red fruits. With a history of more than 400 years, it is a spectacle.

In ancient times, there was a large temple in the southeast of Shan County called Kichijoji. Eighteen arhats are carved in the clay of the temple, among which the statue of the descending dragon arhat sometimes sweats on the body, and the sweating time, sweating site, and sweating amount are uncertain, which is regarded as a major spectacle. As for the cause of sweating, there are different theories. Some say it's because of the wet weather, and some say it's caused by rising underground moisture.

The southern pass of the northern guanlao means that the old single city was washed away by the flood during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, and the city's houses were all paid for by the ocean. Jiajing five years, the reconstruction of the new city, the site is located in the north of the old city, the north of the old city, become the south of the new city. Therefore, the well of the new South Pass, that is, the well of the old North Pass. Therefore, the south pass dropped the basket and the north pass fished.

14. Folk three products: bacon, red pepper stew lamb, sticky dough.

15. Honey Three Knives: Honey Three Knives is a famous pastry in Shan County. Together with the bee cake of Feng County and the jujube bun of Cao County, it has become a famous food in southwestern Lu, northern Jiangsu, northern Anhui and northeastern Henan.

16. Four Gentlemen: Refers to the great Tang Dynasty poets Li Bai, Du Fu, Gao Shi, and Tao Yuan, a lieutenant of Shan County at that time. In 744, Li Bai, Du Fu, Gao Shi, and Tao Yuan jointly took to the piano stage, chanting and singing, leaving behind many popular poems. Later, the four were called "the four gentlemen of the Qintai". In the newly built Ganshan Park, there is a statue of the Four Gentlemen Stone. On the cultural wall on the east side of the statue group, the poems they wrote in Shan County are engraved.

17. The four gates of the old single city, the four city river bridges, and the four gates: the four gates: the east gate is named Dongzuo, the south gate is named Fucai, the west gate is named Xicheng, and the north gate is named Chaojing; the Four Cities River Bridge: East No Name, South Yue Tongji, West Bude, the above is brick and stone masonry, and the north is Ying'en, which is a wooden bridge; The Four Causeway Gates: the east name is Yichun, the south name is Qianshan, the west name is Yanhui, and the north name is Ying'en.

18. Four altars: In ancient times, there were four altars built in Shan County, namely the Sheji Altar, in the south of the county town of Xiguanwai Road, that is, the present-day West Causeway, which is inside the alleyway of the small west side; the Wind and Rain Mountain and River Temple, southeast of Nanguan Avenue Road; Yili Altar, outside the North Gate; Xiannong Altar, north of the road outside the East Gate of the city. The altar is a place of sacrifice. In the feudal era, from the imperial court to the county, a ritual ceremony was held regularly. The four altars of a single county have long since disappeared. Only the former site of shejitan has long been occupied by residents to build houses, but the reputation is still there, it is still called "West Temple" by the masses, where there is a sweet well, which is called "West Temple" sweet water well.

19. Qintai Wuleshi: refers to the contemporary Shan County ancient style and Gelug poetry enthusiasts Wang Jiren, Kong Fankai, Shi Shaoxian, Cheng Changkun, Qin Lingpu.

20. Six eggs: In 1942, Liu Shaoqi came to Shan County and lived in Yongzhenji, southeast of Shan County. Pan Fusheng, the commissioner of Huxi, asked the correspondent to buy six eggs to entertain him. When Liu Shaoqi knew that due to the "three lights" policy of the Japanese Kou, the common people could not even raise chickens, he asked him to give six eggs to a farmer surnamed Li, and later hatched chickens, so that the chickens in this area could be raised.

21. Zhuxi Liuyi: At the end of the Tang Kaiyuan Dynasty, Li Bai and Kong Chaofu, Han Zhun, Pei Zheng, Zhang Shuming, and Tao Chu lived in Zhuxi under the Laolai Mountain in Tai'an Province.

22. Six Ancestral Halls of the Temple of Literature: In the southeast corner of the old county town, there is a Temple of Literature in the area of the current Zhengda Garden. There are six ancestral halls in the Temple of Literature: the Ancestral Hall of Famous Eunuchs, the Ancestral Hall of Xiangxian, the Ancestral Hall of Jiexiao, the Ancestral Hall of Zhongyi Filial Piety, the Ancestral Hall of Wenchang and the Ancestral Shrine of Chongsheng.

23. Six Great Piles: The ruins of the piles in Shan County are the ruins of villages in primitive society. There are Ma Kuedui, located 300 meters northwest of Mazhai Village, 10 kilometers northeast of the county seat; Li Kuedui, located 60 meters north of Li Kuedui Village, Lu Tomb Township; Sun Kuedui, located 200 meters east of Zhao Ge Village, northeast of Shan County; Zhang Kuo Dui, or Ganshan Mountain, located 3.5 km southeast of Shan County, in the current Ganshan Park; Wu Kuedui, located 4 miles southwest of the county seat, in Wu Kuedui Village on the west side of National Highway 105; Dustpan Dui, located in the north of the county town of Lixu, north of Daliuzhuang.

24.611 Project: A love project founded by the Single County Volunteer Federation. The project guides caring people to donate 1 yuan a day, a group of 6 people, and raise 180 yuan in January to provide monthly basic living expenses to students with excellent character and academic qualifications and family difficulties. As of August 2020, it has donated more than 300,000 yuan.

25. Eight Greats: Refers to the eight large landlords in the single county of the old society: Zhu, Li, Huang, Liu, Meng, Zhao, Zhou, and Wang. (Controversial claim)

Wang Tongguang | digital single county

26. Ancient Eight Scenes: Qintai Night Moon, Qixia Evening Illumination, Lvjing Cold Spring, Han River Guifan, Xianqiao Flowing Water, Mountain Snow, Puzhao Morning Bell, Aozuka Twilight Cloud.

27. Eight Great Corners: There are eight great sumi heads in the old single city, namely The Great Sumi Head (Zhujia Arch North), Jia Yu Shou (Zhu Family Courtyard North), Xiao Yu Head (Southeast of the Zhu Family Courtyard), Shan Yu Shou (Northeast Corner of the Old County Government), Shi Yu Shou (Yi Wan Xiao Bei), Liu Yu Shou (Santai Shopping Mall East), Yang Yu Shou (ZhengDa Garden West), Huang Yu Shou (Shunshi Pedestrian Street).

28. Eight famous foods: Shan County Mutton Soup, Shan Fu Tang Shortbread, Xie Jia Baked Fish, Zhang Jia Fried Bun, Li Jia Zhuang Steamed Bun, Shan County Hanging Furnace Roast Cake, Wang Jia Sugar Cake, Li Jia Roast Lamb.

29. Nine famous stores: At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, There were nine famous stores in Shancheng, such as Jiyu Pawnshop, Taishun Iron Goods Store, Indigo Company, Hang Lung Pastry Shop, Tianfeng Shoe Shop, Huaijitang Pharmacy, Yiyuan ChangbuPi Silk Shop, Fuxing Kui Pen Zhuang, Chen Hexing Tobacco Shop and so on.

30. Jiulongkou: Located 20 miles east of Xieji Town, the name of "Jiulongkou" is actually the harmonic sound of "Jiulukou". During the Kaibao period of the Song Dynasty, there were nine winding paths intersecting here, hence the name. Legend has it that this area was once crowded with merchants and vendors of all kinds, and the population was dense and the city was bustling. There was once a "Sanyuan Temple", and the incense was once very prosperous, and the "Reconstruction of the Sanyuan Temple Stele" was unearthed.

31. October Meeting: Originated in the autumn of 1528, the "Mule and Horse Conference" was held from October 15 to 24 of the lunar calendar, and later gradually evolved into the "October Material Exchange Conference" and the "October Material Culture Exchange Conference", referred to as the "October Conference". During the prosperous period, it attracted merchants from all over the country to order, and it was very lively.

32. Qishi: A nickname for the three famous Chinese medicine practitioners in Shan County. Before and after the liberation, there were three famous Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in Shan County, namely Bu Jingzhai (布敬斋), the third oldest in the ranks, nicknamed Bu San; from Shijin, the third oldest in the ranks, nicknamed from three; Cui Chunting, the fourth in the row, nicknamed Cui Si. Three plus three plus four, exactly ten, is called "deflated ten". Fu Shi was originally an disrespectful title, because they were exquisite in medical skills and noble in medical ethics, and the masses admired the three old Chinese medicine practitioners, so they jokingly called them "Fu Shi".

33. Twenty-eight days in Huanggang: On August 2, 1948, a cavalry regiment of the Kuomintang New Fifth Army, a reconnaissance battalion, and the stubborn Chen Boyang regiment, as well as more than 2,000 kuomintang county armed people, burned and looted in Huanggang for twenty-eight days. In 28 days, a total of 55 cadres and masses were buried alive, 184 people were killed, 2,563 people were severely beaten, 21 people were maimed, 567 people were detained, more than 800,000 catties of grain were looted, more than 170 large and small vehicles were pulled away, 869 houses were burned, more than 2,300 livestock were looted, and more than 20,000 chickens and ducks were looted. Their sins are written on the column of shame in history.

34. Villages named after numbers: Sanlizhuang, Sanlihuangzhuang, Silibu, Wulijing, Liulijing, Qilizhuang, Balihe, Balizhuang, Shilipu.

(The above mileage is the distance from the prefectural yamen)

Wang Tongguang | digital single county
Wang Tongguang | digital single county

Author: Wang Tongguang, member of the Provincial and Municipal Writers Association, member of the Provincial Prose Literature Society, and director of the Single County Writers Association. Five collections of essays, including "Beauty and Longevity", have been published.

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