
This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

author:Anthony loves to read

In this society, no matter what kind of celebrity image, there will always be some fans, and there will be some black fans. Especially when celebrities devote themselves to public welfare, some people will think that this is just using public welfare to hype up their image.

And what happened to charity ambassador Han Hong recently also made everyone know more about her.

Han Hong, who was reported by her real name. This is undoubtedly a very big blow.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

But in this Gansu earthquake, Han Hong once again slapped the trolls in the face with practice!

His career experience:

Han Hong, as a diva-level singer in the Chinese music scene, can be said to be very powerful.

In the early days, Han Hong was loved by many fans because of her excellent singing skills and unique timbre.

Her music is also very good.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

So in the music scene at that time, Han Hong was also very popular.

But it wasn't until later that Han Hong announced her temporary retirement from the music scene and chose to devote herself to public welfare.

This is also a very unexpected surprise for many fans.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

After all, a powerful singer like Han Hong temporarily withdrew from the music scene, which also means that we will not be able to hear her music works for a long time.

But Han Hong believes that there is more to help others than what she should do now.

So she chose this path and also set up her own charitable foundation.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

In the following period of time, Han Hong can be said to be very hard.

No matter what kind of accident it is, as long as there is a need, Han Hong will appear at the scene as soon as possible to help everyone.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

She also uses practical actions to explain what true charity is.

In this way, we can influence more people.

Through her efforts, she has also been recognized and supported by many people.

When participating in the show, there were also a lot of fans who went to the scene to cheer for her and encourage her.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

Being reported by real name:

But just recently, there was a very surprising news, that is, a real-name report about Han Hong.

I originally thought that my efforts could be recognized and supported by more people, and I could lead more people to do charity.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

But I didn't expect that someone would come to report him with his real name.

And the content of this real-name report is also very shocking.

In his real-name report, it directly means that the Han Hong Charity Foundation is using public welfare undertakings to do some unfavorable things.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

Moreover, he believes that Han Hong's charitable foundation has never publicized its own accounts, nor has it conducted an annual audit.

This will bring a certain amount of trouble and impact to many donors.

I don't know if the money I donate can be used reasonably.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

In this way, it will also make many people have certain doubts and misunderstandings about charity.

And after his real-name report, there are also some people, which will indeed have a certain impact on Han Hong.

They believe that since it is a real-name report, there must be a certain amount of truth and basis.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

So after this, there will also be some people who will attack and attack Han Hong to a certain extent.

In the face of such a situation, Han Hong also said that she understands some of everyone's doubts and criticisms about public welfare.

Thank you very much for your supervision.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

And on the way of their own growth and progress, they will also get some inspiration and help from these opinions.

He will also do his public welfare undertakings as soon as possible, so as to give everyone an explanation.

I also want to change some people's minds through my own efforts.

For charity, it is also with a sincere heart to help more people.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, slapped the troll in the face with practical actions!

Stars like Han Hong who love public welfare are actually many in the entertainment industry.

And I also hope that more people can join in the public welfare.

In this way, we can make society a better place.

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