
61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

author:Honey snow lily honey

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My name is Aunt Chen, I am 61 years old and I live in an ordinary small city. My life may seem ordinary, but it's actually full of secrets. My husband, Uncle Li, 65 years old, is a typical traditional Chinese man who has both love and a sense of responsibility for me, but our marriage has been passionless for many years.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

On that day, Uncle Li suddenly proposed to have sex with him, which is a very rare thing in our many years of married life. There was an indescribable longing in his eyes, which made my heart ripple after a long time. That night, we rekindled each other's passions as we did when we were younger.

The next day, I met my old neighbor I hadn't seen for many years, Aunt Zhang, at the vegetable market. She talked to me about her son, Zhang Qiang, who is now developing in other places and does not return home all year round. As I listened to her, I couldn't help but feel a little envious. Our son, Xiaohai, ran away from home in the early years and has not been heard from since.

When I got home, Uncle Li was playing cards in the living room with his mahjong friends Wang, Yang and Liu. Lao Wang is a chatterbox, and he always likes to talk about gossip news. His topic today is about a divorced friend, and his words are full of sarcasm and resentment about marital infidelity.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

Listening to their conversation, I suddenly felt a little uneasy in my heart. Although my marriage with Uncle Li is peaceful, is there also an unknown rift? I think of the relationship many years ago, the person who once made my heart move - Lao Zhang, he was my best friend, and it is also an eternal pain in my heart.

In the evening, I made dinner and our family sat around the table. Uncle Li was still so silent, just eating mechanically. I tried to talk about homely things, but the conversation never got away.

After dinner, when I was washing the dishes, Uncle Li suddenly stood at the kitchen door and looked at me silently. There seemed to be a hint of guilt and uneasiness in his eyes. It baffles me, did he find something?

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

Just then, the doorbell rang. I went to open the door, and there was a strange middle-aged man standing outside. He introduced himself as Lao Zhang's son, and said that there were some things about Lao Zhang that he needed to talk to me about. My heart suddenly rose to my throat, Lao Zhang, this name is too heavy for me.

Lao Zhang's son looks to be in his thirties, and his eyes reveal the shadow of his father. He told me that Lao Zhang had passed away. I was shocked by this sudden news, and a wave of unspeakable sadness welled up in my heart.

He said that Lao Zhang had been talking to me before his death, and left a letter and a small box, hoping to hand it over to me. I took the letter and the box, my hands shaking slightly. Uncle Li observed silently from the side, with doubts and uneasiness in his eyes that could not be concealed.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

After Lao Zhang's son left, I opened the letter. In the letter, Lao Zhang expressed his deep affection and apologies to me, saying that he had never been able to forget our past, but for various reasons, we could not be together. At the end of the letter, he hoped that I would forgive him for his cowardice and selfishness. I burst into tears, and this deep emotion finally came to an end.

In the evening, Uncle Li sat across from me, and there was a kind of embarrassment and silence between us. I know, he must have something to say. Sure enough, he spoke, his voice trembling a little: "Who is that person? What is written in the letter?"

I didn't hide it, and told Uncle Li about Lao Zhang's letter and our past. I saw a flash of pain in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by deep understanding and tolerance. He whispered, "I know our marriage isn't perfect, but I'm willing to work with you to mend it slowly." ”

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

We talked a lot about the past, about the future. Although there is some pain and uneasiness, there is more understanding and tolerance.

The next day, I decided to visit Lao Zhang's grave. There, I spoke to him what was from the bottom of my heart and let go of the burdens of the past.

When I got home, I noticed that there were a few more guests in the house. It turned out to be my niece Xiaofang and her husband Xiao Li, as well as their children. Xiaofang is my sister's daughter, she has a cheerful personality and has a good relationship with me. Xiao Li is a capable young man, but he is often away from home because of work.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

When Xiaofang saw me coming back, she immediately excitedly told me that she was pregnant. The news filled the whole family with joy. Xiao Li also looked happy, but I could feel a trace of worry in his eyes.

At dinner, Xiaofang's phone rang, and she went out to answer the phone. Xiao Li and I were chatting in the living room, and he confided in me. He said that because of his work, he rarely had time to spend with Xiaofang and his children, and he was worried that he would become an incompetent father.

I comforted him and told him that the balance between family and work was something that everyone had to face. I also shared my experience with Uncle Li and encouraged him not to be afraid to face difficulties and to be brave enough to find solutions.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

When Xiao Fang returned, the atmosphere became more relaxed. We talked about the children's teachings together

Raising problems. Both Fang and Li attach great importance to education, and they want their children to grow up healthy and happy. Uncle Li also joined us in the conversation, although he has never said much, but he has his own views on family and children.

During the conversation, I couldn't help but think of our son Xiaohai. I mentioned him to Xiao Fang and Xiao Li, and my eyes couldn't help but burst into tears. I told them that Xiaohai was very smart when he was a child, but when he was a teenager, he had a conflict with me because of some misunderstandings, and finally chose to run away from home.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

Xiao Li was deeply sympathetic after hearing this, and he believed that communication between families is very important, especially in the process of children's growth. He suggested that we should try to find Xiaohai again, and that although it has been a long time, the family bond will never be broken.

The next day, Xiao Fang and Xiao Li left. Uncle Li and I decided to accept Xiao Li's suggestion and began to look for clues about Xiao Hai. We first contacted some relatives and friends in the past and asked them if they had any news of Xiaohai.

Just as we were asking around, I received a strange phone call, and the voice on the other end of the phone shocked my heart - it was Xiaohai. His voice sounded hoarse, but full of anticipation and nervousness. He told me that he has been working hard in other places all these years, and life is not easy, but he has always missed home.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

I was so excited that I could barely speak, and Uncle Li also had tears in his eyes. We made an appointment to let Xiaohai go home and have a look.

A few days later, Xiaohai returned home. He is much more mature than he remembers, with a beard on his face and a look in his eyes that reveals the vicissitudes of the world. At the moment of reunion, we hugged each other and tears flowed uncontrollably.

Xiaohai told us about his experiences over the years, where he experienced failures and setbacks, but also learned to be strong and self-reliant. He said that although life was difficult at times, he always remembered the warmth of home.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

Our family sat around the living room, talking about the past and the future. Xiaohai said that he wanted to start over in his hometown, find a stable job, and also want to make up for the debt he owed to his family in the past.

Over the next few days, we made plans together. Uncle Li helped Xiao Hai connect with some job opportunities, while I was busy taking care of the housework and preparing a comfortable living environment for Xiao Hai.

Just then, I received a letter that was found in a small box left behind by Lao Zhang. In the letter, Lao Zhang described in detail his feelings for me and his regret that he could not be with me for various reasons. He wants me to understand his choice and that I can live happily ever after.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

This letter has mixed feelings for me. On the one hand, my thoughts and regrets for Lao Zhang have come back to my heart, and on the other hand, I am also grateful to Uncle Li for his tolerance and understanding of me over the years.

In the evening, I told Uncle Li about the letter. He was silent for a moment, then sighed deeply and said, "Every."

There will be some regrets in an individual's life, and what matters is how we deal with them. His words were filled with understanding and support, and I felt a sense of comfort that I had never felt before.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

Uncle Li suggested that I put this feeling in a corner of my heart and put more energy into the present and the future. I nodded, my heart filled with gratitude. With Uncle Li's support, I decided to keep Lao Zhang's memory in my heart and continue my life.

Xiaohai's return has brought new vitality to our lives. We started planning family activities, such as picnics together on the weekends or watching movies together as a family in the evenings. These simple activities bring our relationships closer together.

One day, Xiaohai asked to help me redecorate my home. He said he wanted to show his love for home in his own way. We were very supportive of his idea, so we started planning together. Xiaohai's design was very creative, and he wanted to make his home a warm and modern space.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

In the process of renovation, I found that Xiaohai is not only looking for a change in the appearance of his home, but also looking for a sense of belonging and the realization of self-worth. Every time we discuss a design proposal, every time we paint or install furniture together, we rebuild a deep bond between father and son.

At the same time, I also began to re-examine my relationship with Uncle Li. I realized that despite the ups and downs of our marriage, we always supported each other and faced life's challenges together. This deep affection is irreplaceable by anything.

Our lives are gradually returning to peace. Xiaohai found a satisfying job and started living independently, but he still often went home to spend weekends with us. Uncle Li and I also resumed our normal rhythm of life, but our relationship was more harmonious than before.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

Just when we thought everything was getting better, I got a call from Xiaofang. She cried and told me that she and Xiao Li had a quarrel over some family trivialities, and Xiao Li ran away from home angrily. I immediately comforted her and told her not to worry too much, and at the same time told her that Uncle Li and I would go over immediately.

When we arrived at Xiaofang's house, we saw her sitting alone in the living room, tears still dry. I hugged her and asked her to express her grievances and grievances. She choked up and said that since she became pregnant, Xiao Li often ignored her feelings because she was busy with work, and she felt very lonely and helpless.

Uncle Li tried to give Xiaofang some advice, saying that communication in marriage is very important, and no matter how busy it is, both husband and wife should take the time to listen to each other's needs and feelings. He also suggested that Xiao Fang could take the initiative to contact Xiao Li to try to solve the problem between them.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

With our help, Xiao Fang decided to send a message to Xiao Li to express her thoughts and willingness to reconcile. Soon after, Xiao Li returned home, he looked a little haggard, but in

With our encouragement, he and Xiaofang sat down and began a sincere conversation. Xiao Li admitted his mistake, saying that due to the pressure of work, he neglected the feelings of his family, especially Xiao Fang. He said that he would work hard to change and spend more time with Xiaofang and his future children.

Xiao Fang also expressed her feelings, saying that although it is important to understand Xiao Li's work, she also needs Xiao Li's care and support, especially during pregnancy. After an in-depth exchange, the two finally reached a reconciliation, and we were filled with relief to see them hugging each other again.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

This incident has made me more aware that communication and understanding are always key to maintaining a relationship, whether it is between parents and children, or between husband and wife. Every family will encounter challenges and difficulties, and what matters is how we face and resolve them.

As time went on, our lives gradually got back on track. Xiao Fang and Xiao Li's relationship has also become stronger, and after the birth of their child, our family celebrated the arrival of this new life together. Xiaohai has also made good progress in his work, and he has become more mature and independent.

My marriage with Uncle Li went through ups and downs, but in the end we went through it hand in hand. We have learned to understand and respect each other more, and we have also cherished our feelings more. Lao Zhang's memory always remains in my heart, but I know that my life and happiness lie in the warm family in front of me.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

One day, Xiaohai offered to organize a family trip, and he said that he thanked us for our support and love over the years. We planned a trip to the beach to enjoy the warmth and joy of family together.

During the days of the trip, we walked together on the beach, watched the sunrise and sunset, and told each other's stories and dreams. This trip brought us closer together and made us all feel the importance and irreplaceability of family.

After returning home, our lives continued smoothly. Xiao Hai and his work are getting more and more hands-on, Xiao Fang and Xiao Li are busy taking care of their newborn children, while Uncle Li and I are enjoying this warm family and feeling the peace and happiness of our old age.

61-year-old Aunt Chen had sex with her 65-year-old wife not long ago...

The years are like flowing water, and our family has accumulated love and memories in the daily bits and pieces. Although life will not be smooth sailing, as long as we support each other and work together, we can create a warm and harmonious family environment together.

In this story, each character goes through growth and change. Aunt Chen and Uncle Li's marriage went through trials, but in the end they found a harmonious way of life through understanding and communication, the return of Xiaohai brought the family back to life, and the story of Xiaofang and Li reminded us that love and communication can help us overcome challenges, even in the face of difficulties. this

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!