
"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

author:Emotional little iron

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"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

My wife Xiaofang and I were high school classmates and in the same city in college, so it was logical for us to come together after graduation. We are both only children, and both parents are concerned about our education and work hard to save for it. Although both families are in good condition, they are more traditional and have prejudices against our marriage. In order to get rid of the control of our parents, we rented a house and lived on our own after we got married.

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

Just yesterday, when I was at work, Xiaofang suddenly called, and her tone was very anxious: "Husband, my mother suddenly fainted and is now in the hospital." The doctor said that surgery was needed, and the cost was very high, and I might not be able to afford it myself. Can you take a leave of absence and come back to help me take care of my mother?"

I was a little embarrassed and complained to her: "It's hard for me too, my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer a few days ago, and now her health is getting worse and she needs to be taken care of by my side." We don't have that much money to treat our two sick mothers. ”

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

Xiao Fang seemed disappointed, and was silent for a while and said, "Then it seems that we can only take care of our own mothers." Money problem, I want to find a way to solve it. After saying that, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

I was distressed and overwhelmed for a while. After work, I first went to the hospital to visit my mother. When I walked into the ward, my mother was lying on the bed with a pale face, and when she saw me coming, she said with a strong spirit: "Son, why are you only here now? Didn't the doctor let you take care of me around the clock?"

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

I took my mother's hand in distress, and tears couldn't help but flow: "Mom, you are not the only one who is sick and needs my care, Xiaofang and her mother also suddenly fell ill and are waiting for surgery in the hospital." Our family doesn't have that much money to take care of the two of you, and this month's medical expenses are almost gone, and Xiaofang is still trying to raise money. ”

When my mother heard this, she was silent, but just touched my head and comforted me softly: "Son, my mother knows that this is difficult for you. Take care of Xiaofang, she needs you. Mom can hold on for a while, don't worry. ”

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

I felt very uncomfortable, and whispered to my mother, "Mom, you are so weak, I really don't worry about you being here alone." I'll go home and talk to Xiaofang first to see how to coordinate. Mom nodded, and I left worriedly. When I got home, Xiaofang was calling relatives to borrow money. Seeing me come back, she hung up the phone hurriedly, and her tone was a little excited: "Husband, my mother's blood pressure is too high, and she needs to have surgery immediately, and the cost is at least 100,000." I don't have that much money on me, can you think of a way?"

I sighed and calmly said to her, "It's hard for me too." My mother's health deteriorated, and the doctor said that it was terminal lung cancer, and it was not ruled out that chemotherapy was needed. This has cost us a lot of savings. I was also worried about my mother's condition, and I didn't feel at ease at all when she was alone in the ward. ”

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

When Xiao Fang heard this, tears burst into her eyes: "I know I have wronged you, but I am really at a loss, I can't deal with this matter without you." Please, can you help my mom finish the operation first, and then take care of your mom?"

I reluctantly explained: "The problem is that our family simply doesn't have that much money. My mom has a lot of money to cure. ”

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

Xiao Fang couldn't cry: "Then I can only figure out my own way." You go back to the hospital and take care of your mother, and I'll take care of my mother's surgery." ”

Three days passed, and Xiaofang called, and her tone was unprecedentedly indifferent: "My mother has successfully undergone surgery and is temporarily out of danger, and I will take care of her here for a while." How's it going over there?" I briefly told her about my mother's condition, and Xiaofang was silent and hung up the phone without saying anything.

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

In the past three days, Xiaofang and I only had a simple greeting, and I felt that the distance between us was increasing. I'm worried if Fang will leave me because of me.

After a week, Xiaofang finally called, and her tone became softer: "Husband, my mother is recovering well and can basically take care of herself." Is your mom doing okay over there?"

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

I let out a sigh of relief and told her truthfully, "My mother's illness shows no signs of abating, and she is very weak and needs to be taken care of by me around the clock. ”

Xiao Fang was silent for a moment and said, "Then I'll go home in a few days to help you take care of your mother." We can't afford to alienate ourselves emotionally because of this issue. ”

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

I was overjoyed: I said excitedly, "Great! Then you should come back quickly, I will be much more relieved to have you." ”

Two days later, Xiaofang returned home as promised. She seemed to have lost some weight, but her demeanor was much more relaxed. I guess her mother's condition should have gotten a lot better. When she saw me, Xiaofang took the initiative to hug me, and I felt that the barrier between us had disappeared.

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

Xiaofang took care of my sick mother carefully, and I also helped with it. We talked about our experiences during this time and understood and encouraged each other. Mom saw that we were reconciled, and a smile appeared on her face that she had not seen in a long time.

After a week, under our careful care, my mother's condition improved, and the daily chemotherapy went smoothly. Xiaofang and I have gradually regained the joy of life. At this moment, Xiaofang's mobile phone suddenly rang, it was a call from her father.

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

It turned out that Xiaofang's father also had a heart attack and needed surgery. Xiao Fang looked at me in a dilemma, at a loss. I took the initiative to hug her and said, "Don't worry, you go back and take care of your dad first." My mom and I can handle it. ”

After half a month, my mother's condition was basically stable and she could be discharged from the hospital to recuperate. On this day, I happily reported the good news to Xiaofang. Xiaofang also said that her father had successfully undergone surgery and had gone home to recuperate.

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

I excitedly proposed, "Great! I'm going to visit your house tomorrow to see you and your parents, we haven't been together for a long time." I miss them too. ”

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

After three months, they have all recovered and can live normal lives. During this period, Xiaofang and I also became more and more understanding and tolerant of each other, and our relationship was deeper than ever. On this day, we drove together to the countryside for a ride, overlooking the beautiful scenery in the distance, and Xiaofang leaned on my shoulder.

"Husband, after all this, I suddenly feel so fragile in life. We can't be busy with work all day and neglect our families. I think we should move to your mom's house and buy a house so we can get together more often and take care of each other. Xiao Fang said seriously.

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

I nodded and said, "I feel the same way." In fact, I have always felt guilty that I have not fulfilled my duty as a son. From now on, I will cherish every moment with my family. ”

"That's it, let's find a time to discuss with our family. Xiao Fang said happily.

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record

I kissed Xiaofang's forehead and said with emotion: "We want to create a home full of love and laughter for our child, and not let him repeat our regrets." I will always be with you mother and son in this life. ”

Xiao Fang smiled sweetly and leaned into my arms. I know that our relationship will last forever because it is based on mutual understanding and support. This turmoil has made us grow up and cherish our families even more. I thank God for giving us the opportunity to continue to be together. From now on, we will work together to overcome the ups and downs of life, and trust and love each other even more.

My heart was warm, and I hurriedly washed my hands and sat down. The family finished dinner happily. After cleaning up the dishes, I picked up my daughter and went to the sofa to watch cartoons, and Xiaofang also came over to lean on me. At this time, the doorbell suddenly rang.

We had a lovely and wonderful weekend. Lying in bed that night, listening to my daughter's steady breathing, my heart was full of happiness. No matter what ups and downs you go through, your family will always support each other to get through it. I am truly grateful to God for allowing me to have such a happy family!

Xiaofang and I looked at each other happily. Xiaofang smiled and asked her daughter about the other party's situation, and I patted her on the shoulder and said that if there is anything you don't understand in the future, you can ask us. The daughter blushed and nodded, "I know, Mom and Dad."

In the blink of an eye, my daughter graduated from high school and was admitted to a university hundreds of kilometers away. Xiaofang and I drove her to the new school to report on the registration. At first, we were a little reluctant, but we also understood that our daughter was about to start her own life journey.

Now my daughter is in her third year of college and has become the president of the dance club of that university. Every festival, we drive to her school to see her perform. The daughter's sassy dancing and bright smile on the stage always make us sincerely proud.

Last week was my daughter's birthday, and she finally brought her boyfriend home to meet us. The young man was polite and gentle, and the two were obviously very affectionate. After that, Xiaofang and I jokingly asked my daughter when she would take him to register her marriage. The daughter shyly said that she would observe for a while, and we nodded understandingly.

No matter who my daughter ends up marrying and having children, Xiaofang and I will give her wholehearted support. Because we know that the most precious thing between family members is mutual understanding and unconditional love. This is also our precious spiritual wealth along the way, which will be passed on from generation to generation.

"Your mother doesn't have a pension, my mother asked us to take care of our own mothers" Wife: Okay, this is your mother's medical record