
I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

author:Heartwarming memories
I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things. One day, I was sitting in my yard, enjoying the sunshine I hadn't seen for a long time, and I had mixed feelings.

My name is Zhang Ming and I have two sons, Zhang Wei and Zhang Qiang. They are now working in other places and rarely come home to see my wife and me.

I used to think that this money would be relied on in our old age, but now it seems that it is not the real hole cards.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

I have been with my wife for most of my life, but I didn't expect that after my wife left, I deeply realized that a person's life is so helpless.

I'm starting to wonder if I've spoiled my kids all these years. They are Xi to freedom and luxury in their lives outside, and when they encounter difficulties, they always think that their families have money to support.

I struggled inwardly, on the one hand, hoping that my children would be able to come home more often to be with me, and on the other hand, I felt that they had their own lives and could not always rely on the family.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

On this day, my son Zhang Wei called and said that he wanted to discuss a matter with me. Hearing his voice, I waited with some trepidation for him to give him an answer.

"Dad, my brother and I have discussed it, and we have decided to divide the family property among you in a fair way.

Zhang Wei's words were a little uncomfortable.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

I didn't expect them to make such a decision, and my heart fluctuated. The industry has been the object of their competition for many years, but I didn't expect them to offer it to me.

I was a little touched and a little relieved. On the one hand, the filial piety of the children, and on the other hand, the attachment to the industry, my heart became a pot of porridge.

"Kids, I need time to think about this decision. Don't let these things affect your life.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

This incident gave me a new understanding of family. For me, the most important thing is not the material possessions, but the love and companionship of my children.

I suddenly understood what the last hole card was. The last hole card in life is not money and wife, but the company of family, the concern of family affection, and the responsibility and care for the family.

I became more and more aware of the problems in the family, and although the children were willing to give me the property, the conflicts between them had not been truly resolved.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

Just as I was thinking about how to communicate with the children, my old friend Wang Dahua came to me. We've known each other for decades, we know each other well, and he sensed my troubles in my expression.

"Lao Zhang, why do you look so sad, is there anything worrying at home?" Wang Dahua asked with concern.

So, I agreed to Wang Dahua's suggestion and decided to have fun with the children. The next day, I made an appointment with Zhang Wei and Zhang Qiang, and talked to them seriously about my thoughts at home.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

"Children, I know that you made this decision for the sake of family stability, but I am more concerned about your relationship.

I hope you don't affect each other's feelings because of these material entanglements. "I tried to speak to them in a calm manner and tone.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Qiang understood what I said, and they also admitted that there was indeed some estrangement between the brothers due to the problem of industrial distribution during this time.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

I saw the understanding and respect in their eyes.

Our family of three sat around the living room, talking and laughing, and it seemed that the atmosphere in the house was much better. But just then, suddenly the doorbell rang.

This came as a surprise to me, as the two siblings had barely been in touch for years.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

"Brother, it's been a long time. I'm here to see you, and by the way, I'd like to discuss something with you. Zhang Yan's expression was a little solemn.

Confused, I asked her to come into the house and sit down, and asked her if she had anything to discuss with me. And then, she revealed to me a piece of news that shocked me.

I was stunned, and I didn't know what to do for a while.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

I was caught off guard by the suddenness of this incident. Faced with my sister's request and the question of the family inheritance, I was conflicted.

All this plunged me into deeper reflections and contradictions.

At this point, my feelings became more complicated, and it was difficult to calm down for a while. The entanglements and conflicts in family relationships made me feel extremely confused and tired.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

This led me into deeper reflections and contradictions.

"Dad, don't think too much, we all hope you can live a little better. Zhang Qiang's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

"Strong, why are you here too?" I was a little surprised.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

"Yes, Dad, we are originally a family, no matter how we say it, we must have an exchange. Zhang Qiang's tone was a little hesitant.

I felt a lot of emotion in my heart, and the attitude of the children made me feel an inexplicable warmth. Talking to them gave me an indescribable sense of comfort.

After a few months, life seemed to return to peace. Our family also began to communicate with each other under normal conditions, and the children occasionally came home to chat with me, and that warm feeling made me start to re-examine these three hole cards.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

On this day, I received an unexpected phone call.

"Hello, I'm a staff member at a community service center near your home. We have some activities that we would like you to participate in, and we hope that you can come and communicate with other seniors, learn Xi from each other, and care for each other.

When I heard the news, I was a little confused. Over the years, my relationship with my sons has made some new progress, but I am not familiar with other elderly people in the community.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

I hesitated for a while and finally decided to go to the event. When I arrived at the event, I saw a group of elderly people chatting, some playing poker and some chatting with their mobile phones.

At this time, an older grandmother walked over slowly, smiled and said to me, "You are new here, my name is Li Guilan, welcome to our activities."

This Grandma Li's words made me feel a little inexplicably kind. I slowly walked into the activity room of this small community and sat down to chat with other elderly people.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

Through chatting, I learned that they participate in some activities here every day, sometimes chatting, sometimes singing and dancing.

However, just when I thought I was integrated into the community, something unexpected happened.

"Oh, old gentleman, how can you be so stubborn?" an old man named Grandma grumbled to me.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

"You old guys know how to meddle and mind your own business. "I was a little angry and felt a little aggrieved.

"You see, this is him, and he doesn't know how to respect him at all. Grandma began to complain to the others.

I didn't expect that life in this small community would be so conflicted. This makes me feel a little tangled in my heart.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

The contradictions in my life made me start to re-examine these three hole cards. It turns out that the hole cards in life are really not only family affection and responsibility, but also the wisdom to be able to get along with others.

This incident of the distribution of the family property made me fall into deeper thinking and struggle. I was hesitant to accept the children's offer right away.

He said they were going to send me to a nursing home because they felt it might not be safe to take care of me alone at home, and that it would be better for the nursing home to have professional staff to take care of me.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

The moment I heard this offer, there was fierce resistance in my heart. I felt healthy and didn't need to spend the rest of my life in a nursing home at all.

I started arguing with the children, and they said it was for my own good, but I felt their impatience with me and their dissatisfaction with my decision.

I felt helpless and frustrated.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

A few days after that, the children went to the nursing home for a visit, and they showed me the facilities and surroundings of the nursing home.

However, I still don't want to leave this home, I don't want to give up my feelings for this place.

This contradiction seemed to be insolvable, and I began to feel very tired. Faced with the conflict between my family and my children, I felt helpless and painful.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

In the eyes of my children, I may have become a heavy burden, and I am lonely in my heart reminiscing about the old times.

When I firmly informed the children of my decision, they all acquiesced to my choice. In their eyes, I saw understanding and tolerance.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that the last hole card of a person is not money and wife, but the companionship of family, the concern of family affection, and the responsibility and care for the family.

I was 70 years old, and my wife left to understand that people's last hole cards are not money and wife, but these 3 things

There will always be contradictions and choices in life, but as long as we are grateful and tolerant, we can face them together. Home is the softest harbor and the strongest reliance.