
My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

author:Wise Barton 1T2q

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My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

My family lives on a dilapidated old street in the old town, and the neighbors have lived there for generations, and everyone has a good relationship. Next door to my house lives Uncle Zhang's family, who is a few years older than my dad and is my family's best neighbor.

I have been frail and sickly since I was a child, and Uncle Zhang often comes to visit my house and always brings me good food. I remember one time, when I had a high fever that did not go away, Uncle Zhang came to my house immediately after finding out, brought me antipyretic medicine and nutritional products, and stayed with me until my fever subsided.

"Xiao Wang, you are just like my nephew, if you need anything, just tell your uncle. Uncle Zhang said to me gently.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhang, you are really good to me. I looked at him gratefully.

The year my mom died, I was a teenager, and it was the hardest day of my life. My mother was terminally ill, and the doctor gave a verdict with only half a year left. I stay by my mother's side every day, and my heart is like a knife. My dad went out to work during the day and took care of my mom at night, so he was exhausted.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

My mother's condition deteriorated, and she was so thin that she couldn't eat anything anymore. My dad and I stayed with her every day, watching her life fade away little by little.

That night, my mom left us in her sleep. I knelt in front of her bed and wept bitterly, my dad hugged me, and two lines of tears flowed silently. Uncle Zhang also came to our house and held a wake with us.

My mother's funeral was simple, and only a few old neighbors came. Uncle Zhang helped my dad take care of the funeral together. After the funeral, Uncle Zhang called me and my dad aside and took out an envelope and handed it to my dad.

"Just a little thought, I hope to help you get through this. Uncle Zhang said.

My dad counted it, and there were 20,000 yuan in total. In our family, that's a lot of money.

"Uncle, this is too precious for us to want. My dad shirked.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

"Don't say that, you father and son need to be able to use it. The child is still young, and it is not easy for you to work hard alone. Just give your mother's last thought. Uncle Zhang said firmly.

I also followed my father and repeatedly said that I could not accept such an expensive gift money, but Uncle Zhang was resolute.

Looking at Uncle Zhang's firm eyes, our father and son no longer shirked and accepted this generous gift. For our family, this is tantamount to sending charcoal in the snow.

"Uncle, I don't know how to thank you, it means a lot to us. I will take good care of my father, and I will study hard to live up to your expectations. I said with red eyes.

"Good boy, you and your father take care of your health, and come to your uncle if you need anything. Uncle Zhang patted me warmly on the shoulder.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

After my mom died, my dad took up the burden of the family alone. During the day, he still goes out to work hard; When he came back in the evening, he still had to do the housework and take care of my life. I saw it in my eyes, and my heart was very uncomfortable.

One night, my dad was so tired that he came home and fell asleep at the table. I lightly covered him with a blanket, thinking that when I grew up, I must be filial to my father.

At this time, the doorbell suddenly rang. When I opened the door, I saw Uncle Zhang standing outside the door with a thermos bucket.

"Uncle, you came just in time. My dad was so tired that I was trying to get him some hot food. I hurriedly welcomed Uncle Zhang into the house.

"I saw that your father and son were working hard, so I made some food. Your dad won't wake him up when he's asleep, remember to let him eat when he wakes up. "Uncle Zhang handed me the thermos bucket.

"Thank you, uncle, you have been so good to us. "I can't thank you enough.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

Not only did Uncle Zhang often bring his own meals, but sometimes when my dad came home late from overtime, he would come to our house to take care of me. To us father and son, Uncle Zhang is like a relative.

All this made my father and I more and more grateful to Uncle Zhang. Both father and son value Uncle Zhang's help and care for us.

However, the good times did not last long, and when I was in high school, Uncle Zhang's mother unfortunately passed away. When I came home from school that day and saw a white cloth hanging in front of Uncle Zhang's house, my heart sank immediately.

Uncle Zhang must be very sad, and his mother is also very kind to us. I decided to go to Uncle Zhang's house and give him a little psychological support.

"Uncle, the festival is good. Let me know if you need anything. I patted Uncle Zhang on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Xiao Wang. It's just that I'm different from you, my mother is very old, and it's time to go to Hades. Uncle Zhang smiled reluctantly.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

I also went to Uncle Zhang's mother's funeral. That day, I special

I also went to Uncle Zhang's mother's funeral. On that day, I came to the scene early to help Uncle Zhang take care of some aftermath. I also saw my dad and brother coming.

"Uncle, let's help you, you can rest for a while. My dad said to Uncle Zhang.

"Okay, I'll do it for you. Uncle Zhang nodded.

My dad and I offered to help clean up the venue and arrange seats. I also kept an eye on Uncle Zhang's state, for fear that he would be too sad.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

After the funeral, I saw my brother go to Uncle Zhang to say something, then took out an envelope and handed it to Uncle Zhang. I walked over curiously and found that my brother had only given 500 yuan in mourning money.

I immediately pulled my younger brother aside, lowered my voice and asked him, "You gave 500 yuan?" Last time Uncle Zhang gave us 20,000 yuan, why are you so stingy?"

"Brother, you're thinking too much. Uncle Zhang's mother is not my mother, and it is already interesting to give 500. The younger brother said confidently.

"But Uncle Zhang is so good to us, like our relatives. It's not interesting for you to do that. "I was very disappointed.

"Okay, it's my freedom to give as much as I want. Don't point fingers. The younger brother waved his hand impatiently, turned and left.

I looked at my brother's back, and I still couldn't understand why he did it. Uncle Zhang has been so kind to our family, we should repay him.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

"Son, your brother is still young and ignorant. 500 is already a lot for him, don't blame him too much. My dad came up to me and said to me.

"But Dad, Uncle Zhang gave us 20,000 yuan at the beginning, and we should do a little more. "I still can't calm down.

"Everyone's situation is different, my younger brother is still in school, and he is not as familiar with Uncle Zhang as we are. Don't worry too much about it. My dad advised me.

I was silent, still unable to agree. I decided to go to Uncle Zhang later and express our gratitude and condolences to him.

That night, I knocked on Uncle Zhang's door. Uncle Zhang opened the door and was a little surprised to see that it was me.

"Uncle, I came to see you, and on behalf of our family, I once again express my condolences to you. I said sincerely.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

"Xiao Wang, I know that you are a good boy, and I keep your family in my heart. Uncle Zhang patted me on the shoulder with emotion.

"Uncle, I want to apologize for what happened to my brother today, he is still young and ignorant. I said with some embarrassment.

"Where, your brother doesn't need to give much, I don't have any grievances. Uncle Zhang said with a smile.

"No, uncle, you are very kind to our family. We must repay you for your nurturing kindness. I'll figure out how to make it up. I said firmly.

"Xiao Wang, I don't want to repay you for helping you, I just hope that you can be safe and happy. Uncle Zhang said gently.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

I was silent, and Uncle Zhang's words made me think deeply.

Perhaps Uncle Chang never expected anything in return, and he helped us out of sheer kindness.

I used to care too much about money and material favors, but what Uncle Zhang has given us over the years is not material things, but his sincere love and love.

In my heart, I apologize to Uncle Zhang for judging just what is on the surface before.

"Thank you, uncle, for treating us like family all these years. For me, your concern is the most precious blessing. I said sincerely.

"Your safe growth is my greatest wish. Uncle Zhang patted me on the shoulder.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

After that day, I often visited Uncle Zhang, chatted with him or helped with some household chores. When the news of my admission to university came, Uncle Zhang was even happier than my parents.

On the day I graduated from college, Uncle Zhang came to attend my graduation ceremony.

"Uncle, thank you for your continued trust in me. "I gave him a big hug.

I nodded firmly. I will remember this life lesson that Uncle Zhang gave me for the rest of my life.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

Uncle Zhang and I became closer and closer, we chatted a lot, and he became my dearest and respectful elder.

One day, Uncle Zhang suddenly said to me: "Xiao Wang, I see that when you grow up, it is time for you to start a family." Do you have a girl you like?"

I was a little embarrassed and said, "Uncle, I don't have this plan yet, I want to stabilize my career first." ”

"Young people, career is important, but remember that there are more important things in life. Uncle Zhang said meaningfully.

I nodded, what Uncle Zhang said made sense. I can't let my career take up all of my life, and I should set aside time to spend with my family and friends.

After some time, Uncle Zhang suddenly said that he wanted to transfer a house in his name to me. I was so surprised that I hurriedly excused myself and said, "Uncle, this is too precious for me to want." ”

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

"Xiao Wang, you just think this is a little bit of your uncle's heart for you. I'm old, and it's more practical to leave the house to you. "Uncle Zhang insisted on giving.

"Uncle, you have been so good to me that I can't accept such a heavy gift again. Please let me take care of you in the future, and it is my filial piety in my old age. "I implore Uncle Zhang to take back his fate.

"Good boy, Uncle just wants to make sure your life is worry-free. In my old age, having a virtuous child like you is the greatest guarantee. Uncle Zhang patted me on the shoulder with emotion.

"Uncle, you are like a father and a friend to me. Being cared for by you is the greatest blessing of my life. I will repay you with my actions. "I solemnly promise Uncle Zhang.

From that day on, I was even more filial to Uncle Zhang. I often visit him, walk and chat with him, and offer to help with household chores that need to be repaired. I also take my parents to Uncle Zhang's house regularly, and the family is happy.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, I have entered middle age. Uncle Zhang is also much older, but his mind is still very clear, and he smiles every time he sees me.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

"Uncle, I plan to quit the company and spend more time with you. "One day, I said solemnly to Uncle Zhang.

"Silly boy, you are in the prime of life, you should develop your career, and you don't need to give up your life because of me. Uncle Zhang looked at me lovingly.

"Uncle, you can't repay me for your kindness. It's time for me to repay you. I said firmly.

Uncle Zhang finally nodded and did not object again. Since then, I have taken care of Uncle Zhang wholeheartedly. I hope that my filial piety can warm his old age.

Feelings between people, far away

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

The affection between people is far more important than money and material things. I keep Uncle Zhang's words in mind and practice them with action.

I wholeheartedly take care of Uncle Zhang's life, help him with daily affairs, buy fresh ingredients and cook for him. We also often play chess and chat together, reliving the bits and pieces of the past.

One day, Uncle Zhang suddenly talked about my mother, and tears glistened.

"I think when your mother was sick in bed, I came to see her every day, and I really couldn't bear to let her go like that. ”

"Uncle, I know that you have always regarded my mother as a relative, and she will be grateful to you in the spirit of heaven. "I couldn't help but wet my eyes.

"I'm old, and it's time to go see your mother. Xiao Wang, you must take care of your body and live happily. Uncle Zhang sighed.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay

"Uncle, don't say such things! You are still strong, and you will stay with me for a few more years. "I'm in a bit of a hurry.

"Haha, I'm kidding, it's still early!" Uncle Zhang saw that I was nervous and laughed at me.

I knew that Uncle Zhang was no longer young, and I did my best to make my uncle's last years comfortable.

One morning, I went to Uncle Zhang's house to wake him up as usual, only to find that he had passed away peacefully.

Uncle Zhang's last wish was to simply bury the child and not bother the child too much. I respected his wishes and held a simple farewell ceremony.

"Uncle, don't worry, I'll live well. "I silently made a promise at the grave.

After Uncle Zhang left, I kept his favorite items in his life and went to the tomb regularly to take care of them. The love and kindness he gave me will be remembered for the rest of my life.

I also continued to work hard, but never invested much time in my career anymore. I've learned to appreciate the time I spend with my family and friends more.

Sometimes I think that if it weren't for Uncle Zhang, my life would have been completely different. I would like to thank Uncle Zhang for giving me life lessons to make me a better person.

The most precious thing in the world is always feelings. I will pass on this friendship and hope to help more people realize this.

This is the spiritual wealth that Uncle Zhang left me, and it is far more beautiful and pure than any monetary wealth. I will cherish it in my heart forever.

My mother died, my neighbor Brother Zhang gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, Brother Zhang's mother died, my brother followed 500, and my father said okay