
The payment of NCMS is almost over, and once you miss it, you need to pay 1020 yuan! 5 types of people are exempt from payment, are there you?

author:Huinong Circle

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The payment of NCMS is almost over, and once you miss it, you need to pay 1020 yuan! 5 types of people are exempt from payment, are there you?

Since the establishment of the new type of rural cooperative medical care in 2003, farmers no longer have to worry about being reluctant to suffer from minor illnesses or looking down on major illnesses.

The payment of NCMS is almost over, and once you miss it, you need to pay 1020 yuan! 5 types of people are exempt from payment, are there you?

It is now late December, and the deadline for the payment of the 2023 NCMS is approaching, and once you miss the payment, you will not be able to enjoy the state's subsidy of 640 yuan, and you need to pay the full 1,020 yuan to enjoy medical reimbursement.

In fact, there are many benefits of NCMS, after reading the following 4 benefits, will you still choose to cut off the payment?

01. Countdown to NCMS payment

Before the establishment of the new agricultural cooperative system, it was very difficult for rural people to see a doctor, and they were troubled by "difficult to see a doctor" and "expensive to see a doctor" for a long time.

There are also some families who go bankrupt to see a doctor for their families, but end up in debt. Since the implementation of the NCMS system, farmers no longer have to worry about looking down on the sick, and even if they are seriously ill, they can enjoy additional serious illness reimbursement benefits after the NCMS reimbursement.

It is understood that in 2015, the number of poor people in the mainland was 55.18 million, but in 2020 it has been reduced to 5.51 million, and the poverty rate due to illness has dropped from 44.6% to 18.7%, which shows that NCMS is indeed very good at reducing the medical burden of farmers, and villagers no longer have to pay high medical expenses.

However, due to rising prices and the increase in raw materials, the prices of medical equipment and drugs are also rising, which makes the pressure on medical insurance funds increase. In order to allow more people to enjoy the benefits of medical reimbursement, the state will raise the premium of NCMS every year, and this year's premium is 380 yuan, an increase of 30 yuan compared with the previous year.

The payment of NCMS is almost over, and once you miss it, you need to pay 1020 yuan! 5 types of people are exempt from payment, are there you?

It seems that the premium has been raised, but the state's financial subsidy has also reached 640 yuan per person, which shows that the state has invested a lot in medical care in order to ensure farmers.

But many people complained that 380 yuan for one person, more than 2,000 yuan for 6 people in the family, the payment burden is too heavy, and they are unwilling to hand it over.

In order to ensure that the peasants actively turn in, the village cadres can only take the trouble to persuade them, hoping that the peasants will understand the importance of the NCMS and actively participate in the insurance. Although NCMS is a voluntary medical insurance, in order to prevent more people from becoming "impoverished due to illness", village cadres can only persuade them with painstaking words.

It is now late December, and the payment deadline for NCMS in some areas is December 25, and the deadline for payment in most areas is December 31.

In order to take care of migrant workers, some areas will extend the trip for three months, that is, until mid-March 2024.

Once this payment period is exceeded, you will not be able to enjoy the state's financial subsidy of 640 yuan, and its insurance cost will reach 1,020 yuan, and you can only enjoy the medical reimbursement benefits after 3 months.

The payment of NCMS is almost over, and once you miss it, you need to pay 1020 yuan! 5 types of people are exempt from payment, are there you?

Obviously, the delay in payment is not friendly to farmers, and now that the countdown to the payment of NCMS is heading up, farmers should actively participate.

In fact, there are many benefits of NCMS, and the NCMS in 2024 will enjoy 4 major benefits, let's take a look.

02. How much do you know about the 4 major benefits of NCMS?

1. Increase the reimbursement ratio of outpatient services

In the past, many people thought that NCMS could only be reimbursed for hospitalization, but with the improvement of medical insurance, the reimbursement ratio of outpatient services is also increasing, reaching more than 50%, which makes many people do not need to be hospitalized for reimbursement when they see a doctor, nor do they have to go to a small private clinic for treatment.

Outpatient reimbursement is not only limited to water injections, even medical insurance drugs can also enjoy reimbursement benefits, and hypertension, diabetes and other high-incidence drugs for the elderly can also enjoy 70% of the reimbursement benefits. In some cities, hemophilia and uremia dialysis are included in the scope of outpatient medical treatment, which greatly reduces the medical burden of the people.

For example, Mr. Wang of Mishan City revealed that he suffered from lung cancer and had been taking targeted drugs for a long time, and the price was 5,000 yuan, but since he was included in the scope of medical insurance reimbursement, he could buy it for only 2,500 yuan.

The payment of NCMS is almost over, and once you miss it, you need to pay 1020 yuan! 5 types of people are exempt from payment, are there you?

2. Increase in the proportion of maternity reimbursement

With the liberalization of the two-child and three-child policies, the state has also expanded the reimbursement and scope of NCMS for childbirth, and its examination expenses, B-ultrasound, and childbirth expenses can enjoy medical reimbursement, and the reimbursement is relatively large, which can greatly reduce everyone's fertility costs.

3. The reimbursement ratio for serious illnesses has increased

In the past, although the reimbursement rate for major illnesses was 70%, the actual reimbursement rate of municipal hospitals was only 30-40%, and the reimbursement amount was not much.

However, in the future, the state will strive to ensure that the average reimbursement rate of NCMS exceeds 70%, and some diseases can reach 90%, which greatly reduces the medical burden of the people.

In addition, if the personal expenses after reimbursement are more than 12,000 yuan, the state will also start the "serious illness reimbursement", such as Li's hospitalization cost of 100,000 yuan, and the reimbursement of 40,000 yuan paid 60,000 yuan, exceeding the standard of 12,000 yuan, the serious illness reimbursement procedure can be started, and another 14,000 yuan can still be reimbursed.

4. Non-local insurance or reimbursement

In the past few years, the mainland has basically realized remote network reimbursement, reducing the procedures of remote reimbursement in the past, everyone only needs to write a referral certificate, you can achieve online reimbursement in other places, no longer need to prepare various procedures, which greatly reduces the medical burden.

The payment of NCMS is almost over, and once you miss it, you need to pay 1020 yuan! 5 types of people are exempt from payment, are there you?

However, although the reimbursement process has been simplified, the reimbursement ratio can only reach 30-40%. To this end, starting this year, the state has encouraged migrant workers working in other places to hold "residence permits" to participate in insurance at their workplaces, so that migrant workers can enjoy the same medical resources and reimbursement ratio as local citizens in other places, and they do not have to write a referral certificate in case of serious illness, and the reimbursement ratio has been greatly increased.

03. 5 categories of people can pay less or be exempted

Many people complain that NCMS has risen every year, from 10 yuan per year at the beginning to 380 yuan per year today, which has brought a great burden to their lives. In fact, for those who have a difficult life, the state also provides medical relief benefits, especially the following five categories of people.

1. The elderly

The author's hometown is in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, as long as the elderly are over 70 years old, they can enjoy medical reimbursement benefits without paying NCMS, and the author's grandmother and uncle are over 70 years old, and they can directly enjoy medical insurance without insurance every year.

Of course, this policy is not available in every region, and even if there is a policy of exemption for the elderly, the upper age limit is different, so you need to consult the specific local policy.

2. Five-guarantee households

The so-called five-guarantee households refer to the lonely and widowed elderly who are over 60 years old, have no source of income, and have no one to support, and have no ability to work.

The payment of NCMS is almost over, and once you miss it, you need to pay 1020 yuan! 5 types of people are exempt from payment, are there you?

This type of person is the focus of government relief, and many places have announced that the five guarantee households do not need to pay the New Rural Cooperative Medical System, and some places are exempting or exempting some fees, depending on local policies.

3. Extremely poor families

Extremely poor families whose income is lower than the local poverty line and who live in difficulty also need government support can naturally be exempted or paid less for the NCMS fee.

4. Severely disabled persons

At present, there are more than 80 million disabled households on the mainland, and a large number of them are severely disabled, who have lost their ability to take care of themselves and work, and need to be taken care of by their families.

Naturally, such people do not need to pay for NCMS, and the local government can fully subsidize them, and there are even other related subsidies.

5. Those who participate in employee medical insurance

As more and more migrant workers move to the city, enterprises also pay five insurances and one housing fund for such people. According to national regulations, NCMS and employee medical insurance can only choose one of the two, while employee medical insurance is higher, which is naturally everyone's main choice.

04. Do you still stop paying?

Many people complain that NCMS is like chicken ribs, and it will be cleared after the end of the year, and even if it is useless, it needs to be paid again. Others think that they are too young to be insured at all.

The payment of NCMS is almost over, and once you miss it, you need to pay 1020 yuan! 5 types of people are exempt from payment, are there you?

In fact, people's health is unpredictable, and no one knows whether they will always be healthy.

There is a person in the author's village who did not participate in the NCMS, but he was diagnosed with cancer not long after, and spent more than 400,000 yuan on treatment, and his family's savings were emptied, so he had to borrow money from everywhere. Later, the family took the village cadres and the medical insurance bureau to court, falsely claiming that they had failed to fulfill their obligation to convey and that they did not know about the payment.

The village cadres took out the recording of the door-to-door reminder, and the family was dumbfounded. It turned out that the village cadres came to the door many times, and the family was unwilling to hand it over, but now that they have a serious illness, they want to blame the village cadres and the medical insurance bureau, which is obviously unrealistic.

It seems that the reimbursement cost of NCMS for minor illnesses is not much, but once it encounters a serious illness, it is enough for a family not to "return to poverty due to illness". With the younger age of serious and serious illnesses, everyone must not think that they are still young and do not participate in NCMS.

Nowadays, there are more and more benefits of NCMS, and the reimbursement ratio is getting higher and higher.

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