
According to the latest statistics in August 2023, the total population of the earth has exceeded 8 billion

author:Little brother talks about sharing

Every day, every minute, every second, these 8 billion people of different nationalities, races, and identities are doing different things and experiencing different lives.

Every moment is spent in 8 billion ways.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to condense everyone's real day into one movie?

"Floating Life" has been evaluated by more than 100,000 people on Douban, with a score of 8.9.

The film was led by famous directors Ridley Scott and Tony Scott, and invited global netizens to participate in the shooting on Youtube, the world's largest video-sharing website.

Through the collection of netizens around the world to record the life of each person on July 24, 2010, a total of more than 80,000 videos from 192 countries, with a total duration of more than 4,500 hours.

As you can see from the finished film, the photographers are all over the world, and the shooting methods and equipment are also different.

Mobile phones, cameras, GoPros, drones, fisheye lenses...... Every way you can think of a shot is in it.

Because of this, the image quality, format, content, and style of the film are constantly changing in 95 minutes, just like the experience of looking down on the world from God's perspective.

In order to ensure the coherence and fluidity of the film, the chronological order from morning to evening is used in the presentation, so that the audience can truly feel the ukiyo-e of the beings on July 24, 2010.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and the morning opens.

Everyone wakes up from their sleep to welcome the new day.

A father in Japan wakes up his son, urges him to get dressed and washed, and then goes to his late mother's posthumous photo.

Incense, ringing bells, all in one go.

According to the latest statistics in August 2023, the total population of the earth has exceeded 8 billion

A 15-year-old boy shaves his beard for the first time under the guidance of his father.

However, there are others who have chosen a different way of life.

A North Korean guy who has traveled around the world on a bicycle has come to Nepal.

According to the latest statistics in August 2023, the total population of the earth has exceeded 8 billion

This is his ninth year of traveling around the world, during which he has traveled to 190 countries and experienced different landscapes and cultures.

Of course, cycling around the world is not as good as everyone thinks, he has been hit by a car 6 times and has undergone 5 surgeries.

But every time he returned to the seat, he forgot all the pain and did not hesitate on the way forward.

According to the latest statistics in August 2023, the total population of the earth has exceeded 8 billion

Some people move forward for their dreams, and some people work hard for food and clothing.

At the same time, a family living near the cemetery is troubled by not being able to work.

The only labor force in the family is the middle-aged father, but the mother has passed away and there are more than a dozen children to take care of at home, so he can only choose to stay with the children.

According to the latest statistics in August 2023, the total population of the earth has exceeded 8 billion

A family of 14 is crammed into a cramped house with no water, electricity, and sewers.

But he was still hopeful because he believed that he would not be forgotten by God.

According to the latest statistics in August 2023, the total population of the earth has exceeded 8 billion

It's noon, and everyone is working hard for a meal to treat themselves.

People plough the fields, work in pastures, and hunt in the water......

The various ingredients gifted by nature have become dishes with different flavors on the table.

According to the latest statistics in August 2023, the total population of the earth has exceeded 8 billion
According to the latest statistics in August 2023, the total population of the earth has exceeded 8 billion
According to the latest statistics in August 2023, the total population of the earth has exceeded 8 billion

Afternoons with just the right amount of sunshine are the best time to exercise.

On the basis of each photographer's freedom to record their lives, "A Day in the Floating Life" also asked them some questions and received a variety of answers.

Like, what do you love?

Some people love themselves, they love the grass, the dirt, the football, the roast chicken in the oven, the cat.

Some people like to put their feet in the wet sand and clean things.

There are also people who love their families, love their first love, and love to be with their children.

Unlike traditional documentaries, "A Day in the Dead" has no fixed protagonist, no screenwriter, and no elaborate composition and photography.

But it is this seemingly aimless, freewheeling way of shooting that can truly record the true state of the land we live in.

It is like a colorful kaleidoscope, reflecting the joys and sorrows, loves and fears of people all over the world.

It takes the audience to shuttle freely through different spaces, allowing us to see the existence of self and others from this ordinary day, and complete the understanding and identification of human life experience in connection with each other.