
People over 70, even if you have money and leisure, don't do these 4 things frequently, be self-disciplined!

author:Chic train AA

Life is like a journey, and the years are like a song: the caution and yearning of old age


Life is like a long journey, and the years are like melodious songs. In these 70 years of vicissitudes, the author has deeply understood the twists and turns and beauty of life. The experience of the past deepens the soul, but even in old age, there is still hope and yearning for the future. In order to live a happier old age, caution has become an essential guide. In this article, we'll explore four things you can't do frequently to stay healthy and ready for a richer life.

Event content: Life is like a song, and prudence is the voice of wisdom

As the years go by, people gradually enter the stage of old age.

People over 70, even if you have money and leisure, don't do these 4 things frequently, be self-disciplined!

For the elderly, moderate exercise is undoubtedly a good way to stay healthy. However, in this vast grassland of life, it is not advisable to run frequently and violently. There was once a neighbor who was over the age of sixteen and loved to go for a morning jog. However, frequent and intense exercise took its toll, and a serious injury cost him his freedom. This reminds us that the elderly have osteoporosis and need to be cautious about exercise and take care of their bodies, so as not to ruin the tranquility of their old age.

Social life is an important part of staying active in older adults. However, it is an unwise act to frequently disturb other people's rest time.

People over 70, even if you have money and leisure, don't do these 4 things frequently, be self-disciplined!

In this regard, there is an old man who often frequents the homes of relatives and friends, with a belly full of gossip. Socializing is important, but being overly intrusive is disrespectful to other people's lives. We must learn to maintain moderation in social interactions, grasp the time skillfully, and experience the deep human affection with our hearts.

Older people should know how to take a back seat and respect their children's independence and choices. It is often said that children are the continuation of life, but it cannot be ignored that they also have their own life trajectory. There was once an elderly man who interfered too much in the affairs of his children's lives, and as a result, his children felt constrained. The old age should be a time for children to be independent, and the elderly should learn to take the initiative to give up the "family dominance", give their children more space, and let them roam freely in the vast world of life.

People over 70, even if you have money and leisure, don't do these 4 things frequently, be self-disciplined!

Electronics play an important role in modern life, but older people need to know how to use them in moderation. There is an old grandmother who is obsessed with electronics and is isolated from the world all day. The doctor reminded her that the radiation and eye irritation of electronic products can be significant. Elderly people should especially pay attention to turning off their mobile phones after 10 p.m. to protect their eyesight and get a good night's sleep. Electronic products are assistants in life, but they also require us to distinguish between right and wrong and use them carefully, so as not to indulge in them and ignore the real needs of the body.

Social perception: perceptions and expectations of the elderly

Society's expectations of older persons are manifold.

People over 70, even if you have money and leisure, don't do these 4 things frequently, be self-disciplined!

On the one hand, it is hoped that the elderly will be able to maintain good health, continue to participate in social activities, and pass on wisdom to society. On the other hand, the society also calls on the elderly to give up the family leadership in a timely manner, give their children more independent space, and not interfere too much in their lives. Some people also believe that the elderly should be cautious in the use of electronic products so as not to affect their health.

The whole article is summarized: cautious and optimistic, to meet the colorful life of old age

In the long journey of life, the songs of the years have always echoed in my ears. The 70-year-old author, through his rich experience, summed up four points of caution and provided a good health care prescription for the elderly.

People over 70, even if you have money and leisure, don't do these 4 things frequently, be self-disciplined!

Don't exercise too much, protect your legs that have been with you for many years, don't socialize frequently, know how to respect the lives of others, don't interfere with your children frequently, give them enough freedom, don't use electronic devices frequently, and protect the windows of your soul. Prudence and optimism are the light of wisdom that allows us to usher in a more colorful life in our later years. Staying healthy, socializing moderately, respecting children's independence, and paying attention to the use of electronic devices are not only for the elderly, but also for everyone. Let us play the beautiful melody of our lives in the flow of years.

People over 70, even if you have money and leisure, don't do these 4 things frequently, be self-disciplined!