
Long-term insomnia equals chronic suicide! Doctors recommend: Eat more of 5 kinds of food to help you get back to sleep

author:Plum osmanthus

In modern society, insomnia has become a common problem faced by many people. Especially in the middle-aged and elderly groups, this problem is more prominent. Insomnia is not a simple sleepless night, but a long-term, recurring sleep disorder that silently erodes people's physical and mental health. Long-term sleep deprivation not only affects the mental state and productivity of daily life, but also studies have shown that it is closely related to a variety of health problems, such as increased psychological stress, weakened immunity, and even an increased risk of chronic diseases. However, in the face of insomnia, many people choose to ignore or rely on medication while neglecting an important aspect of daily life – diet. In fact, there is a strong link between eating and sleeping. Certain foods contain specific nutrients that can naturally and effectively improve sleep quality.

Long-term insomnia equals chronic suicide! Doctors recommend: Eat more of 5 kinds of food to help you get back to sleep

The hidden health hazards of insomnia

Insomnia is not only a common sleep disorder, but also a public health problem that cannot be ignored. Long-term sleep deprivation not only affects the quality of daily life, but also has a serious impact on physical health. The most immediate effects are fatigue and lack of energy, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. In years of clinical observation, there is a non-negligible link between long-term insomnia and a variety of diseases. Cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety are all closely linked to poor sleep quality. Studies have shown that persistent insomnia can lead to increased blood pressure, disorders of glucose metabolism, and may even increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Long-term insomnia equals chronic suicide! Doctors recommend: Eat more of 5 kinds of food to help you get back to sleep

Diet and sleep: the scientific connection

The link between diet and sleep is gradually emerging in scientific research. Proper eating Xi can not only provide necessary nutrients, but also improve sleep quality. Certain foods contain specific ingredients, such as tryptophan, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B6, which have been shown to promote better sleep. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is converted into serotonin in the human body to synthesize melatonin. Melatonin is widely recognized as a key hormone that regulates sleep. Magnesium and potassium help to relax the muscles and nervous system, reducing tension in the body, which helps to fall asleep. Vitamin B6 is equally important for the synthesis of melatonin, which is involved in the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin. In addition, carbohydrate intake is also associated with sleep. The right amount of carbohydrates can promote the entry of tryptophan into the brain, which can promote sleep.

Long-term insomnia equals chronic suicide! Doctors recommend: Eat more of 5 kinds of food to help you get back to sleep

Recommended food 1: Tryptophan-rich food

Given the role of tryptophan in improving sleep, foods rich in this amino acid should be part of our diet. Turkey meat is an excellent example of this. Not only is it rich in tryptophan, but it is also rich in protein and other nutrients that can be used as part of a healthy diet. In addition to turkey meat, milk and dairy products are also good sources of tryptophan. A glass of warm milk when drunk before bed not only provides tryptophan but also helps to relax the body and promote sleep. Other foods rich in tryptophan include chicken, fish, and certain seed-based foods such as pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds. These foods can be used as part of your daily diet to help improve sleep quality. When consuming these foods, it is advisable to adopt healthy cooking methods such as roasting, steaming, or stewing, and avoid excessive frying or high-calorie seasonings to maintain the nutritional value of the food while reducing unnecessary calorie intake.

Long-term insomnia equals chronic suicide! Doctors recommend: Eat more of 5 kinds of food to help you get back to sleep

Recommended foods two to five: magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6 and carbohydrates

In addition to tryptophan, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, and carbohydrates are also important nutrients for improving sleep. Magnesium plays a key role in relaxing the muscles and nervous system. Leafy greens such as spinach and kale, as well as nuts and seeds, such as almonds and pumpkin seeds, are good sources of magnesium. Potassium also helps with muscle relaxation, and bananas and potatoes are excellent sources of potassium. Vitamin B6 is essential for the synthesis of melatonin. Fish, lean meats, and poultry, as well as certain fruits and vegetables, such as avocados and bananas, are rich in vitamin B6. Carbohydrates are also important for promoting a good night's sleep, but choose healthy sources of carbohydrates, such as whole grains, legumes, and root vegetables. A moderate intake of carbohydrates can help tryptophan get into the brain, but avoid high sugar and refined carbohydrates, which can cause blood sugar fluctuations and interfere with sleep.

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