
A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

author:Festive wind kDf
A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

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On December 18, the news of a 6.2-magnitude earthquake in Gansu shocked the whole country and attracted widespread attention and concern.

Han Hong Foundation, which has always been actively involved in charity in the entertainment industry, donated 2 million yuan from Han Hong and Huang Xiaoming, these actions show the important position of public welfare and charity in society, and also set an example of charity for the majority of netizens.

A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

However, just when everyone was in awe of charity, a female entrepreneur Zhang Lan became the public focus because of her philanthropic methods, and was even pushed to the forefront.

This time, she seems to feel the ugliest side of human nature and has become the focus of controversy in public opinion.


On December 19, Zhang Lan said that the number of hot and sour noodles sold will directly determine the amount of donations.

In Zhang Lan's live broadcast room, her statement about the hot and sour noodles donation plan immediately caused a strong response on the Internet.

Some see it as a way to flaunt wealth, turning charity into a merchandising campaign rather than a real act of kindness.

Some netizens questioned whether such a charity act was really out of concern for the disaster area, or just chasing the momentary heat.

However, when people questioned this approach, Zhang Lan posted a video of Ma Liuji donating supplies to the earthquake-stricken area on December 20, trying to prove the essence of her philanthropic act.

A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

The donated materials displayed in the video include hot and sour noodles, rice noodles, lettu, dried tofu, etc., clearly showing the donation plan she had promised before.

Zhang Lan said in the video: "The earthquake is merciless, and we believe that the world is full of warmth and strength. ”

This time the video is a public display of charity, aiming to give society a more complete picture of her good deeds and try to dispel the negative impression caused by previous remarks.

A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

However, there are still some who question such philanthropy, arguing that the "sell as much as you give" plan should be abandoned and reduced to charity as a selfless act of good, rather than a commercial act.


Zhang Lan is of Qiren ancestry and was born in Tianjin, and her father was also a businessman, which laid the family's business background for her.

However, instead of being satisfied with the prosperity of her family, she chose to pursue her dream and embarked on a challenging entrepreneurial path.

Under the guidance of her parents, Zhang Lan returned to Beijing and began her university career.

A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

In 1987, she graduated with honors from Beijing Technology and Business University with a major in business management, laying a solid foundation for her future career in the business field.

However, instead of blindly immersing herself in the world of academia, Zhang Lan quickly entered the wave of business and began her compelling entrepreneurial journey.

In 1991, Zhang Lan returned to China from Canada and ushered in her career in the catering industry.

This decision became an important turning point in her life, and it was also a reflection of her fearlessness and determination.

Through a decade of experience in food and beverage and financial accumulation, she founded South Beauty in 2000 and created her own business empire.

With the continuous development of the company, Zhang Lan made her debut on the Hurun Catering Rich List in 2009 with her outstanding business acumen and leadership, winning the third place, with a wealth valuation of 2.5 billion yuan.

This achievement is not only the result of her personal efforts, but also an affirmation of her outstanding contribution to the catering industry.

Zhang Lan's success story has inspired many young people to pursue their dreams, and her inspirational spirit has become a shining model in society.

While the business is successful, it has always maintained its care and feedback to the society.

A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

Through philanthropy, she has demonstrated the sense of social responsibility that an entrepreneur should have, and has become a model of charity that has attracted attention from all walks of life.

Her life is not only a legend on the commercial stage, but also a vivid portrayal of the deep emotions and common struggle between mother and son.

Hoping that her son can inherit the family business is an expectation in Zhang Lan's heart.

She is strict and attentive to Wang Xiaofei's management, and has placed more expectations on him.

From primary school to middle school, Wang Xiaofei's studies have gradually improved under Zhang Lan's care and guidance.

A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

Zhang Lan knows that the road to success is full of ups and downs, and she hopes that through her own experience and teachings, her son will avoid detours and grow into a responsible and responsible successor faster.

At the age of 16, in order to allow Wang Xiaofei to have a wider development in her acting career, Zhang Lan resolutely decided to send him abroad for further study.

This move is not only a concern for Wang Xiaofei's personal future, but also a thoughtful consideration for his growth.

In a foreign country, Wang Xiaofei came into contact with the wider world, accumulated valuable experience and experience, and laid a solid foundation for her future career.

With firm confidence and excellent management skills, Zhang Lan has provided a successful career platform for her son.

A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

Wang Xiaofei's achievements are not only the result of his own efforts, but also the reward of Zhang Lan's unreserved support and trust in him.

2015 was a painful moment in Zhang Lan's life.

The "South Beauty" she founded has always been a leader in China's catering industry, however, a storm of capital has put this former giant into an irreparable situation.

The trap of capital made her lose the career she had worked hard to build for many years, and it became a painful lesson for the business world.

A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

This time, Zhang Lan personally experienced the turbulent waters of business, and the cruel reality that victory and defeat are common things in soldiers.

The loss of "South Beauty" was undoubtedly a major blow to Zhang Lan, but she did not give up because of this.

In the ups and downs of business, she has shown perseverance.

In 2020, Zhang Lan decided to fly high again and re-devote herself to the journey of entrepreneurship.

A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

This time, she set up a fund focusing on the catering track - "Yi Fund", and founded a new catering brand "Ma Liuji" with her son Wang Xiaofei.

Zhang Lan's entrepreneurship does not just stop at the pursuit of economic benefits, she always maintains a sense of giving back to the society.

This series of measures allows us to see that Zhang Lan is not only a business giant, but also a wise man with a broad pattern, good at innovation, and good at giving back to the society.

Her experience tells us that successful businessmen not only need to have extraordinary vision and courage, but also need to have a sincere heart that cares for the society and actively gives back.

A natural disaster exposed the "true face" of entrepreneur Zhang Lan, and she impressed everyone

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