
Girls like you, only 6 real performances

author:There is blue in the text
Girls like you, only 6 real performances

Text / There is blue in the text

It's an ecstatic thing for a girl to like you. However, sometimes we don't know if they really like themselves, because girls are always more subtle and hidden in expressing their feelings than boys.

Today, I am going to share with you the real performance of six girls who like you, I hope it will be helpful to you.

The first manifestation is to take the initiative to chat with you.

If a girl often takes the initiative to chat with you, or even talk about everything, then congratulations, she is likely to have a crush on you. This is because a girl usually only shares her inner thoughts and feelings with the person she likes, and if she chats with you often, then it means that she thinks you are a trustworthy person.

However, it is also important to note that girls and boys are different in the way they express their liking. Girls are more inclined to express their emotions in a suggestive way rather than telling each other directly.

Therefore, if you want to determine whether she has a crush on you, you need to be more keenly observing her behavior and words and actions.

Girls like you, only 6 real performances

The second manifestation is to focus on your life.

If a girl is more concerned about your life, such as often asking about your current situation, caring about your health and work and Xi, then it means that she cares about you. This kind of attention is usually genuine, because every move of the person a girl likes will touch their heart.

Of course, this concern also requires us to face and respond to it correctly. If you don't feel the same way about this girl, then you need to respond appropriately to her concerns, but also let her know that you are just ordinary friends.

If you also have feelings for this girl, then you can respond appropriately to her concern and let her know that you also care about her.

Girls like you, only 6 real performances

The third manifestation is to show an unusual demeanor in front of you.

Some girls will unconsciously show some unusual demeanor when facing the boy they like, such as shyness, nervousness, panic, etc.

If you notice that a girl is acting a little unnaturally in front of you, then it is most likely because she has a crush on you.

The fourth manifestation is to take the initiative to ask you out.

If a girl often takes the initiative to ask you out, such as watching movies, eating, shopping, etc., it means that she has a strong affection for you.

This kind of date doesn't have to be a romantic date, it may just be a simple party, but the important thing is that the girl is willing to spend time with you.

The fifth manifestation is to behave particularly naturally in front of you.

Some girls will behave unusually restrained and unnatural when facing the boy they like. They will deliberately hide their emotions and preferences, for fear that their performance will make boys look down on them or think that they are cheap. This kind of behavior often makes boys feel embarrassed and uncomfortable, because they don't know what they are doing wrong and have no way of knowing if they feel about themselves.

However, if a girl behaves very naturally in front of you, such as not deliberately hiding her emotions and preferences, then it means that she is comfortable and trusts you. She doesn't pretend or be hypocritical in front of you, but expresses her inner thoughts and feelings truthfully.

The sixth manifestation is that there are some small gestures towards you.

Some girls will unconsciously show some small actions when facing the boy they like, such as gently touching your arm, arranging your collar, adjusting your hairstyle, and so on.

Although these small actions are insignificant, they are full of the tenderness and love of a girl.

The above is the real performance of six girls who like you, I hope it can help you better understand the minds of girls. Of course, these performances are not absolute, and each girl has her own unique way of expression, which requires us to observe and understand carefully. Finally, I wish you all the best in finding your perfect other!