
Today's winter solstice, "the winter freezes the old cow to death at the head, and the winter regrets not having a furnace at the end", this year's winter solstice is not ordinary

author:Sugar Sugar Sannong said

The winter solstice, also known as the winter festival and the long solstice festival, is an important solar term in the mainland lunar calendar, and there has been a saying since ancient times that "the winter solstice is as big as the year". However, this year's winter solstice does not seem to be ordinary. An agricultural proverb that "the old cow freezes to death in the winter, and the winter regrets not having a furnace at the end" seems to tell the particularity of this year's winter solstice.

Today's winter solstice, "the winter freezes the old cow to death at the head, and the winter regrets not having a furnace at the end", this year's winter solstice is not ordinary

In recent years, global warming has become an indisputable fact. According to the data of the continental meteorological department, since the 50s of the 20th century, the average temperature on the mainland has shown a significant upward trend, especially in the northern region. This climate change has had a profound impact on the winter solstice. In the context of global warming, extreme weather events occur frequently. During the winter solstice this year, extreme weather such as rare low temperatures, rain, snow, and freezing occurred in many places on the mainland, which brought great trouble to people's production and life.

Today's winter solstice, "the winter freezes the old cow to death at the head, and the winter regrets not having a furnace at the end", this year's winter solstice is not ordinary

The winter solstice is an important node in agricultural production, and at this time, it is the wintering period of winter wheat and other crops, and farmers need to do a good job of cold protection and heat preservation. However, due to the impact of climate change, agricultural production on the winter solstice this year is facing severe challenges.

(1) Increased risk of freezing of winter wheat and other crops: Due to large temperature fluctuations, winter wheat and other crops may suffer from frost damage, affecting yield and quality.

(2) The probability of pest and disease increases: climate change leads to changes in the occurrence of pests and diseases, and the pressure of pest control in agricultural production increases during the winter solstice.

(3) Agricultural water stress: global warming leads to uneven distribution of water resources, and some areas may face water stress during the winter solstice.

Today's winter solstice, "the winter freezes the old cow to death at the head, and the winter regrets not having a furnace at the end", this year's winter solstice is not ordinary

With the arrival of the winter solstice, the temperature drops, and the demand for heating gradually increases. However, due to climate change, heating on the winter solstice this year faces many challenges.

Transportation is blocked

Extreme weather events have caused roads to become icy and snowy, which has greatly affected transportation and brought inconvenience to people's travel.

The cost of living is rising

Climate change has led to rising prices of energy and food, and the cost of living has risen during the winter solstice, increasing the pressure on residents' lives.

Today's winter solstice, "the winter freezes the old cow to death at the head, and the winter regrets not having a furnace at the end", this year's winter solstice is not ordinary

Strengthen technical guidance for agricultural production

In view of the impact of climate change on agricultural production, government departments should strengthen technical guidance, promote new varieties and technologies such as cold resistance, drought resistance, disease and pest resistance, and improve agricultural output and quality.

Optimize the energy mix

Accelerate the adjustment of the energy structure, develop clean energy, reduce dependence on fossil energy, and slow down the trend of global warming.

Today's winter solstice, "the winter freezes the old cow to death at the head, and the winter regrets not having a furnace at the end", this year's winter solstice is not ordinary

Improve emergency response plans

In response to extreme weather events, government departments should improve emergency response plans, improve response capabilities, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Advocate a green lifestyle

Raise public awareness of environmental protection, advocate a green lifestyle, reduce carbon emissions, and jointly respond to climate change.

Today's winter solstice, "the winter freezes the old cow to death at the head, and the winter regrets not having a furnace at the end", this year's winter solstice is not ordinary

This year's winter solstice, under the influence of global warming and extreme weather, is extraordinary. In the face of the challenges brought about by climate change, we need to strengthen technical guidance for agricultural production, optimize the energy structure, improve emergency plans, advocate green lifestyles and other coping measures to survive this cold winter solstice together. At the same time, we must also recognize that tackling climate change is a long-term and arduous task, which requires the joint efforts of all countries around the world to jointly protect the beautiful home of our planet.