
The 22-year-old female teacher was hit and killed by "Old Man Le", and the perpetrator was an elderly man in his 70s, who disappeared without apologizing

author:Nian Han said things

Recently, there was an extremely distressing traffic accident in Nanyang, Henan Province, a 22-year-old female teacher Xiaochan was unfortunately hit by an "old man Le" (old age scooter) on the way to buy vegetables, and was forcibly dragged on the ground for a distance of several meters, which eventually led to her unfortunate death.

The 22-year-old female teacher was hit and killed by "Old Man Le", and the perpetrator was an elderly man in his 70s, who disappeared without apologizing

However, what people never expected was that the driver who caused the accident was an elderly man in his 70s, and later according to the accident certificate issued by the traffic police, Li violated three regulations and was fully responsible for the accident. But Li played and disappeared, neither willing to take responsibility, nor apologizing to the family of the deceased.

The 22-year-old female teacher was hit and killed by "Old Man Le", and the perpetrator was an elderly man in his 70s, who disappeared without apologizing

Later, after being exposed by the media, this incident attracted widespread attention and discussion on the whole network. While many people expressed concern about the safety hazards of the old scooter, they also expressed deep sympathy for the families of the victims.

But Nian Han observed that most people expressed anger at the indifferent attitude of the driver who caused the accident, that is, the old man surnamed Li, after the accident, believing that he lacked due responsibility and humanistic care, and should take severe measures to severely punish and give justice to the deceased and his family.

The 22-year-old female teacher was hit and killed by "Old Man Le", and the perpetrator was an elderly man in his 70s, who disappeared without apologizing

In fact, we might as well find the trend of public opinion from the comments of netizens, here Nian Han selected a message with a relatively high number of likes for three days, for your reference only.

For example, the following netizen from Shandong said very seriously: "The old man must stop production and set up legal responsibility for all the existing ones!"

The 22-year-old female teacher was hit and killed by "Old Man Le", and the perpetrator was an elderly man in his 70s, who disappeared without apologizing

A netizen from Shandong, who was also from Shandong, angrily reprimanded: "This old man's music should not be produced, it is too tricky, everyone can open it, and a batch of people who have no self-care ability can also open it, which is pure and harmful." ”

The 22-year-old female teacher was hit and killed by "Old Man Le", and the perpetrator was an elderly man in his 70s, who disappeared without apologizing

And the following netizen from Sichuan seconded: "It is strongly required that the old man make it mandatory to require a driver's license, and the provisions of the traffic law apply, this kind of car can be directly broken by people with a bad temper on the road." ”

The 22-year-old female teacher was hit and killed by "Old Man Le", and the perpetrator was an elderly man in his 70s, who disappeared without apologizing

For this accident, Nian Han believes that to a certain extent, it highlights the serious shortcomings of the old scooter in terms of safety performance, such as lightweight chassis and lack of safety configuration.

More importantly, it exposes the lack of safety awareness and driving skills among older drivers. At the same time, it also reflects the lack of supervision and guidance of the society for the elderly drivers, so in this case, it is undoubtedly a very big hidden danger for traffic safety.

The 22-year-old female teacher was hit and killed by "Old Man Le", and the perpetrator was an elderly man in his 70s, who disappeared without apologizing

If you want to explore the deeper aspects, in the final analysis, it has a lot to do with the increasing elderly population in our country, and the old age scooter has become an important tool for the elderly to travel, and its safety hazards need to be solved urgently, and it also needs to be solved urgently.

The 22-year-old female teacher was hit and killed by "Old Man Le", and the perpetrator was an elderly man in his 70s, who disappeared without apologizing

In addition, how to improve the traffic safety awareness and driving skills of the elderly to ensure the safety of them and other traffic participants is a topic worthy of in-depth study, and it is also a social problem that needs to be focused on in terms of traffic safety in the future.

Finally, Nian Han would like to ask everyone here, in the coming days, how will we balance the travel needs of the elderly with the protection of traffic safety?

The 22-year-old female teacher was hit and killed by "Old Man Le", and the perpetrator was an elderly man in his 70s, who disappeared without apologizing

And how will the society respond? Or how to improve the management and supervision of the old scooters? Of course, we also need to think about how to improve the attention of the whole society to the traffic safety of the elderly, so as to reduce the occurrence of such tragedies.