
If you don't make up for the winter solstice, you will suffer in the coming year! Teach you a trick to replenish yang qi and improve cold intolerance, frequent urination, and yang deficiency

author:Lao Jia Medical Hui

Around the winter solstice, it is the weakest time of the year, if you don't hurry up and make up for it, you will suffer in the next year!

If you don't make up for the winter solstice, you will suffer in the coming year! Teach you a trick to replenish yang qi and improve cold intolerance, frequent urination, and yang deficiency

Why do you say "if you don't make up for the winter solstice, you will suffer in the coming year"?

The day of the winter solstice is the junction of yin and yang in nature, and it is also the day with the longest night, the shortest day, and the heaviest yin qi in the year. If the yang energy is relatively weak, it is easy to have some "small problems" on the body before and after the winter solstice, such as shoulder and neck discomfort, dizziness and headache, knee joint pain, abdominal pain and diarrhea, etc., which is actually injured by the cold qi of the winter solstice.

If you don't make up for the winter solstice, you will suffer in the coming year! Teach you a trick to replenish yang qi and improve cold intolerance, frequent urination, and yang deficiency

In addition, some time ago, mycoplasma pneumonia and influenza were more serious, and many people were hit, and the yang energy in the body will also be depleted after a round of struggle with the disease, and as soon as the cold from the outside world increases, it may invade the body again and cause physical discomfort.

Therefore, we must seize this opportunity to replenish yang energy and improve our physical fitness. How to make up for it?

The first is to eat some warm foods, such as glutinous rice. On the one hand, glutinous rice is warm, warm can nourish qi, and when the qi is filled, the body is hot, and the body is warm, so it is naturally not afraid of the invasion of cold. On the other hand, glutinous rice has a sweet taste, which can enter the spleen and stomach, enhance the transportation function of the spleen and stomach, fill the qi and blood, and warm the limbs.

If you don't make up for the winter solstice, you will suffer in the coming year! Teach you a trick to replenish yang qi and improve cold intolerance, frequent urination, and yang deficiency

Secondly, when we have obvious symptoms of discomfort in our body, such as neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, frequent urination, chills and cold, etc., these are all manifestations of kidney yang deficiency, then at this time we need to use drugs to regulate, if the dialectic is kidney yang deficiency, we can refer to a Jinkui Kidney Qi pill; if it is spleen and yang deficiency, we can refer to an aconite Li Zhong pill. This should be differentiated according to each person's situation, and I won't say much about it here.

If you don't make up for the winter solstice, you will suffer in the coming year! Teach you a trick to replenish yang qi and improve cold intolerance, frequent urination, and yang deficiency

Finally, we can also bask in the sun in the morning, "borrow" yang energy from the sky, the morning is the most abundant yang energy in the day, this time to bask on the back, can promote the bladder meridian and the pulse of the qi and blood run, replenish yang energy. Of course, the time to dry your back should not be too long, ten minutes is enough.

If you don't make up for the winter solstice, you will suffer in the coming year! Teach you a trick to replenish yang qi and improve cold intolerance, frequent urination, and yang deficiency

Well, that's all Dr. Jia has shared with you today, I hope it can be helpful to you. See you next time!