
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home

author:Weinan Child-Friendly Social Work Service Center

"Xiaoyu, this will be your home from now on, and there will be 10 brothers and sisters to play with you." The social worker who took Xiaoyu to visit the center said. On the afternoon of December 21, Xiaoyu was escorted by the staff of the Linwei District Civil Affairs Bureau and the village committee to the Weinan City Juvenile Protection Center for temporary assistance.

The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home

10 years old should be the age when you enjoy the care of your parents, grow up happily, be lively, and have fun. But these little fish have never been had. Xiaoyu's parents divorced many years ago, and his mother had no contact with him after remarrying, and his father was away all the year round and did not fulfill his guardianship responsibilities. In 2021, his father left Xiaoyu alone at home for several days, when Xiaoyu, who was hungry and unbearable, was sent to the Municipal Juvenile Protection Center by caring people when he was wandering on the street, and since then Xiaoyu has entered the sight of social workers, and at the same time started the road of rescue and assistance for 3 years.

After escorting the children back to their hometowns, the social workers immediately return to investigate the child's guardianship situation, establish a support file, provide guardianship guidance for the child's father, and urge him to implement his guardianship responsibilities. Later, after consultation with the Linwei District Civil Affairs Bureau and the village committee, the children were placed to stay in the village school during the week, and to be temporarily cared for in the Zhoujia Village Medical Care Center during holidays, and the father provided care expenses and borne other related expenses such as clothing, Xi school supplies, and medical treatment. At first, Xiaoyu's father would contact the child and pay for it, but slowly the father's contact became less and less, and at the end of 2022, he began to lose contact.

The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home

Xiaoyu is cared for in the medical center, but his emotions, psychology, and Xi are not paid attention to in time. Social workers regularly follow up on Xiaoyu's living conditions, send Xi materials such as shoes, clothes, bedding, school bags, basketballs, etc., accompany the children to play and interact, provide life care, emotional support and Xi counseling, and soothe the children's fragile and young minds. This year, on the child's 10th birthday, the social worker linked the "Happiness Train" project to send birthday cakes and gifts to Xiaoyu, and played and interacted with Xiaoyu, so that the children could feel the love from the society and leave a good memory. In the past three years, social workers have provided various services to Xiaoyu 14 times.

The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home

Due to the simple living environment of the little fish, in the process of following up the growth of the little fish, the social worker found that the child's verbal cognition was getting slower and slower, so he reported the child's situation and paid attention to the child's living situation at all times. The Municipal Center for Uninsured Children and relevant departments attach great importance to the situation of children, and arrange for social workers to visit and assess them after the special meeting. The social worker contacted the Zhongchun Rehabilitation Institution to carry out a developmental assessment of the child, and formed detailed assessment materials for reporting. After consultation with the relevant departments, in accordance with relevant policies and from the perspective of maximizing the interests of the children, Xiaoyu was referred to the Municipal Uninsured Center for temporary care, and social workers provided follow-up professional services for the children.

The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home

The Municipal Center for Uninsured Persons arranges social workers to provide 24-hour companionship services for children in shifts, and the center arranges social workers who have been following Xiaoyu for a long time to visit the children's dormitories to relieve Xiaoyu's nervousness when they first come to the center. Here, there are beautiful and tidy beds, a bright and spacious Xi environment, well-arranged toiletries, and the enthusiasm of social workers. The social worker bathed the little fish, changed into clean and warm clothes, trimmed its nails, and cleaned up the little fish, which suddenly looked bright. The social worker also took Xiaoyu to play chess, skateboarding, and reading in the activity room, and carried out icebreaker activities to strengthen the interaction between Xiaoyu and other children.

Subsequently, the social worker will further organize the children to have a comprehensive physical examination, grasp the physical development of the children, do a good job in rehabilitation and prevention, and at the same time link with relevant departments to implement the issue of children's schooling, and protect the rights and interests of children's development.

The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home
The emergency rescue shows the true feelings, and the center has not been safed to a new home

At present, 11 children are referred for lack of guardianship in the city's uninsured center. For these children, who lack parental care and love since childhood, the Weinan Juvenile Protection Center earnestly performs its temporary guardianship duties, provides 24-hour life care for the children, and relies on professional social workers to start from psychological, emotional, social, academic and Xi needs, and uses professional methods to continuously empower children, cultivate their self-confidence, improve their self-care ability, and enhance their ability to integrate into society.