
Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages

author:Asano Gureiro

In the deep corridors of Cao Wei's court, a contest between brothers was quietly staged.

Cao Pi, as the eldest son, knows that his position is unstable and is jealous of his talented younger brother Cao Zhi. The power struggle in the court is like a dark stream of water, surging in the shadows.

One day, when the gladiatorial battle between two cows became a source of inspiration, Cao Pi took the opportunity to challenge Cao Zhi to compose a poem to praise the scene, but forbid the use of the word "cow".

This seemingly simple requirement actually contains deep tests and potential pitfalls.

How will Cao Zhi deal with the challenge? Will his talent resolve his brother's calculations, or will he be mired in power schemes? This contest not only tests Cao Zhi's wisdom and literary talent, but also exposes the complex emotional entanglements between the brothers.

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages

A power game between brothers

In Cao Wei's deep palace compound, the battle between Cao Cao's four sons was full of intrigue and strategy. As the eldest son of the Cao family, Cao Pi was born with heavy expectations and missions.

From an early age, he was seen as the future heir, which made him feel that his position was in jeopardy. Every tiny movement, every word, could affect his future destiny.

Cao Pi knew that in this court, which was full of intrigue and power struggles, no one could be completely trusted, not even his brothers.

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages

However, Cao Zhi, as the youngest son of the Cao family, is different. He was gifted and talented, and from an early age he showed an extraordinary talent for literature. His poems were deeply loved by Cao Cao and were often praised at banquets.

Such pampering and talent made Cao Pi feel both jealous and a little in awe of him. Cao Pi knew that this brother was not only successful in literature, but could also be a formidable opponent for him in the struggle for inheritance.

On a sunny afternoon, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi went for a walk in the imperial garden of the palace. As they walked, the two came to a remote corner. There, in a quiet green area, two cows suddenly appeared in a gladiatorial fight.

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages

Their bodies were strong, their horns sharp, and they slammed into each other with a dull thud, stirring up puffs of dust. When Cao Pi saw this scene, a thought suddenly surged in his heart.

Cao Pi turned to Cao Zhi, smiling, but there was a hint of challenge in his tone: "Brother Zhi, your talent is well known, why don't you give you an inspiration for the fight between these two cows?" I want to hear what kind of poems you can improvise. However, there is a condition that the word 'cow' must not appear in the poem. ”

Cao Zhi listened to Cao Pi's words, his eyebrows raised slightly, and he seemed to feel the challenge.

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages

Fatal challenge: There must be no cow in the poem

Cao Zhi faced the challenge of his brother Cao Pi, and although he knew in his heart that this was a trap, he did not show the slightest panic. His eyes were calm, and his mind quickly organized the right words.

Looking around, he saw not only a gladiatorial battle between two oxen, but also a contest of strength and wisdom.

Cao Zhi took a deep breath, his voice echoing in the quiet air, and the verses were smooth and powerful: "The two flesh walk together, and the head wears a horizontal bone." Walking to the head of the earth, the ridge is abrupt. The two enemies are not strong, and one is lying in the dirt cave. If it is not as good as the strength, the grand intention cannot be vented. ”

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages

Cao Pi listened to Cao Zhi's chanting, and a trace of imperceptible displeasure flashed in his eyes. He thought that such a restriction could stump Cao Zhi, but he didn't expect Cao Zhi to deal with it so skillfully.

Cao Pi knew that it would be difficult to completely overwhelm Cao Zhi with wisdom alone, and he needed more strategies. So, Cao Pi quickly conceived an even more tricky challenge in his mind.

Cao Pi's voice was deep and firm: "Brother Zhi, your talent is really extraordinary. But I have another request, can you write another poem with the title of 'brother'? Of course, the word 'brother' must not appear in the poem. ”

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages

Cao Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly, he could feel the provocation in Cao Pi's words. This request is even more difficult to deal with than the previous one, as it touches on the complex and delicate relationship between their brothers.

Cao Zhi pondered for a moment, his eyes revealing a hint of firmness and depth. He knew that this was not only a literary challenge, but also a test of brotherly affection.

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages

The "seven-step poem" with deep meaning

In a corner of Cao Wei's court, Cao Zhi faced the repeated provocations of his brother Cao Pi, and his heart was full of complex emotions. He knew that this was not just a literary contest, but also a symbol of the power struggle between brothers.

Cao Zhi's eyes revealed a trace of melancholy, and his heart was full of emotion and helplessness about the fate of his family. He took a deep breath, trying to suppress the fluctuations in his heart, and slowly recited the heirloom poem: "Boiled beans are used as soup, and soaked beans are used as juice." The beans are burning under the kettle, and the beans are crying in the kettle. This is from the same root, why is it too anxious to fry each other?"

This "seven-step poem" not only cleverly avoids the word "brother", but also profoundly reveals Cao Zhi's understanding of the emotions between brothers and his feelings about the impermanence of fate.

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages

There was an indescribable sadness in his voice, as if telling the love-hate entanglement between brothers, as well as deep thoughts about his family and country.

Cao Pi listened to this poem, and the expression on his face became complicated. He didn't expect Cao Zhi to be able to recite such profound verses in such a short period of time.

The displeasure in Cao Pi's heart gradually turned into contemplation, and he began to reflect on his relationship with Cao Zhi and the role they played in this great era.

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages

Cao Pi's voice was low and heavy: "Brother Zhi, your poetry is far-reaching, I have to admire your talent. But the artistic conception in this poem seems to imply the emotional entanglement between our brothers. ”

Cao Zhi smiled slightly, but there was a bit of sadness in his smile: "Brother, the world is impermanent, and people's hearts are unpredictable. I only wish that the friendship between our brothers could transcend the struggle for power. ”

The completion of these two poems not only shows Cao Zhi's literary talent, but also reflects his deep understanding and emotion of the situation at that time.

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages

Although Cao Pi eventually became the founding emperor of Wei, these two poems by Cao Zhi have left a deep imprint on history and have become masterpieces that have been praised through the ages.

These two poems are not only literary masterpieces, but also profound expressions of brotherhood and feelings for family and country, reflecting Cao Zhi's profound insight into human nature, destiny and the righteousness of the world.

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages


In the contest between Cao Pi and Cao Zhi, poetry became a manifestation of their emotions and wisdom. Each line of Cao Zhi's poems not only skillfully responds to Cao Pi's challenge, but also profoundly expresses his understanding of brotherhood and the fate of his family and country.

His poems are like a mirror, reflecting the light and shadow of that era and the entanglements within the family. Cao Pi's challenge, although it originated from the test of a power struggle, inadvertently contributed to a literary masterpiece that has been praised through the ages.

Cao Zhi's "seven-step poem" has left a deep imprint on history, not only because of its literary value, but also because of the profound emotions and wisdom behind it.

In the interweaving of power and rhetoric, Cao Zhi demonstrated his deep insight into human nature, power and family affection, and achieved his immortal position in the history of literature.

Cao Pi saw two cows fighting, and asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, but the cow could not appear in the poem, and the result was passed down through the ages