
Strengthen preparedness and response to cold wave weather...... The executive meeting of the Qingpu District Government focused on these matters

author:Thoughtful client
Strengthen preparedness and response to cold wave weather...... The executive meeting of the Qingpu District Government focused on these matters

On the afternoon of December 20, Yang Xiaojing, deputy secretary of the Qingpu District Party Committee and head of the district, presided over the 62nd executive meeting of the district government to listen to the situation of further expanding jobs and stabilizing employment; Implementation Rules for Supporting Policies for Agricultural Industrialization in Qingpu District (2023-2025) and Report on the Preparation of Clean Air Action Plan in Qingpu District (2023-2025). District leaders Sun Ting, Jin Junfeng, Ni Xiangjun, Li Feng, Zhang Yan, Xiao Hui and others attended.

Adhere to the priority of employment, consolidate work responsibilities, and strive to promote high-quality and full employment

The meeting agreed in principle on further improving the subsidy policies related to job expansion and employment stabilization. The meeting pointed out that employment is the foundation of people's livelihood, and it is necessary to improve the political position, strengthen the employment priority policy, improve the employment promotion mechanism, and strive to promote high-quality and full employment. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to do a good job in publicity, continue to expand the coverage of policy publicity through a variety of channels and forms, guide and help employment enterprises and human resources agencies to know the policy, understand the policy, make good use of the policy, and maximize the benefits of the policy. It is necessary to consolidate responsibilities, promote the implementation of various employment stabilization policies, actively ensure the employment needs of key enterprises, provide timely employment guidance and services for key groups such as college graduates and the unemployed, and take multiple measures to ensure the overall stability of the employment situation.

Optimize the support network, improve the operation mechanism, and continuously improve the ability to provide food emergency support

The meeting agreed in principle to the "Administrative Measures for the Use of Special Subsidy Funds for the Transformation of Food Emergency Facilities and Equipment in Qingpu District". The meeting pointed out that the food emergency security system is an important line of defense in response to public emergencies and major natural disasters, and is of great significance for preventing and resolving food security risks and guarding the bottom line of food security. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to continue to optimize the security network, consolidate the work requirements of the whole chain, standardize the management of food emergency security enterprises, improve the security capacity, and ensure rapid response, effective response and proper disposal at critical moments. It is necessary to improve the operational mechanism of grain supply security, earnestly implement the food emergency plan, optimize the emergency linkage mechanism, and ensure the stable and efficient operation of food supply security management.

Seize strategic opportunities, explore model innovation, and promote the high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce

The meeting agreed in principle to the "Implementation Rules for Accelerating the Development of Cross-border E-commerce in Qingpu District". The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to benchmark the requirements of creating a "Silk Road E-commerce" cooperation pilot zone, take the cross-border e-commerce industry as the starting point, strengthen the function of opening up the hub portal, and comprehensively improve the level and level of opening up. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to take the national strategy as the traction, accelerate the construction of a comprehensive functional platform, continuously expand the functions of the bonded import mode of online shopping, and promote the integrated development of bonded exhibition and cross-border e-commerce;

Strengthen the overall planning and construction of rural roads, and make every effort to ensure the high-quality progress of rural road construction

The meeting agreed in principle to the "Qingpu District Rural Road Construction Plan (2023~2027)". The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, further build a transportation network connecting urban and rural areas in accordance with the relevant requirements of the construction of "four good rural roads", create a safe and pleasant travel environment, and add impetus to comprehensively promote rural revitalization. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to make every effort to ensure the high-quality progress of rural road construction, reasonably arrange the construction period, refine and decompose tasks, implement planning goals, make up for development shortcomings, ensure the progress and quality of the project, and create more high-quality road sections. It is necessary to improve and improve the long-term mechanism of construction, management and maintenance, realize classified and hierarchical management, promote the upgrading of the layout and service level of rural road network infrastructure, and better help rural revitalization. It is necessary to focus on strengthening the overall planning and construction of rural highways, and promote rural highway construction projects in an orderly manner in combination with the actual regional development.

Industrial revitalization helps rural revitalization, and comprehensively cultivates new momentum and new advantages for development

The meeting agreed in principle to the "Implementation Rules for the Support Policies for Agricultural Industrialization in Qingpu District (2023~2025)". The meeting pointed out that the development of agricultural industry is an important path and starting point for promoting farmers' income, and it is necessary to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the work of three rural areas, and help the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside with industrial revitalization. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to optimize and improve the support policies for agricultural industrialization, accelerate the construction of a rural industrial system with green products, efficient output and industrial integration, and comprehensively cultivate new momentum for rural revitalization and development. It is necessary to do a good job in scientific planning, find out the positioning of rural industries, and develop new functions of agricultural industries and new values of rural ecology. It is necessary to strengthen policy guidance, grasp the implementation of work, give full play to the maximum benefits of policies, and help promote the upgrading of the whole chain of rural industries.

Focus on key goals, strengthen responsibility, and resolutely fight the "blue sky defense war"

The meeting agreed in principle to the "Qingpu District Clean Air Action Plan (2023~2025)". The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, conscientiously implement the spirit of the national, Shanghai and regional ecological environmental protection conferences, continue to make efforts and long-term achievements, and continuously improve the quality of the air environment in our region. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to focus on key goals, vigorously implement the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, accelerate the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, improve the green and clean level of transportation, promote green development in the construction field, and deepen the comprehensive prevention and control of agricultural pollution, so as to ensure that all goals and tasks are implemented in place. It is necessary to strengthen responsibility, strengthen joint logistics linkage, departmental cooperation, and comprehensive supervision, form a multi-party linkage and joint management work pattern, and resolutely shoulder the mission and responsibility of atmospheric environment governance.

Strengthen research, judgment and early warning, conduct comprehensive investigations, strengthen emergency response, actively respond to cold wave weather, and make every effort to provide service guarantees

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the prevention and response to low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disasters, and grasp the prevention and response to extreme weather with a high sense of political responsibility, so as to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the stability of the overall social situation. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen early warning and forecasting, pay close attention to weather changes, strengthen consultation with meteorological and emergency departments, strengthen research and judgment and early warning, improve the inter-departmental coordination and linkage working mechanism, and form a joint force for prevention and response. It is necessary to strengthen comprehensive investigations, go deep into villages and communities, focus on special groups such as the elderly and widows, increase the intensity of monitoring and assistance for the people in difficulty, do a good job in caring for the people, and effectively ensure the basic livelihood of the people in difficulty. It is necessary to strengthen the investigation of fire hazards and fire safety publicity, and strictly prevent the occurrence of various fire accidents in extreme weather. It is necessary to strengthen emergency response, strictly implement the 24-hour on-duty system, and ensure smooth information and rapid response.

The meeting also looked at other matters.

Source: Green Qingpu