
After the uncle found the "strange bird" and insisted on feeding it for 4 years, the expert: You have made a great contribution


The popular costume drama "Xiangmi" a few years ago is deeply loved by the public, and the male protagonist in the play is called Xu Feng, his real body is a phoenix, and because of this drama, many people have a strong interest in the phoenix.

As we all know, the phoenix is an auspicious bird, and it is also called the "Phoenix Emperor", which is the legendary king of birds. Among them, the male is called "phoenix", the female is called "phoenix", and the male and female are collectively called "phoenix".

In addition, it has other aliases, including Dan Bird, Firebird, etc., today we will tell a story related to the Phoenix, it is said that there is an uncle in Shanxi who raised a Phoenix, but the Phoenix is a mythical bird, how can it appear in reality?

After the uncle found the "strange bird" and insisted on feeding it for 4 years, the expert: You have made a great contribution

Image: Firebird stills

1. Phoenix

The appearance of the phoenix is particularly like a chicken, from ancient times to the present, some people have always been stupid and unable to distinguish between the phoenix and the chicken, so what is the difference between the phoenix and the chicken? Some people say that the feathers of the phoenix are more bright and colorful, while the color of the chicken's feathers is relatively much duller. However, this is not fundamental, the essential difference between a phoenix and a chicken is that a phoenix can fly, but a chicken cannot fly (in this case, soaring high in the sky).

We can imagine that in ancient times, phoenixes, chickens, peacocks and other birds should have taken off in the sky, when they flew, the air was gorgeous, and when they fell to the ground, the ground was colorful, but as time went by, these birds were gradually divided into ranks, and the phoenix became one of the highest level birds, while the chicken was reduced to the bottom, but there were crows and other birds lower than chickens.

The reason why there is a hierarchy is the difference between their hearts and qualities, the phoenix is in pursuit, it is "not more than the sycamore, not the spring is not drunk", its heart is clean and pure. As for the chicken, it was also very good at first, but as long as someone gave it rice, it couldn't help but eat, because it coveted rice for a long time, and finally it couldn't fly anymore, and the chicken that couldn't fly, of course, couldn't be with the phoenix.

Everyone is very clear about the meaning of the phoenix, the phoenix flies in the air, meaning auspicious, auspicious omen, the image of the early phoenix is not clear, resulting in many people's impression of the phoenix is very vague, but after the Qin and Han dynasties, the image of the phoenix slowly became three-dimensional, people will use the "dragon" to symbolize the emperor, with the "phoenix" to symbolize the queen.

After the uncle found the "strange bird" and insisted on feeding it for 4 years, the expert: You have made a great contribution

Image: Image stills of Phoenix

Second, the old man and the golden phoenix

Back to the original story, in 2016, an uncle in Shanxi discovered a "golden phoenix", and this news attracted widespread attention. On the one hand, everyone thinks it is very strange that the phoenix is a sacred bird, how can it appear among the people? On the other hand, the phoenix is not a bird in reality at all, it only exists in stories and people's imagination, how can it be discovered by mortals? Is what this uncle said true or false?

First of all, let's introduce this Shanxi uncle, his name is Guo Cunsuo, his family lives in Pinglu County, Shanxi, the uncle has spent most of his life in the village, and the main thing he usually does is to do farm work and go to the mountains to herd sheep, this day he is the same as usual, he plans to go to the mountains to shepherd sheep, when he drove a large flock of sheep through the endless ridges, he found a lawn.

After the uncle found the "strange bird" and insisted on feeding it for 4 years, the expert: You have made a great contribution

Picture: Screenshot of the uncle's sheep herding information

He asked the sheep to stop and graze, and he wandered around the neighborhood, and after wandering for a while, he sat down to look at the scenery, and suddenly saw a bright color in the grass nearby, and fixed his mind to look at it, and found that it was both like a chicken and a bird, and the feathers on its body were particularly bright and bright, and the most surprising thing was that its tail and feathers were mainly red and gold, and under the sunlight, it looked particularly noble, and there was a sense of sacredness.

Suddenly, the "Golden Phoenix" appeared in his mind, which he heard from others when he was a child, the old people often said that there is a phoenix in the mountains, but no one has ever seen the true body of the phoenix, but at that moment, Guo Cunsuo was sure that the strange bird was the "Golden Phoenix" in other people's mouths, he screamed in surprise, and the "Golden Phoenix" was also scared away.

After the uncle found the "strange bird" and insisted on feeding it for 4 years, the expert: You have made a great contribution

Picture: Screenshot of the "Golden Phoenix" in the grass

The next day, he felt that the golden phoenix should still come out to forage for food, so he took the grain up the mountain early in the morning, scattered the grain on the ground, and ran behind the grass to wait for the arrival of the golden phoenix.

After a while, the golden phoenix came, it carefully observed the surrounding environment, began to enjoy those grains, and Guo Cunsuo who was observing on the side was particularly excited, on the third day, Guo Cunsuo brought the grain up the mountain again, and the same as the last time, hiding in the bushes to observe the movement of the phoenix.

What he never expected was that the Golden Phoenix not only appeared, but also brought many companions with him, Guo Cunsuo thought to himself, there must be a lot of Golden Phoenixes. In this way, Guo Cunsuo came to feed the golden phoenix every day, and the number of golden phoenixes that came to forage for food also slowly increased, at first, the phoenix would subconsciously dodge when he saw Guo Cunsuo, but then they slowly became familiar with Guo Cunsuo, and simply did not hide.

The phoenixes slowly regarded Guo Cunsuo as a trustworthy person, and as soon as they saw the food in Guo Cunsuo's hand, they knew that he was coming to feed him again, and Guo Cunsuo also gained a great sense of satisfaction from the process of feeding the golden phoenix.

After the uncle found the "strange bird" and insisted on feeding it for 4 years, the expert: You have made a great contribution

Image: Screenshot of the increasing number of golden phoenixes coming to forage for food

I didn't expect this feed to be four years, Guo Cunsuo said in an interview that he can hold on for so long, purely out of love for the Golden Phoenix, which is also the fundamental reason why he is willing to become a professional bird protector.

Suddenly, one day, a photographer came to the village where Guo Cunsuo lived, and after he heard about Guo Cunsuo's deeds of feeding the phoenix, he also wanted to find out. Then, he saw a large flock of colorful birds landing on the ground to eat, and the photographer was instantly amazed by the sight, and he couldn't help but sigh at how amazing these birds were.

Then, the photographer asked the relevant experts and learned that the so-called golden phoenix is the red-bellied golden pheasant, a national second-class protected animal, which is about to be endangered, and few people have the opportunity to witness their true face. And Guo Cunsuo fed so many red-bellied golden chickens at this time, which can be said to have made a great contribution to the country. In addition, it was mentioned in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" that the red-bellied golden chicken is actually the prototype of the phoenix.

It is usually difficult to see one, not to mention appearing in groups, this situation is really rare, thanks to Guo Cunsuo's love, maybe there is really a fate and bond between "Golden Phoenix" and Guo Cunsuo, which makes the Golden Phoenix rarely appear.

After the uncle found the "strange bird" and insisted on feeding it for 4 years, the expert: You have made a great contribution

Image: Screenshot of the red-bellied golden pheasant

Later, many bird lovers came to photograph the "Golden Phoenix", but the shooting was not done in a day or two, and they usually stayed for many days. Therefore, these people urgently need to find a place to eat and live, which is a big business opportunity for Guo Cunsuo.

Guo Cunsuo's wife seized this opportunity and opened a farmhouse hotel, which was specially used to provide food and lodging for those who came to visit, and Guo Cunsuo also made a lot of money because of it.