
Why is it difficult for Chinese mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law to get along? People who have come over have summed up three reasons, and every sentence is reasonable, alerting many people

author:Xinyucai said

In traditional Chinese culture, the mother-in-law relationship is often portrayed as a subtle bond in the family. But why is this relationship often full of challenges and frictions? Is it the influence of cultural traditions, or differences in understanding between generations, or differences in Xi habits of life?

From ancient times to the present day, this topic seems to have been accompanied by a myriad of questions and confusions. Exploring the reasons behind this can not only help us understand the complexity of family relationships, but may also be a starting point for improving this age-old problem.

Why is it difficult for Chinese mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law to get along? People who have come over have summed up three reasons, and every sentence is reasonable, alerting many people

1. The influence of culture and tradition

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in China is deeply influenced by its rich and complex culture and traditions. Traditionally, Chinese society emphasizes family harmony and order, in which the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law plays a central role.

In this cultural context, the daughter-in-law is expected to be fully integrated into her husband's family, to follow the rules of the family, and to respect the elders. This model emphasizes the authoritative position of the mother-in-law and the obedience of the daughter-in-law.

However, with the development of society and the transformation of values, this traditional concept gradually shows its incompatibility with modern life. Modern women are increasingly seeking independence and self-fulfillment, and they may feel uncomfortable with the expectations of traditional roles.

Modern society's emphasis on individual rights and equality is in opposition to the traditional structure of family authority. Therefore, in the conflict between traditional and modern concepts, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law often becomes the focus of friction.

This conflict is not confined to the family, but is also reflected in the perceptions and expectations of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship in society as a whole. Certain Xi and beliefs in traditional culture, such as respect for the elderly, love for the young and family harmony, are still regarded by many as the cornerstone of family happiness.

Why is it difficult for Chinese mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law to get along? People who have come over have summed up three reasons, and every sentence is reasonable, alerting many people

However, in the rapidly changing living environment of modern times, these traditional concepts need to be adapted to the values of the new era in order to better resolve the conflicts and misunderstandings between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

By in-depth analysis of the influence of these cultures and traditions, we can understand the complexity of the mother-in-law relationship more comprehensively, and thus find more reasonable ways to improve this relationship.

2. Differences in understanding between generations

In Chinese families, differences in understanding between generations are a key factor in the tension between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Mother-in-law and daughters-in-law of different generations, due to differences in growth environment, educational background, social experience and other factors, have formed their own unique worldviews, values and lifestyles.

Differences in the circumstances in which you grew up led to huge differences in perceptions and expectations. Older generations of women often grew up in a more traditional and conservative social environment, where values were based on family and societal expectations, such as loyalty, sacrifice and submission.

Modern young women, on the other hand, have grown up in a more open and pluralistic environment, where they place greater emphasis on personal independence, self-fulfillment and equality. This fundamental difference in values can lead to conflict in many aspects of daily life.

Why is it difficult for Chinese mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law to get along? People who have come over have summed up three reasons, and every sentence is reasonable, alerting many people

Lifestyle changes are also an important factor. The rapid development of modern society has brought about tremendous changes in lifestyles, especially in terms of urbanization and technological innovation.

Younger generations are more Xi to relying on technology, convenience and efficiency, while older generations may value traditional lifestyles and the value of hands-on work. For example, in daily household chores, parenting methods, and even dietary Xi, such differences can be a source of friction.

Changing social roles and expectations should also not be overlooked. In the past, women's roles were often limited to family and childcare, while modern women face the dual pressures of family and career.

This shift in roles has made it more challenging for modern women to deal with family relationships, especially with their mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law. They may have more difficulty meeting the expectations of traditional mothers-in-law regarding the role of housewives, leading to incomprehension and conflict between the two parties.

Differences in social experience and educational background are also key factors. Different socio-historical backgrounds have shaped the experiences and perceptions of different generations. For example, older generations may have experienced periods of material deprivation and social unrest, and therefore placed greater emphasis on stability and frugality.

Why is it difficult for Chinese mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law to get along? People who have come over have summed up three reasons, and every sentence is reasonable, alerting many people

The younger generation, on the other hand, grew up in a relatively affluent and stable environment and may be more focused on personal development and spiritual fulfillment. This difference in experience has led to significant differences in the way the two generations view life and the value of their families.

Differences in understanding between generations are not only reflected in superficial Xi or concepts, but are deeply rooted in each person's upbringing and social background.

Only through in-depth communication, mutual understanding and respect can the conflicts caused by these differences be effectively mitigated, so as to establish a more harmonious relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

3. Economic and life pressures

Economic and life pressures are a common phenomenon in modern society, and they have a profound impact on the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Under financial pressure, family members often have to deal with the dual pressures of work and life, which not only consumes their energy and time, but also affects the emotional communication and understanding between family members.

Financial stress can lead to tension between family members. When families are facing financial difficulties, issues such as the rising cost of living and the increase in the cost of children's education will become the focus of family discussions.

At such times, the different views and ways of dealing with the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law may lead to disputes, especially when it comes to money management and the allocation of the family budget.

Why is it difficult for Chinese mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law to get along? People who have come over have summed up three reasons, and every sentence is reasonable, alerting many people

The fast-paced lifestyle also adds to the stress of life. The rapid development of modern society has brought about an acceleration in the pace of life, and the double burden of work and family responsibilities makes it difficult for family members, especially young daughters-in-law, to balance career development and family life.

In this case, there may be friction between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law due to differences in lifestyles or attitudes towards family responsibilities.

Life stress also affects family members' mood and communication. Long-term stress can lead to mood swings and even mental health problems, which can affect the communication and relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Under the influence of stress, family members may be more likely to be emotional, and small conflicts may also be magnified, leading to unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Therefore, understanding and coping with economic and life pressures is an important part of improving the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Support, understanding, and effective communication between family members are key to relieving these stresses and helping to build a more harmonious family environment.

Why is it difficult for Chinese mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law to get along? People who have come over have summed up three reasons, and every sentence is reasonable, alerting many people


Exploring the complexity of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, we find that there is a deep interweaving of multiple factors such as culture, generation, and economy behind it. Understanding these deep-seated reasons will not only help us to be more inclusive and understanding of each member of the family, but may also be the key to building a more harmonious family relationship.

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