
Mao Weiming solicited the opinions of deputies to the Provincial People's Congress, members of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and grassroots representatives on the "Government Work Report".

author:New Hunan

The provincial government solicited the opinions of representatives and members on the "Government Work Report".

Concentrate on development and continue to strive for a new chapter

Mao Weiming attended and spoke

Hunan Daily, December 22 (All-media reporter Sun Minjian) On the morning of the 22nd, Mao Weiming, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor, presided over a symposium to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the provincial people's congress deputies, members of the provincial CPPCC and grassroots representatives on the 2024 "Government Work Report". He pointed out that it is necessary to deeply study and practice the spirit of General Secretary Xi's important speech and instructions on Hunan's work, pool wisdom and strength, build broad consensus, and ensure that the report better implements the spirit of the central economic work conference, better implements the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and government, better reflects the thoughts and expectations of the people, and gathers a strong joint force to forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions in the new era.

Vice Governor Jiang Difei and Secretary General of the Provincial Government Qu Hai attended.

Mao Weiming solicited the opinions of deputies to the Provincial People's Congress, members of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and grassroots representatives on the "Government Work Report".

(On the morning of December 22, Mao Weiming, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of the province, presided over a symposium to solicit the opinions and suggestions of the provincial people's congress deputies, members of the provincial CPPCC and grassroots representatives on the 2024 "Government Work Report". )

At the symposium, Luo Yuhuan, Xiao Sheng, Liu Hui, Liao Jiqiao, Jiang Qinghua, Chen Feibao, Li Zhiyong, Pan Jiuren and other representatives of the Provincial People's Congress, members of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and grassroots representatives, combined with their respective work practices and responsibilities, focused on accelerating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, building an innovative talent team, improving the enthusiasm of the main production of grain, polishing the background color of green development, improving the level of opening up, optimizing the innovation system and platform, accelerating the upgrading of artificial intelligence-enabled industries, and increasing the development of education in remote areas.

Mao Weiming solicited the opinions of deputies to the Provincial People's Congress, members of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and grassroots representatives on the "Government Work Report".

(Symposium site.) )

Mao Weiming listened carefully to the speeches and exchanged views with everyone from time to time. He said that everyone's speeches focused on industrial development and people's livelihood concerns, actively checked the pulse, made suggestions, and were good at discovering problems, analyzing problems, and focusing on solving problems; they not only put forward opinions and suggestions based on their own responsibilities and posts, but also took into account the overall situation and extensively collected social conditions and public opinions; they not only saw the current difficulties and challenges, but also saw bright prospects and development opportunities, demonstrated their responsibility, conveyed the voice of the grassroots, and embodied the requirements of "the people elected me as a representative, and I should be a representative for the people", as well as the CPPCC members participating in politics and discussing politics. Conscientious and responsible performance of duties. The drafting group of the report should conscientiously sort it out, study it carefully, fully absorb it, and do a good job of implementing it in its future work.

Mao Weiming solicited the opinions of deputies to the Provincial People's Congress, members of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and grassroots representatives on the "Government Work Report".

(The Provincial People's Congress, members of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and grassroots representatives attending the meeting spoke at the meeting.) )

Mao Weiming pointed out that next year is a critical year to achieve the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and it is necessary to unite the people of the province to continue to struggle. I hope that everyone will strengthen their confidence and sing the theory of economic brightness. Effectively unify thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the judgment of the current situation, and unify them with the development trend of Hunan, actively guide public opinion, boost development confidence, improve social expectations, and stimulate the spirit of entrepreneurship. Gather people's hearts and gather great synergy for development. With the development goals inspiring and the development results inspiring, focusing on the main battlefield of high-quality development such as the construction of the "three highlands" and the construction of the "4×4" modern industrial system, we will unite and gather the forces of all aspects and industries to form a strong cohesion, combat effectiveness and implementation force for the implementation of the "three highs and four new" blueprint. Strengthen responsibility and show new achievements in performing duties. Always keep in mind the original mission of serving the people, give full play to the advantages of gathering talents, taking root in the masses and having a wide range of contacts, focus on scientific and technological innovation, rural revitalization, security and stability, strengthen investigation and research, and provide reference for the decision-making of the provincial party committee and provincial government;

Mao Weiming solicited the opinions of deputies to the Provincial People's Congress, members of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and grassroots representatives on the "Government Work Report".

(Before the meeting, Mao Weiming shook hands cordially with the representatives and members attending the meeting.) )

Mao Weiming stressed that government departments at all levels in the province should fully support people's congress deputies and CPPCC members in fulfilling their duties, broaden the channels for making suggestions, improve work measures, consciously accept supervision, create conditions for deputies and members to contact the masses, investigate and study, and perform their duties, promote the accelerated transformation of the results of participation in and discussion of state affairs, and let administrative power run in the sun.

Photo/Photo by Hunan Daily all-media reporter Liu Shangwen


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