
"Don't be afraid of the winter solstice cloudy, just afraid of the winter solstice sunny day", today's winter solstice, what is the omen of the winter solstice

author:Sugar Sugar Sannong said

Today's winter solstice, this day represents the beginning of winter in the lunar calendar, and it is also the time when yang energy begins to grow, symbolizing hope and good luck. And in many places, people also have a saying that "if you are not afraid of the winter solstice cloudy day, you are afraid of the winter solstice sunny day", what is the meaning of this? Let's take a look.

"Don't be afraid of the winter solstice cloudy, just afraid of the winter solstice sunny day", today's winter solstice, what is the omen of the winter solstice

First of all, we need to understand the solar term of the winter solstice. The winter solstice is a specific point in the lunar calendar, marking the day when the day is shortest and the night is the longest. On this day, yang energy begins to grow and cold energy gradually decreases, symbolizing the end of winter and the beginning of spring. As a result, the winter solstice is often seen as a solar term of great significance.

"Don't be afraid of the winter solstice cloudy, just afraid of the winter solstice sunny day", today's winter solstice, what is the omen of the winter solstice

So, why do people say "not afraid of the winter solstice cloudy days, afraid of the winter solstice sunny days"? In the past, farmers relied on solar terms to judge the arrival of the farming season, and they also paid attention to the sunshine of the winter solstice. If the day of the winter solstice is cloudy, it means that the winter may be extended and the cold may be longer, which may have a negative impact on the growth of crops and the harvest of farmers.

"Don't be afraid of the winter solstice cloudy, just afraid of the winter solstice sunny day", today's winter solstice, what is the omen of the winter solstice

However, if it is sunny on the day of the winter solstice, it means that yang energy is growing and cold is decreasing, indicating the arrival of spring. In the spring, the sprouts of crops begin to grow and everything recovers, which means for farmers that the season of cultivation has begun and the expectation of harvest is not far away. Therefore, a sunny day on the winter solstice will bring people feelings of good luck and hope.

"Don't be afraid of the winter solstice cloudy, just afraid of the winter solstice sunny day", today's winter solstice, what is the omen of the winter solstice

In addition, there are other omen for the winter solstice. For example, in folklore, a sunny winter solstice indicates that the year may be good and the crops will have a good harvest. And in some areas, the winter solstice is also considered to be a good omen of good luck and auspiciousness for the new year. However, this claim is largely based on farming culture and folklore, and modern meteorology has allowed us to understand the changes and omens of solar terms more scientifically. Therefore, although the saying "if you are not afraid of the cloudy day of the winter solstice, you are afraid of the sunny day of the winter solstice" still exists in some places, we also need to understand that this statement is mainly derived from history and traditional culture, and its scientific reliability may not be.

"Don't be afraid of the winter solstice cloudy, just afraid of the winter solstice sunny day", today's winter solstice, what is the omen of the winter solstice

Overall, the winter solstice is a symbol of yang energy, good luck and hope. But we also need to understand that this statement is mainly derived from farming culture and folklore, and modern people have a more scientific understanding of the changes and omens of solar terms.