
I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

author:A four-year covenant on the continent
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Actor Cheng Yi became Tencent's business spokesperson. This news not only proves Cheng Yi's influence in the entertainment industry, but also shows his success in career development. Cheng Yi has won the love of many audiences with his excellent acting skills and sunny image, and has become one of the most popular young actors at the moment.

I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

Tencent's choice is also quite wise. As a highly sought-after star, Cheng Yi will undoubtedly bring more attention and fans to Tencent. Tencent has always been committed to building its own brand image, and Cheng Yi is in line with the positive, sunny and positive image they are pursuing. Through Cheng Yi's endorsement, Tencent can further consolidate its influence among young people and enhance its brand value.

I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

However, not everyone in the entertainment industry can be as high-profile as Cheng Yi. Recently, the broadcast volume of iQiyi drama "Lotus Building" has not met expectations, which has aroused people's attention. Platform competition, influence, and word-of-mouth are considered to be important factors that lead to the number of broadcasts not meeting expectations.

I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

First of all, the current competition in the entertainment industry is extremely fierce. While competing for users, major video platforms have also attracted many excellent drama resources. Viewers are free to choose their favorite titles from various platforms, which makes the competition between platforms even more fierce. In this context, "Lotus Tower" faced strong competition from other episodes, which is one of the reasons why the number of broadcasts did not meet expectations.

I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

Secondly, influence plays a vital role in the entertainment industry. Whether a series can attract audiences depends largely on the influence of the actors and production team. If the actors in the series don't have much popularity or the production team doesn't have much experience, it's hard to catch the audience's eye. For "Lotus Tower", although it has some powerful actors, its overall influence may not be enough to attract a large audience.

I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

Finally, plot word-of-mouth is also one of the important factors for viewers to decide whether to watch a drama series. If the plot is not engaging, the audience will not continue to watch. For "Lotus Tower", it may be that the plot did not meet the audience's expectations, or did not bring too many surprises to the audience, which led to the number of broadcasts not meeting expectations.

I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

To sum up, the unsatisfactory broadcast volume of "Lotus Tower" is closely related to the platform competition, influence and plot reputation. In the highly competitive entertainment industry, it is not easy for a series to stand out. In addition to the promotion of the platform, the influence of the actors and the attractiveness of the plot are also very important factors. For producers, in order to attract more audiences, these factors need to be considered comprehensively and adjusted accordingly.

I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

Each work has its own characteristics and audience groups, and the number of broadcasts is only one of the indicators, and it does not fully represent the quality and value of an episode. Although the number of broadcasts of "Lotus Tower" did not meet expectations, it does not mean that it is a failed drama.

I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

In the highly competitive market of the entertainment industry, a large number of episodes are launched every year, and viewers are faced with numerous choices. So, it's not easy for a series to stand out. In addition to the promotion of the platform, the influence of the actors and the attractiveness of the plot are also very important factors. "Lotus Tower" may be lacking in this regard, but that doesn't mean it's a failed series.

I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

Playing volume that does not meet expectations may bring certain pressure and challenges to the producer. There is room for improvement in each work, and the producer can make adjustments and improvements in the plot setting, character building, story rhythm, etc., to attract more attention and love from the audience.

I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

In addition, viewers' tastes are constantly changing, and their needs for episodes are constantly evolving. Producers need to pay close attention to the audience's feedback and preferences, constantly improve their own capabilities, and keep up with the changes in audience needs. Only on the road of continuous progress and innovation can the series be invincible in the competitive market.

I can't hide it!Cheng Yi's coffee position will be promoted?

At the same time, we must also see that the competition in the entertainment industry is becoming increasingly fierce, and the tastes of the audience are constantly changing. Only by continuously improving their own strength and keeping up with the changes in the needs of the audience can they remain invincible in this highly competitive market. I hope that "Lotus Tower" can further improve its own quality and attract more attention and love from the audience through the lessons learned this time.

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