
Ouyang Yi couldn't see through it, Jiang Defu was ostensibly seeking a way out for his daughter, but in fact, it was his calculations


[Jiang Defu and Ouyang Yi: The ups and downs of the years, the brotherhood is deep]

In the era of "Parents' Love", Jiang Defu was the pillar of the Jiang family and won the reputation of the family. Today, let us look back on the brotherhood between Jiang Defu and Ouyang Yi, as well as the deep imprint left by the years.

Jiang Defu has a prominent position in the family and has created countless opportunities for his family. He not only took care of his own children, but also won the opportunity for the children of An Jie's siblings to join the army.

In those days, young people who were able to rely on family ties to find their dream jobs were lucky. Jiang Defu not only helps his relatives, but also creates a broad future for the next generation of the family.

Ouyang Yi became a rightist, and his family was forced to work in exile. Although Jiang Defu did not understand in advance, after learning the truth, he did not accuse An Jie, but expressed his concern and asked her to visit her sister An Xin's family.

Ouyang Yi became a laborer because of the rightists, and the whole family was forced to leave their hometown. In order not to affect Jiang Defu's work, An Jie chose to hide it from him, and he didn't learn the truth until Jiang Defu went out to inspect.

After returning home, Jiang Defu blamed An Jie, but Ouyang Yi's appearance made the whole family fall silent. Ouyang Yi's 16 years of bitterness broke out at the wine table, and he shouted out his identity, which instantly made everyone present feel his bitterness.

Many years later, Ouyang Yi was finally rehabilitated, and went to visit Jiang Defu's family as soon as possible to share the good news. Ouyang Yi is grateful to Jiang Defu for taking care of him for many years, and this affectionate relationship has made the relationship between the two families even closer.

Ouyang Yi's 16 years of labor turned him from an intellectual to a laborer. His life has experienced the warmth and coldness of the world, but he has found new support in the predicament.

Ouyang Yi couldn't see through it, Jiang Defu was ostensibly seeking a way out for his daughter, but in fact, it was his calculations

Jiang Defu had reached out to help when the Antai family was devolved, and now he offered to let the twins become soldiers. This affection made Ouyang Yi grateful to Jiang Defu.

After Ouyang Yi was rehabilitated, Jiang Defu held a banquet to entertain them, which made Ouyang Yi feel unforgettable kindness. Spending two months' salary may seem insignificant, because the emotion cannot be measured in money.

After Jiang Defu retired, Ouyang Yi lifted the hat of the rightist and rushed to Songshan Island as soon as possible, bringing good news of his rehabilitation. This news made Jiang Defu ecstatic.

When he was old, Jiang Defu returned to Qingdao with his wife and daughter, and Ouyang Yi hosted a banquet to welcome them with a month's salary. The relationship between the two brothers is deeper, and they exchange life wisdom with each other, and the picture is harmonious and warm.

Ouyang Yi's gratitude to Jiang Defu is beyond words, and the two families spent their old age together, and this brotherhood has become the most precious memory in the long river of years. Jiang Defu used kindness and generosity to win Ouyang Yi's sincere friendship.

The story of Jiang Defu and Ouyang Yi is a testimony of the times, and it is also a portrayal of the sincere feelings between brothers. As the years go by, friendship always exists, let us feel the glory of human nature in this story full of warmth, and think about the true meaning of family, friendship and brotherhood. May this brotherhood forever shine in the long river of history.

Jiang Defu is widely acclaimed, he has a broad mind, and has always put the well-being of his relatives first. Even if there are twists and turns in the brotherly relationship, he can lend a helping hand at a critical moment and show the style of benevolence.

When the Antai family needed help, Jiang Defu did not hesitate to provide support. This spirit of thinking about others has made him a noble person in the hearts of his family and friends. He not only hosted a banquet to welcome Ouyang Yi after he was rehabilitated, but also gave encouragement and care when his life was at a low point.

Jiang Defu is well versed in human feelings, and he did not blame too much about the things that An Jie concealed, but expressed his concern through gentle reprimands. This wisdom made him a wise man in his family and set an example for those around him.

The years of forced exile were a great test for Ouyang Yi, however, it was this experience that made him more resilient. He transformed from a proud intellectual into a strong man who could cope with all kinds of difficulties.

Ouyang Yi couldn't see through it, Jiang Defu was ostensibly seeking a way out for his daughter, but in fact, it was his calculations

After Ouyang Yi was rehabilitated, his first time was to visit Jiang Defu's family. This visit is not only to say goodbye, but also to express the care of Jiang Defu for many years. Ouyang Yi's maturity and gratitude made this brotherhood even deeper.

Ouyang Yi's life experience is full of twists and turns, however, he did not become decadent because of adversity, but gradually found a new direction in life through hard work and perseverance. This positive attitude has transformed him into a more mature individual with the wash of time.

The brotherhood between Ouyang Yi and Jiang Defu is a miracle witnessed by the years. From the initial misunderstanding and incomprehension, to the later mutual understanding and tolerance, this friendship is like a wine that grows older and more mellow, and the more it goes through wind and rain, the stronger it becomes.

They work hard for life in their respective positions and bear the weight of the times together. Whether it is Jiang Defu's responsibility in the family or Ouyang Yi's hard work in labor, they are all witnesses of perseverance in life.

The perfection and tolerance between brothers allow them to grow together in the face of adversity. From Jiang Defu's support to Ouyang Yi's gratitude, this friendship is not only a testimony of individual achievements, but also a typical portrayal of family, friendship and brotherhood.

The contradictions and misunderstandings between the brothers have gradually dissipated under the washing of the years. The friendship between Jiang Defu and Ouyang Yi, from the initial coldness to the later sincere treatment, is a vivid example of emotional sublimation.

Ouyang Yi's growth story allows us to see the brilliance of human nature. In the face of adversity, he not only defeated his own demons, but also dealt with his past misunderstandings with gratitude. This kind of tolerance and open-mindedness is the most beautiful side of human nature.

This brotherhood, although it has stood the test of time, is still the same. With each other's support and understanding, they have gone through the ups and downs of life together and become the most important companions in each other's life journeys.

The story of Jiang Defu and Ouyang Yi is not only an experience of family brothers, but also a picture of ups and downs in life. In the long history, they have interpreted the true meaning of family, friendship and brotherhood with sincere emotions. May this touching friendship become an indelible mark on our hearts, inspiring us to persevere and treat each other with sincerity on the road of life.

Ouyang Yi couldn't see through it, Jiang Defu was ostensibly seeking a way out for his daughter, but in fact, it was his calculations