
If this phenomenon occurs in the finger, it means that the blood clot has formed in the body, and if you don't pay attention to it, you will have a heart attack!

author:Zhang Shiliang, Department of Cardiology

The quality of life in modern times has improved, and the diet tends to be diverse, but the blood flow is blocked, resulting in an increased risk of blood clots. Blood clots can occur at any time, regardless of age, and are called arterial thrombosis, venous thrombosis in veins, and cerebral thrombosis in the brain. Serious effects on the body, such as disability and death. Therefore, it is important to maintain the health of blood vessels.

Identify the presence of blood clots in the body, by looking at the color of the palm. Usually, a pink color on the palm of the hand indicates that the blood vessels are in good shape. If the palm color turns red, it indicates that the blood viscosity is increased, which is easy to cause blood clots. If red and white with erythema, it indicates poor circulation and a trend of thrombosis.

If this phenomenon occurs in the finger, it means that the blood clot has formed in the body, and if you don't pay attention to it, you will have a heart attack!

The following drugs are known as "scavengers" of blood vessels, helping to clean blood vessels and prevent blockages and hardening.

1. Prescription for dredging blood vessels: 15 grams of deer bit grass and melon, 12 grams of Chuanxiong and turmeric, 30 grams of salvia, 15 grams of nepeta and red peony, 15 grams of incense, 12 grams of hawthorn, calamus and angelica, 12 grams of jatamansi, add water to decoction.

If this phenomenon occurs in the finger, it means that the blood clot has formed in the body, and if you don't pay attention to it, you will have a heart attack!

2. Prescription for cleaning the inner wall of blood vessels: Asparagus rich in asparagine and rutin has the effect of lowering blood pressure and dilating blood vessels, and with flavonoids, manganese, chromium and other elements, it helps to reduce the fragility of blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis.

If this phenomenon occurs in the finger, it means that the blood clot has formed in the body, and if you don't pay attention to it, you will have a heart attack!

3. Vascular scavenger - Luobuma tea: With Xinjiang wild Luobuma as the main raw material, like a biological blood wash, long-term drinking of this tea can significantly improve the fragility and permeability of human blood vessels. The tea is a homologous product of medicine and food, which can lower blood pressure at the root. Its growth environment is special, with strong salt resistance, can effectively decompose oil, impurities, and keep blood vessels unblocked. After drinking, hypertensive patients generally reported that its antihypertensive effect gradually appeared and was relatively stable, and at the same time, blood pressure was regulated in both directions. This tea can effectively improve blood circulation, improve the quality of blood and blood vessels, soften blood vessels, and remove foreign bodies in blood vessels.

To sum up, the effect of vascular "scavenger" is not only to remove blood free radicals, but also to antagonize the accumulation of perennial chemicals and lipids on the blood vessel wall, as well as heavy metals and salt-alkaline inorganic salt crystals, so as to maintain smooth blood flow, delay vascular aging, and have significant curative effects on hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and common symptoms of the elderly such as asthma, insomnia, chest tightness, constipation, etc., so it is praised by experts as "green human blood cleanser and vascular softener". #Winter Solstice##Traditional Chinese Medicine##中药#

Reply to the number, and I will answer in detail when I see it

1. High blood pressure, high blood sugar, high blood lipids

2. Asthma, diabetes

3. Coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction

4. Rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, etc. can be regulated