
Folk tale: The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and the nun regretted it afterwards

author:Brother Hao's business circle

During the reign of Renzong of the Song Dynasty, there was a tall and sturdy strong man named Li Qiankun. He is bold by nature, likes to make friends, and also likes to find something new and interesting. In the spring of one year, Qiankun heard that there was a temple nearby, which was known as a famous incense burner, so he decided to go to burn incense and pray for blessings.

In the morning, Li Qiankun prepared red candles, flower baskets and incense, and set out on the way to the temple. The scenery along the way is beautiful, and Qiankun is in a good mood. Finally, he came to the legendary temple of the strong man. The scale of the temple is very large, spacious and bright, and resplendent in gold. Qiankun walked into the gate of the temple with his tall body.

Folk tale: The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and the nun regretted it afterwards

As soon as he entered the temple, Qiankun smelled a fragrance coming to his nose, and he saw that the temple was crowded with people, and everyone was waiting for the moment to burn incense. Qiankun is usually kind and helpful, and everyone has a good impression of him, so they get out of the way and let him burn incense before. Qiankun was grateful, so he stepped forward to the offering table and lit the red candle he brought, put the flower basket, and covered it with incense ashes.

Just as Qiankun was burning incense, a nun dressed in plain clothes walked over, smiling and looking at Qiankun softly. The nun's name is Zhiruo and she is the head of this temple. She is young and beautiful, has a good manners, and easily attracts attention. She asked Qiankun, "Big brother, have you come here to burn incense and pray for blessings?"

Qiankun smiled kindly, nodded and said, "That's right, I came here to pray for blessings, for the health of my family and a successful career." ”

Zhiruo smiled slightly and said, "Big brother, you are tall and strong, you are good-looking, why don't you visit the temple with me, maybe it will bring you some unexpected gains." ”

Qiankun was already interested in novelties, so he agreed to Zhiruo's invitation. The two began to tour the temple together, which contains many Buddha statues, scriptures, and arhat stone statues. Zhiruo has a detailed explanation of each attraction and guides Qiankun to understand the history and culture of the temple. Qiankun listened to it with relish, and couldn't help but admire and appreciate Zhiruo even more.

Folk tale: The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and the nun regretted it afterwards

Just when the two of them were visiting the temple, Zhiruo suddenly said, "Big brother, let's come here." With that, she pointed to a wooden door that looked a little shabby.

Qiankun looked at the wooden door with some curiosity and asked, "Where is this, why do you want to go there?"

Zhiruo smiled mysteriously and said, "This is a secret secret room in the temple, and few people know about it. Legend has it that entering the secret room can lead to magical treasures and even make wishes. Big brother is so bold, he should like such a challenge. ”

Qiankun was moved when he heard this, he had always hoped to have some special experience, so he readily agreed to Zhiruo's invitation. The two pushed open the wooden door and entered the mysterious secret room.

The chamber was dimly lit and damp, and the geckos crawled on the walls, looking a little eerie. Qiankun was just about to say something, but he heard Zhiruo chanting a few incantations in a peculiar language, and the door of the entire secret room suddenly closed. Qiankun asked in surprise, "Zhiruo, what's going on, how do we get out?"

Zhiruo looked regretful and said, "Big brother, I'm really sorry, I tricked you into coming in for a purpose. I knew you had a lot of strength, and I wanted to ask you to do me a little favor. ”

When Qiankun heard this, he was uneasy and shouted, "What do you want to do? Why do you want to trick me in?"

Zhiruo said with a guilty face: "There is a treasure house hidden underground in this secret room, which contains priceless jewels and gold and silver treasures, but I can't open the entrance to the treasure house. On a whim, I wanted to trick you into coming in and use your strength to help me open the treasure house. ”

Folk tale: The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and the nun regretted it afterwards

Qiankun said angrily: "How can you lie to me so ruthlessly? I have a good impression of you, and I promised you to visit the temple, and I didn't think that I would be framed." ”

Zhiruo listened to Qiankun's accusation, couldn't help but burst into tears, and said, "Big brother, I'm really sorry for you, I'm too greedy." I know it's too late to say sorry now, but I really regret it and am willing to take any consequences. ”

Qiankun listened to Zhiruo's remorse, although he was still angry in his heart, he also saw her sincerity. He calmed down and said, "Now that it's happened, there's nothing I can do to change it." We can only work together now to find a way out. ”

Folk tale: The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and the nun regretted it afterwards

Zhiruo looked at Qiankun gratefully and said, "Big brother, you are really a good person, I will compensate you well." ”

Qiankun and Zhiruo looked for an exit in the secret room, climbed the stone wall together, turned over the stone platform, and carefully observed every corner. After several hours of hard work, they finally found a deeply hidden mechanism, and when the mechanism was pressed, the door to the secret room slowly opened.

When Qiankun and Zhiruo returned to the temple, everyone found that their bodies were covered with dirt and dust, and looked at them with puzzlement. Zhiruo didn't care about explaining anything, just looked at Qiankun full of gratitude, and thanked him endlessly.

Qiankun didn't know if the people of the temple already knew what happened to them, but he knew that he had learned a lot from this experience. He understands that sometimes kindness and boldness don't necessarily pay off, but he doesn't regret his choice.

Since that day, Li Qiankun has never gone to the Zhuanghan Temple to burn incense, but his friendship with Zhiruo has always been maintained. They often drink tea together, chat, and share each other's thoughts. Li Qiankun also gradually understood from this experience that kindness and sincere friendship are the most precious treasures.

Folk tale: The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and the nun regretted it afterwards

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