
Understand the complex education system in Singapore, understand the pathways to further education, and choose the most suitable path.

author:Study abroad in the Lion City

Some parents know that there are three types of schools in Singapore, but they are dazzled by the variety of choices of government schools, international schools, and private schools......

Of course, there are some parents who have done their homework, but in fact, parents' understanding is still relatively one-sided. Is it better to be a government school or a private school? What are the specific differences between the curriculum of international schools and government schools, and which one is more suitable for children?

Understand the complex education system in Singapore, understand the pathways to further education, and choose the most suitable path.

Today, the assistant will make a comparison of these three schools, or parents and students will have some in their hearts.

Comparison of admission requirements

Understand the complex education system in Singapore, understand the pathways to further education, and choose the most suitable path.


Government schools

Children who have reached the age of 6 but are under the age of 7 on January 1 of the year of enrollment can apply for the application for primary school admission and enter government schools without examination. However, the quota is more effective and the competition is fiercer.

If you fail to apply for primary school, you will have to take the AEIS entrance exam if you want to study in a government school in Singapore.

If the child is admitted, the Ministry of Education will arrange the student's school based on the address where the student lives and the availability of places in the surrounding government schools.


International Schooling

The admission requirements for international schools are a bit simpler than those for government schools. Most international schools have their own admissions tests, and the acceptance rate is still very high. Generally, if the materials are sufficient and correct, there will be no problem with the degree.

International schools also have language exams for the middle and upper grades, while there are no strict requirements for the lower grades (they may take a second language class after enrollment to help children keep up with school Xi).


private school

Singapore's private primary and secondary schools have a low admission threshold and more choices, as long as the school has a place, you don't need to pass the AEIS exam to pass.

However, each school will have an Admissions Aptitude Assessment, and the school will use the results of the aptitude assessment to determine which grade level is most suitable for the student.

Comparison of pathways to higher education


Government schools

After attending a government school in Singapore, you can follow the Singapore education system all the way, from the Primary 6 National Entrance Examination, O Level, A Level, all the way to the university. You have to go through layers of screening and triage, but you have a good chance of being admitted to Nanyang Technological University and the National University of Singapore, two well-known universities in Asia!

Understand the complex education system in Singapore, understand the pathways to further education, and choose the most suitable path.


International Schooling

The IB diploma is recognized by nearly 1,000 universities around the world, which is a good springboard for students who plan to transfer to European and American countries.

Understand the complex education system in Singapore, understand the pathways to further education, and choose the most suitable path.

Singapore has more participants in 2023 than last year's 1,739, but the results are slightly lower than last year's, and this year's global pass rate and global average score are lower than last year's, which shows that this year's IB exam is more difficult than last year.

  • Singapore's IBDP average score of 35.05 is higher than the global average and lower than last year's average of 37.49.
  • The global average score is 30.24 (slightly lower than last year's 31.98).
  • Of Singapore's 1,894 students, 409 achieved a score of 40 or above.
  • Singapore has a pass rate of 94.79%. The global pass rate is 79.35% (85.6% in May 2022).
  • The number of students enrolled in the IBDP in Singapore is 1,894, compared to 1,739 last year.
  • There are 179 students around the world who scored 45 points.
  • The global IBDP average score is 4.84.

The international schools in Singapore that offer the IB curriculum include: United World College Southeast Asia, Canadian International School, Stanford International School in the United States, Australian International School, Lyre International School, etc.

In addition, there are AP courses, AP is the main reference standard for college admissions in the United States, and the school teaching of the AP system is in line with the primary and secondary schools in the United States, and the adaptation period for students to transfer and go to the United States is shorter.

The international schools in Singapore that offer AP courses are: Stanford American International School, Singapore American International School, etc.

If you want to apply to a prestigious British university, such as Cambridge, Oxford and other universities close to the UK, IGCSE test results are one of the important references for application.

The international schools that offer IGCSE are: Rheas International School, St. Joseph's International School, Tanglin Trust International School.

In addition to the successful admission to Singapore's well-known public universities, a large number of international school graduates have successfully entered world-class higher education institutions with global reputations.


private school

Private schools, such as Sanyu Primary and Secondary School, can also take the AEIS exam while studying in school, and graduates can take the graduation entrance examination, PSLE exam and Cambridge O-level exam held by the Ministry of Education in the same way as students in Singapore government primary and secondary schools.

Understand the complex education system in Singapore, understand the pathways to further education, and choose the most suitable path.

Outstanding secondary school graduates from Singapore Sanyu Primary and Secondary School can progress to the Government of Singapore Polytechnic, Junior College or Overseas University Preparation Course.

Since the curriculum of Sanyu School is the same as that of Singapore's public primary and secondary schools, if students are unwilling to take the AEIS exam, they can study Sanyu and prepare for the AEIS exam at the same time! The end result is different.

In addition to Sam Yuk Secondary School, the St. Francis Wesleyan Church School in Singapore is also very good.

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